Hola scrumptious pie!

Happy SoS day!

For the uninitiated – SoS is that day of the week we switch offline and go live up our gorgeous lives off the screen. You can SoS the whole day, an afternoon or just a few hours. Just make it intentional, and see what miracles bloom forth!

So here’s my plans for my SoS:

– Make some felafels. Om nom nom!
– Pack pack pack like a packing monkey. Only 21 days to go! Eeeep! I’m simultaneously excited, a little teary at leaving our home here, and breathless at the thought of our leap of faith. Holy dinger!
– Preparing for our Cupcake Going Away Extravaganza Morning Tea next Sunday! GF vanilla cupcakes and GF zucchini pesto muffins are on ze menu.
– Keep reading Karen Maizen Miller’s HAND WASH COLD. She is now probably my favourite writer of the past few years. Eloquent, loving, human, mindful. So good I try and ration the book out. Please write more books Karen!

What about you dearest?

How will you spend your luscious SoS?

I’d love to hear your plans!

big switched off love!