Gosh I’ve been finding some bloody wonderful things lately to read, think about, be inspired by.
And… you guessed it… NONE OF IT WAS ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
Settle in with a cup of tea as I take you on a roaming tour of Glorious Things I’ve found!

- Because I’m officially middle aged, I’ve developed a deep yearning to return to the Mother Country (i.e. England & Denmark). The best AirBNBs in the UK had me SWOONING.
- How to deal with creative rejection – by my pooky bear Katie.
- What I think, not what I thought – the gift of short term business planning.

- The picture above and this post from Effy Wild made me cackle & nod furiously:
I’ll never tell you what you should or shouldn’t do in the realm of relationships, but I’ve listened to enough of this stuff from various sources to suspect that “twin flame” relationships seem to be nothing more than insecure, anxious attachment styles colliding with avoidant attachment styles in disguise. These kinds of relationships seem to create trauma bonds that keep one party stuck in a holding pattern far, far longer than is healthy….
The whole thing. Garbage. Trash. I’ve been in therapy way too long to buy this bullshit anymore. I’m over it. I’m not here for it.
- I’m fascinated watching Design Mom’s restoration of a centuries-old home in France… especially this post about her making limewash paint!
- Mr Money Mustache on investing in bubbles.
- The Incredible Video Game Box Designs of Hock Wah Yeo
- Saying no in order to say yes. When I had my first baby (who never slept) I suddenly had to get very very good at focussing on ONLY the shit that was mission critical.

Accurate. via John Saddington.
- Found & fell hard in love with Frugalwoods this week. Talking about money in sane, sensible ways, with bonus touches of LIVING IN THE FUCKING WOODS WOO! Have been consuming their blog whole. Their Reader Case Studies are particularly brilliant. I even started their book last night as well, so the obsession is gripping.
- An infertility story in comics.
- 10 Reasons To Write A Book – from Seth Godin.
- John Saddington has been sharing comics about Autism all this month. These two are some of my favourites.

I can’t stop laffing over this. So simple. So great. Via, of course, The Oatmeal.
- Craig Mod’s short video about pizza toast is beautiful. I feel like I just visited a Japan for a few moments.
- Paul Quit The Internet: I followed Paul Jarvis for years online… and then he quit the internet. This is the podcast episode about why he decided to delete his personal brand and stop his newsletter with 30,000 subscribers.
- An analogue autoresponder. Just brilliant.
- Also from Cal Newport: In Defense of Thinking.

- I haven’t stopped thinking about Austin Kleon’s diagram above of Books That Suck You In & Books That Spin You Out.
- Blockchain: The Amazing Solution For Absolutely Nothing.
- I’m A Person of Colour & Suddenly Everyone Is Interested In Me: Something Bad Must Have Happened
- The New Dot Com Bubble Is Here: And It’s Online Advertising. This fascinates me… especially since I just don’t really like paying for Facebook ads. I’ve built 95% of my business on organic traffic and word of mouth.
Marketers are often most successful at marketing their own marketing.
Is online advertising working? We simply don’t know.
- The way Joshua Kennon buys a car makes me laff. Total inspo for how I want to buy my next car… I DETEST buying cars because of the time & shenanigans involved!
I called a local car dealership while Aaron was taking care of something else, gave them a list of specific VINs that interested us, and asked that they send us a list of their bottom-line prices; that we would not counter or negotiate because we didn’t have the time. Rather, if the price was good enough, we’d come in and buy the car, if it wasn’t, we wouldn’t even bother returning their call. Within ten or fifteen minutes, the gentleman who had given us his card during one of our test drive trips called us back and gave a list of bullet points, model by model.

- Hollister & Porter Hovey’s home tour is just brilliant. I fucking LOVE the way they just paint whatever shit they want in their house!
- Living Like It’s 1999: No Social Media & No Phone – FASCINATING:
Life is not just more peaceful without a smartphone, it has great effects on your productivity too. More ideas, better results, memory, concentration… Most of the good ideas I have brainstorming are during these moments where everyone’s on their smartphone, waiting in line, commuting on the subway, etc… These “waiting” moments when you can instead let your mind go free and wonder.
Opening your phone every time you are bored kills your creativity and imagination.
Hope this brings so much joy & inspiration to you!
Just remember… this world is FULL of good and inspiring things! Make sure you’re spending your valuable attention on the important things!
Big love,