Hola my darling hearts
Christmas is over.
And may I just say:
It feels actually rather ding dang lovely for it to be done.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m so deeply craving balance, routine & quiet in my life.
It’s been an intense few weeks of energy building and expectationing, and now it’s over, I can drop it all to the floor and say:
Not like the scream “Aah”. Just the outward exhale “Aah.”
My hands are still all stiff & swollen from carpal tunnel, forcing me into the holiday I promised I would take but never managed to.
The to-do list loomed too large on the horizon, but the hands won out.
There’s not much that can be done when your hands refuse to work and claim this holiday as your own.
I said to my love this morning:
I think I need more of this. I need more of a holiday. It’s been such a big year, and where I’m usually champing at the bit to do more work, right now my body + heart are all
“Nuh-uh. Oh no you don’t lady.”
I woke up before dawn this morning, soothing my restless owl baby back into slumber. I’m always amazed at how these wee babes look still like tiny newborn kangaroos nuzzling for teat when they are still half in slumber land.
I lay there awake for a long while after, in the light sparkled indigo of the morning.
It feel like my spirit was trying to tell me something.
So I asked:
What do I need to know?
And the answer came, strong:
You need nourishment. Restoration. Your healing is not complete yet. You need to rebuild more. You need to give into yourself. Take care of your body and your health and your mind. Rejuvenation.
When I opened my eyes again, the sky was bright.
And I remembered the words, the wisdom I had been told.
This body of mine – beautiful, strong, courageous body. This one that works so hard, that has born a child and wears her on her hip, the one that still wakes every few hours to soothe her daughter… it needs even more restoration and rebuilding and kindness. As does this soul.
I’m so very proud of who I am, of the journey I have taken, from birthing to post natal depression to making all my dreams come true… to supporting my family, to making kind & joyful my main mode of mood wherever I can, to learning some ding dang huge lessons about how to be a truthful, sovereign, loving, discerning soul… to giving as much as I can to help souls find their way back home…
and I know it’s time to give back to myself. Be kind and soft and loving to my spirit and my body.
That’s what this restoration is all about.
I’ve booked in for a long massage, and an intuitive healing session, and am getting a food allergies test as well.
I’ve been gluten free for 2.5 years now which has been the best ever for my body & weight & levels of radiance… but I still feel there is something more. Perhaps quitting sugar? I’m also noticing that sugar tends to exacerbate & create anxiety levels, while protein soothes. I’m learning so much about this incredible body of mine.
I’ve been turning to the recipe book from the Radiant Goddess e-course again – whenever I eat from it, I feel so clean, green & revitalised. Who woulda thunk it?
I know there are going to be big & beautiful things awaiting in 2012, and it will all work out in good time.
But for now:
Rest, Rejuvenation, Repair.
Which has kind of been the longest introduction ever for this recipe, but I really wanted to share my story to you, my tribe.
Whenever I find myself over-sugarred, tired or like I’m lacking in essential vitamins, I turn to these babies:
The Wonder of the Goddess Green Smoothie
Goddess Green Smoothies are perfect for:
- 3pm energy boostups
- Super filling breakfasts
- Anytime you are feeling rundown.
These smoothies will make you feel radiant like NOTHING ELSE. As I tell goddesses in my Radiant Goddess e-course: if you only do ONE thing to feel so much healthier with tonnes more energy, just drink one of these smoothies.
Oh & don’t be like me = when I first tried to make a green smoothie I made ze most foul blend of green onions and lettuce ever known to hit the planet. You should really try making something that is actually delicious. Because WHO KNEW? We actually have TASTE BUDS!
Anyways. Enjoy ze cute baby show.
And enjoy the bonus additions of:
- me managing to talk about sex & periods in a kitchen show (I AM SO TALENTED)
- the lovely soundtrack of Mower Repair Man Testing Out WhipperSnipper Next Door.
If you’re interested, there is a group of goddesses working through the Radiant Goddess e-course together starting January 1 :: all you need to do is sign up to be a Goddess Circle member (plus you’ll get ALL my other e-courses & workbooks & meditation kits with it as well… SO much inspiration, guidance and resources for your year).
We run this course every year at this time because it’s such a perfect time to bring your body back into alignment and shining and radiantness… just like my body is telling me right now too 🙂
Thank you always for being here. I’m sending you SO much love, kindness, rejuvenation & restoration during this season & always.