Hola gorgeous Goddesses,
It’s that time of the week again… Switch Off Sunday!
Each Sunday, I take either the whole day or the afternoon off from being online.
Last Switch Off Sunday recap
Last Sunday {the first official Switch Off Sunday} was heavenly. I ended up reading a completely trashy and wonderful chick lit novel {something I never usually do} in the sunshine. In a word, it was scrumptious. Afterwards, I did one of my favourite things in the world – rearranged books in my bookshelf. Things feel so right in this world when my books are in thematic order. hee hee hee!
I noticed Switch Off Sunday has a kind of contagious affect on the rest of my week too. Yesterday afternoon, I found myself scrolling through Google Reader & my usual list of forums – anything to feel interested and passionate again. Then I realised – oh yeah. I can probably find that much better offline! So I switched off, and spent the rest of the afternoon journalling, clearing out my old altar, having a mini-bbq fire in the backyard, and stretching. Instant gloriousness!
So today…
You are so welcome to join me in switching off, for the day or the afternoon or two hours… and re-discovering the joys of being switched onto life outside the laptop.
Facebook, Google Reader, Twitter, blogs and your inbox will all be there tomorrow waiting for you. But Sundays are for beautiful recharging 🙂
Here’s some ideas for what to do to make today your own Switch off Sunday:
- Discover the joys of having a meditationap!
- Find an old journal. Either reclaim it, write the final pages of it, or tear out & burn the pages that didn’t get written in. You’ll feel an amazing feeling of completion!
- Make a space for fairies in your garden, or windowsill.
- Rearrange a space in your home that doesn’t feel like it flows.
- Give yourself permission to not DO anything at all.
Sounds good, no?
My plans for my Switch Off Sunday:
- Go to a medieval festival with my love & our friend Kayles… eat scrumptious food and watch JOUSTING! oh yes… JOUSTING!
{Funny story: Kaylia said to me – Can’t wait for the medieval fair! We shall swan about like fair maidens! And I look down at my ripening belly and say: Ummmm… I’m not really sure if I can legitimately pass as a maiden anymore hon! Funny, but deep all at once}. - Make some gluten free banana bread for my love to take to work {and for me to eat for breakfast}
- Work on another Stuff Pile from my studio… going through old projects, and either finishing them or laying them to rest… completion feels really, really good right now.
Time to switch off… and sup on this sumptuous day.
What are you planning for your Switch off Sunday?
love you big time,