Hola darlinghearts,
Three pieces of inspiration to share with you today.
They all made me gasp with delight.
I read this quote on the weekend, and I honestly did a double take when I read it, before squeeing YESSSSSS! It affirms a fundamental principle of humanity that I hold dear.
“Although human beings are capable of being selfish, lustful and aggressive, that is not what they are fundamentally. Beneath the surface, at the psychological and biological core of human nature, we find basic goodness and decency. When people appear to be something other than good and decent, it is only because they are reacting to stress, pain or the deprivation of basic human needs such as security, love and self-esteem.”
– Abraham Maslow
How amazing is that? #soamazing

It was my mother-in-law’s birthday on the weekend. We celebrated by spending pretty much the entire weekend on the verandah, BBQ-ing and eating and talking and reading and blue butterfly spotting. On Sunday afternoon, Starry got a bit overstimulated from the laid-back celebrationfest… so I ended up making her a little nest on her mini trampoline. She curled up on there, surrounded by her beloved puppies + mermaid toy + dog toy + books. And it was the most beautiful sight… one that curled up in my heart.
It honestly felt like such a beautiful affirmation that all the work we’ve done – as a family, in my business, in our lives… to create the life we wanted… it’s come true. And I’m so glad I get to cultivate this life for my daughter. I’m so glad this is her childhood.
Also: now to make a giant nest bed for the Leonie!
Once upon a time, I sent myself off to boarding school. And honestly peeps, it was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself – I was so tired of being bullied at my old (state-run, small town) high school. It seemed like there was a chronic case of dickheadedness there, and I left so I didn’t catch it.
ANYHEWSLES, I chose a lil boarding school that was out of the way + filled with kids off remote cattle properties around Northern Australia + Papau New Guinea. Everyone there was kind of just nice and excited to have human contact really, so dickheadedness was contained only to those unfortunate ones that were born with it and weren’t able to shake it off.
I met some really beautiful souls there. One of them was one of the 13 year old girls I looked after (because, you know, I was a totes responsible 16 year old). Leanne was a ridiculously sweet, kind soul with an angel voice. We spent a lot of time hanging out at the music house (she was there to actually, you know, practice music. I was there to practice kissing boys. #justsoyouknow)
Years later we reconnected, and keep weaving magic together.
She’s still making music. She’s the lead singer of an awesome band — LittleLam. (I still practice kissing boys, but there’s only one of them now, and he’s mega hot. Also, probably not classed as a “boy.” #justsoyouknow)
Anyways, Leanne messaged me to let me know she’d written a song after reading this post of mine.
At which point I melted into a puddle of happy.
SO happy to be doing this work. SO happy to be witnessing others doing theirs.
Behold, the magic that is:
How effing rad is life?
big love,