front yard autumn leaf. yesterday.
“I lead you, Queen of the maze, in the darkness free of the sun;
hid from the wrath of the days we are wed, we are wild, we are one!”
~ Khoury/Aleister Crowley
I wrote an email to the incredible ellanita ~ my women’s circle leader ~
and it described so much better my shift.
I feel as though I’ve changed directions on the medicine wheel. There has been a noticeable shift within me. Autumn has come, summer is over. In the last patch of time, my energies have been focussed on the external ~ on others, on promoting my website, in “producer” mode of sorts. The time has come to retreat a little into myself. I want to begin writing more for myself. Disengage to a degree from the internet and find peace and balance. It’s been a really tender, beautiful process.
The circle we had at autumn equinox was a catalyst to this. Without even realising I began taking stock of the seed I had sown. There are pastures growing now, and I am taking time to watch them grow. To harvest. I am stepping back into reflective mode. Creative mode. Whittling instruments out of bark and wood that I have grown.
My book will soon be out ~ all that needs to happen now is time ~ sweet time ~ to bring the book over the oceans, and let it grow. Wings unfurling into a new world.
A gorgeous friend of mine, melissa wrote recently on her website ~
“I am reminded of baby chicks on my Uncle’s farm. The way they enter the world is by emerging from their hard shells. And the hatching starts from the inside.”
That describes so beautifully where I am at right now.
I want to return inside. Because that’s where the hatching begins.
You spoke about visualising taking the steps down into the underworld. I feel like I didn’t have to visualise. Persephone took me by the hand and is guiding me down. I can feel her hand on my wrist – soft, gentle, firm, guiding. Persephone, my friend.”

Many blessings on your equinox journeys.