Hola fellow unicorn riders (we loved them before it was hipster cool)!
The last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking a whole LOTTA lot about business, because we’re just about to launch a new Amazing Biz and Life Academy program called the Double Your Biz Intensive.
But if you don’t have a biz yet, you might be feeling a bit left out. Maybe you’ve got a glimmer, a hope, a dream, but you’re not there yet. You’ve got nothing to double!
Well don’t fret darling hearts! I haven’t forgotten you!
We’ve had the Business Goddess ecourse available in the Academy for some time now, and it’s the perrrrrrrfect place to start if you’re just starting out with your biz—or even just nurturing the first spark of an idea. And if you’re in that space right now, I want you to know that I’m with you, and I have three simple steps you must know about as you jump on this wild donkey journey!
3 Simple But Essential Steps To Starting A Biz You Love
1. Start
First, you must get started. Oh, sounds so damn simple I know… but it’s where SO many peeps get tripped up! This is where your fear, your resistance, your inner demons, your nasty critical voice are all going to leap outta the murky forests of your subconscious mind and jump ya. They’ll tell you that you’re not good enough, that it’s not the right time, that you’re not cut out for business.
You’re going to have a thousand and one reasons why you can’t or you shouldn’t or you mustn’t do this thing that’s calling you. How do you overcome them?
Simple, babe.
You’re going to feel afraid and sick. You might cry. You might wonder if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur.
Just start.

You’re not going to know how to do this thing or that thing that you need to do. You won’t know where the money is coming from to make it happen. You won’t know how to get clients or send an invoice, or create a website.
Start anyway.
And if you’ve already started, start again.
Starting is a mindset. It’s a spiritual place. Every year, every month, every season, every week, every DAY we get the chance to start again. Every single breath we take is a new beginning. Starting is a gift.
Every time I have reached a milestone or a goal, I’ve realized that it’s not the finish line at all: it’s the starting line for something totally new.
Every time you reach a new level, whether it’s launching your website, getting your first client, getting your 100th client, hitting six figures, hitting seven figures—there will be something new to learn, something more to know.
So just start.
The best companion you can have is education, resources you can turn to that will help you take those first steps. That’s why I built the Academy: so you could have access to all my best knowledge in one single place.
So my educational recommendations – when you’re ready to start a new business, check out the Business Goddess course; when you’re ready to grow, you get the Double Your Biz Intensive; when you’re ready to delegate you can use the How to Hire, Grow & Keep A Six-Figure Team.
I can help you every step of the way.
All you have to do is take the first step.
The monsters lose their power when you courageously move forward. Inertia breeds inertia. Momentum breeds momentum.
Be the kind of goddess that starts and moves and just damn well DOES it!

2. Be Ridonkulously Useful
It doesn’t matter what you do – whether you’re selling sweet sparkly star-encrusted sweaters for kittens or power tools or life coaching or yoga – you MUST be useful.
Your business must be useful in everything you do.
Your products must be useful, yes. (And yes! Luxury is useful! Beauty is useful! Entertainment is useful! Soul warming is useful!) But I truly believe in being useful at every single point of contact with your customers and potential customers.
- Is your website useful?
- Is your blog useful?
- Is your newsletter useful?
- Are your Facebook updates, tweets, Instagram photos useful in some way?
Ask yourself:
Am I giving my all? Am I doing my best? Am I keeping my customers in mind with everything I do?
Are you being a leader of your community? Big or small, local or global, are you taking care to nurture that community you’re building?
Are you giving them what they need? Are you giving them what they want? (Or are you giving them what you THINK they need and want, instead?)
The interwebs are getting noisy, ducklings. There is a lot of noise and static and FLUFF out there with very little meaning behind it. Are you going to chase after that craziness with cat memes and mustaches and bacon, or are you going to be the calm in the storm?
I am not saying be boring. EVERYBODY KNOWS, I don’t do boring! I do colorful and goddesses and rainbows and unicorns and SWEARING and TMI and beaches and rainforests and joy.
I don’t do boring.
But I don’t do meaningless, either.
I do fun. I do entertaining. I do beauty and light and love in whatever way I can. I do useful in the way I know that you want me to be useful. It’s my soul’s purpose, and I reaalllllly encourage you to find and do yours.

3. Keep Going
What do you do after you start? You keep going!
How do you double your biz? Keep going!
(P.S. In case you were wondering: You can’t double something that you STOP DOING!!!)
Oh, and that fear? That resistance you felt when you were starting?
It doesn’t go away. SORRY! I still feel it. I notice it when I’m on the edge of something new, and I LOVE it because it tells me to wake up! Something’s happening. Pay attention. It’s SUCH a beautiful opportunity to heal the next layer for me. Entrepreneurship is such a powerful spiritual journey, a place where ya gotta face all your shit and really do self development on a big scale.
So yeah… the fear doesn’t go away. It gets easier though. When you face your monsters once, it’s not as scary the second, eighth or twentieth time around.
It’s like “Oh hey! You again! What do you have to teach me this time? Coz you know I’m not staying stuck and listening to you, right?”
That’s why you have to keep going.

Keep on…
Keep starting. Keep being useful. Keep learning. Keep trying new things. Keep ditching the things that don’t work. Keep listening to your soul and what it wants to do. Keep listening to your customers and what they want from you. Keep changing. Keep trying.
Keep going.
Because if you do these things? You CANNOT fail.
Here’s to your beautiful shining light.
You have a gift to share with the world, sweet soul.
Shine bright.

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