Hola gorgeous Goddess!

How’s your week been, my love? I hope it’s been simply scrumptious!

I have no idea what to call these megalithic hodge-podge posts of updates + photos + links… I keep thinking I should have some fancy shmancy series all neatly packaged up in an easily digestible tidbit… but I’m resisting putting rules on this. This sharing, just the way it comes. It feels like my life and brain – full to the brim with life,  mamahood, creating + business stuff – is incapable of doing anything much except dot points laden with love.

Ready? Okaysies! Share-a-thon!

Leonie’s week=

Having a weekend of Supreme Rest. I was feeling way run down & a weekend of stillness & naps & TV watching was just the remedy. Danggit, I find it SO HARD to give myself Permission To Do Nothing. But holy dinger it is needed. And it feels so so so good when I do. Restorative. Soul-stillness.

Finishing up a few projects that have been waiting! EXCITED! The very helpful and magical Unicorn Guide went out to my Goddess Circle sisters. I finally got some cahones & sent out big packages of the greeting card range I designed a few years ago to greeting card companies. YIPPEE! {It was on my Things To Do This Life List & I decided now was it’s time!} Aaaaaand… I’m nearly finished getting the 2011 edition of the Creating your Goddess Year workbook done! {It’s going to have a printable CALENDAR too! Hurrrrah!}

Watching: Gene Simmons Family Jewels {Chris is a big ole KISS fan & I dig Gene’s entrepreneurial spirit}, Community & Modern Family.

Reading: Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. It’s making my brain {and mama heart} open and widen and get clearer.

And a week in Facebook updates…

Have you ever wondered what your life looks like from Facebook updates?

Here’s what you missed this week if you’re not friends with me on Facebook:

Reason #672 I will never have a fashion blog: Today’s outfit: Grey Ghostbusters T-shirt & grey yoga pants.

Besotted in love with new rainbow chakra prayer flags hanging in our room. Like, I will bear its tiny prayer flag babies kinda love.

Today’s Real Goddess Wears: Hunky love’s green animal camouflage tshirt from Singapore Zoo. And terrible 80’s black+white pants with printed words all over them. I look freaking DELIGHTFUL.

Having a nap while I hear Chris fixing stuff on ze roof and trimming hedges. I need my energy restored so i can perve on him later.

Just finished up a little guide on starting up your art business over at the Goddess Circle. This life makes me happy. That is all. ♥ ♥ ♥

Grateful to my love for: 1. Bringing me fresh jocks and pants after a shower. 2. Being such an amazing, loving Daddy to our little mermaid. 3. Cleaning our lil cottage. 4. Understanding and hearing me. 5. Being hot.

Here’s what I learned from this exercise:

1. I sound like I’m a bit Chris-obsessed. Funny that. I AM.

2. I wear hot clothes. And clean jocks, thanks to Chris.

3. I want to be friends with that funny chick named Leonie. She sounds like my kind of wacky blend of awesome and scrumptious.

The End.

And your weekly dose of a little goddess I like to call Mermaid Daughter…

This girl totally has my heart.

Aaaaaand! Here’s what’s inspired me on ze interwebs this week…

A letter to women from the heart of a warrior in transition. This really touched me.

Really, REALLY inspired by Dean Wesley Smith’s idea for the new world of publishing & an option to take when trying to get a book published.

Can you please please remind me to make one of these gorgeous play cubbies for Miss Mermaid when she’s big enough. OH GAWD. I just had a flash-forward to seeing her as a little curly-blonde fairy running in and out ze cubby door. *heartgasm* Please excuse me while I go have a little weep.

On the Importance of Having Space by ze goddess Sarah Wilson

The Myth of the Pre Baby Body

When Women Circle by Goddess Maggie Ann

When women circle there is a spirit created that holds, caresses, sings to, inspires, sets afire every soul present. When women circle the intentions spoken are carried on wings of prayer and affirmed so powerfully that a velocity is created which heightens the speed of their manifestation in what we call reality. When women circle the world changes, vibrations resound, echoing the pulse of sacred hearts of love joined in unity.

And some very silly videos…

Three videos that tottttally tickled my very silllly funny bone… to make you giggle on this fine day! WE NEED MORE GIGGLES! WE NEED THEM NOW!

{swearing in this one}

The inappropriate yoga guy had me in guffaws of laughter… have you met him in your yoga classes?

I’ve met similar in shamanic drumming circles!

And if you are a twitter twit like me…

Let’s bring it in tight darlingheart… time for a GROUP HUG!

big love & great spirit,