Hola gorgeous souls!
Judging by the popularity of the last book post, I think I’m not the only bookaphile out there!
Everytime I visit a dear friend’s house, my favourite activity is spying out their bookcase.
So let’s play virtual bookcase tour!
Today’s topic! Creativity & writing books!!! Perfect for artists & writers & dreamers!!!
Here’s my uber favourites for creativity & writing books:
1. The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron
This is the consummate go-to book on creativity. It’s a three month course on reclaiming the artist inside you again. Even if you don’t get through the three months – I’ve tried three times and always peter out around six weeks – you will still get bucketloads from dis book. LOADS OF BUCKETS. Gorgeous creating buckets!
2. The Right to Write – Julia Cameron
This book blew my head off. In a nice kinda way. This book is a ginormous permission slip to become a writer. Smart. Funny. Good. If you need support for your writer’s journey, this is the book to go to.
3. Letters to a Young Artist – Julia Cameron
Holy dinger, THREE Julia Cameron books in a row… what the? That’s because JC is THE goddess on creating stuff. Plus she’s ding dang prolific. I read this book every time I need my ass kicked back into creating.
It’s like a loving P.S. Get over yourself and get back to creating!
4. Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper – SARK
I heart SARK. She is in my personal pantheon of goddesses. She’s also a living rainbow of creativity, so when she brought out a book solely on writing, I was a bit enamoured. (Read: bit = ridiculously)
Plus! Weee-oooo! There’s a three page interview of me & Charlie the Happy Healer Dog in it too!
5. Living Out Loud – Keri Smith
Keri has gone on to create a ding dang load of creative manuals including How to be an Explorer of the World, Wreck This Journal, This is Not a Book & The Guerilla Art Kit but Living Out Loud remains my favourite.
Do check out her gorgeous new website too! Muchos inspiring!
6. Make your Creative Dreams Real – SARK
This one is practical and soul-restoring all at once. Perfect if you’ve got a dream wafting around in whimsy land that needs to find some roots in the physical world.
7. The Creative Habit – Twyla Tharp
Twyla is a dancer and a dedicated creator goddess. The Creative Habit is all about making creativity a – oh my goddess – a habit. Twyla isn’t into waiting for inspiration to strike, or muses to visit. She’s about creating day in, day out. Tis a good book, me say.
8. Lessons Every Goddess Must Know – Leonie Dawson
Heyooooo! What kinda self-believer would I be if I didn’t totally adore my own book?
I piled into this book everything I know about being a Creative Goddess… how to be a prolific creator, how to believe deeply in yourself & how to make wild, miraculous miracles of art.
It hit #4 on Amazon’s religion + spirituality category which is amaaaazing + has turned out to be way popular. It’s got a 5 star ranking on Amazon & some truly delicious reviews!
Plus, it’s turquoise. Everything is better with turquoise. Hee!!!!
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yours in creating amazingness,