Let your dreams grow Geisha Goddess
Thank you deeply for your support in my Off to India sale.
The sale continues, so if you are interested in something, get in now. I’m now low in stock in a number of prints and am not sure when I will reprint again (if at all). You can see remaining stock at my Goddess Etsy store. Happy days!
Also, I’ve just sent out my Sweet Spring newsletter… if you’d like to receive a copy and future ones, email me (leonie@gmail.com) to be added.
Speaking of happy days, welcome to springtime, blossoms, skirts over jeans, and green loving. Joyful Photos from a damp suburban walk today with my trusty little Samsung V3.

“Grab your coat, and get your hat,
Leave your worry on the doorstep
Just direct your feet,
To the sunny side of the street.”
– Dorothy Fields

“May what I do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back”
– Rilke

be blessed,