Gosh aren’t you just so treated? That’s right, I have another brilliant podcast interview to share with you today!
For this interview, Rach from The Rach Active Podcast and I had a delightful discussion about all things business.
I think Rach really describes our episode best:
I’m super excited to share this week’s episode featuring the lovely Leonie Dawson, CEO, award-winning entrepreneur, self-made multi millionaire, international best selling author and online business mentor.
For someone going from no background in business to running a multi million dollar business, all whilst working 10 hours a week, Leonie takes us behind the scenes and shares her insights into how she’s created the success and lifestyle that works for her.
Leonie is so fabulously transparent and open about her revenue streams, investments and how she runs her business, it was fab to get stuck into a range of fab topics like;
- How to make money doing what you love
- How to define success
- Women and the money conversation
- $4.5 million dollar net worth
- How to break through barriers to wealth and success
- How to change your negative money beliefs
- Creating a business that works for you and your lifestyle
- How to run a business without social media
- Scaling from a 6-figure to 7 or 8 figure business
Ready to listen?
Click HERE!
Love always,


- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
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- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- Goal Getter workbooks for 2022 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)