Hola my darlinghearts,
There’s SIX years of magic and archives and love and spirit on Goddess Guidebook, this dream of mine come true.
It feels like a day to celebrate… with my top ten Goddess Guidebook posts.

My Things To Do This Life List.
Five years ago, I started writing a list. Of all the things I wanted to do with my life.
And then they started coming true.

The Wild Donkey Secret to Getting Stuff Done.
Don’t read it unless you have a cowgirl hat & a heart full o dreams.

What you need to learn from 3 glorious goddesses who have 283 years of reckless, joyful, heart-soaked living under their belt.

How to Meditate – for Lazy People
If you’re not meditating – it’s not because you’re lazy.
It’s because you haven’t found the way to make it fun yet.
Read this guide, mmmkay? And then make meditation really doable & gentle & lovely & luscious for you.
Do meditation YOU-style.
*high five*

Because this particular constellation of cells & life & mermaid hair?
She needs art. And quiet. And writing.
So she can be whole.

Downloaded a bazillion & one times.
Because it’s rainbow & zen & awesome.
12 habits to make your day better. All in a handy dandy yummy poster.

The story of my incredible older brother. He had disabilities & he lived le crap outta his life. (That’s how the French say it, ya know?)

Mermaid Daughter’s Birth Story
Giving birth to my daughter was epic-magical-intense-medicine-soaked.

The Worst Thing in the World Could Be The Best Thing
Impossible, but true. I cry every time I read this one again.
What you might need to hear right now.
Time for a group hug, me thinks!!!
love + art + miracles + wonders,