Dear Leonie,
I know it’s February.
And I know you still haven’t finished your own workbook. I know you had giant hopes and big dreams.
I know you’ve tried really, really hard. And it just hasn’t happened. And I know you are feeling a little sad that your kit is sitting, waiting for you, a little bit too blank.
Life happened, and all that January dreaming ran away.
I want to remind you:
It’s never too late to start.
We think we need to have all our goals for the year sorted by 1 January of each year.
And we pile on all this pressure – and then life happens, and we don’t. We don’t do it perfectly. Or we don’t do it at all.
So we try to ignore it. We give up. We think maybe next year. Maybe next year I’ll get it perfect and right.
Begin again.
Remember when we didn’t make my Word of the Year artwork until April last year? And when we did do it, it was just the reminder we needed?
We needed to focus on our intentions again.
I want you to know:
Our goddess lives and years are a creative and soulful work-in-progress.
Each day, we can keep adding to it, making it richer, lovelier and more beautiful.
Each day, we add our soul’s starlight to our life.
Begin again.
Make it true, and make it real for you right now.
The first of January wasn’t that one day to make it all perfect and right. It holds no more significance than today.
Today is the place of empowerment – where we can choose again & make our changes.
Each day we wake up is another day on our Goddess paths.
Each day we get to choose the journeys we are going to make…
for today… for our year… for our lives.
Begin again.
Start now.
Everything is possible.
Everything is new.
I love you with all my heart, dear, sweet self.
I believe in you.
big love,
P.S. Remember to tell other goddesses too… just incase they are suffering from January-first-perfection-itis too. You can’t be the only one.
P.P.S. I really love & adore you.