Hola gorgeous goddesses!
This post is brought to you by the annual work team Christmas party. It was inspired at the exact moment I was mowing down a lamb kebab and supping on a champagne frappe, and GT said: “Oh look, the vegetarian hippy has become an alcoholic carnivore!”
Well – the exact moment of inspiration in fact was when I had a moment of guilt/shame/self-judgment about it. I wanted to write today about the path of becoming okay with all parts of ourselves. Even the bits we don’t share loudly.
Loving the Incongruous Parts
So we have these big beautiful parts of ourselves that we love to share and be known for. Maybe we’re known for being wise, well-rounded, grounded, happy, compassionate, giving, generous, smart. You know – all the nice things. The things that it’s nice to be known for. Things that feel like they are part of our identity and soul story.
What happens with the rest of our “stuff”? What happens with the rest of our personality – our brazen bits, our marvellous bumps and lopsidedness, our parts which seem to not correlate at all with the rest of us?
Can we find a place of unconditional acceptance – and even possibly – irreverent joy for all the parts of us that make us US? The parts that don’t make sense, the parts that aren’t part of your personal brand and style, the parts which add a rich depth to the glorious human being you are?
I’d like to offer that place for myself today.
Sometimes I am, sometimes I am not.
Most of the time, I’m vegetarian, and I love it. I feel peaceful and healthy when I am. It’s only been in recent months that I’ve eaten meat for iron. I would like to love myself for this as well. Most of the time, I don’t drink, preferring to stay as grounded and clear-energy as possible. I love not drinking. Sometimes, I drink, when the moment calls me. And I will love myself for this too.
Last night on the phone, my dear friend Flower Woman {ooh! it’s totem name day again!} told me about seeing Jerry, Esther Hicks and Abraham speak. What she loved most about the day was Abraham saying that it didn’t matter what *anyone* did on their spiritual journey. As long as we chose our freedom and did what was right for ourselves along the way, that was the perfect way. There was no one perfect way for *everyone* to follow. It was up to each of us to find that for ourselves.
These are the perfect words for this day. Today I’m taking a stand for my incongruous parts – for the parts that don’t fit the picture perfectly, but do fit ME. Today I honour the choices I make every moment – for me – that are free and good for me.
Talking Stick Circle…
Today, I wish to love and honour every part of me. The parts that sometimes I am, and sometimes I am not. The times when I am funny, unfunny, silly, serious, wild, conservative, cranky, brazen, tired, free, swearing raucously, sacred space in a tipi to crazy dancing in a nightclub, being wise, irreverent, aloof, centred, unbalanced. All of this. All of me. Loving all of it.
And what about you, beautiful soul?
What parts of yourself do you want to claim as your own today? The incongruous and sometimes parts?
I imagine us holding these parts of ourselves in a soft nest of non-judgement and irreverent joy, whispering to our nest: You are me, and I love you.
I love us, from my nest to yours,
The Creative Goddess e-course & Circle begins January 15. Start the New Year with six weeks of creativity, inspiration and soulfulness. Includes projects, videos, MP3 meditations and an online circle.