Have had a feeling for a little while now how my life is becoming what I pictured, dream, wanted it to be…
This morning I woke up early and went to the pool and did aqua aerobics for the first time…. I am beginning to listen to my body and stretch and exercise and eat well… Aqua aerobics made my chest expand and ache in a good way and I felt so refreshed afterwards, and so pleased with myself for doing it 😀
Then I came home to my dear partner, and my dog, and our lil house with it’s lush garden blooming… and I watch the rain outside, with my hair curling from the wet, and realise how everything I’ve wanted is in one room.
Rain refreshes and renews… it is a catalyst for reflection and growth…

My dear dog Charlie ~ we have only had him for two months and yet he is our family now… our little love baby and our friend and companion and family.

And my boy ~ together we are growing in love and laughter. Moving past our egos and deeper into love.

So many little joys in my life, filling my house and my time…
I made muffins ~ fresh and tasty…. muffins anyone? The perfect thing for a rainy day!

My marigolds are growing ~ my first ever seedlings!

Laying on the bed this afternoon… I thought to myself ~ what more do I want? And there is not much more. I am writing, and I have my blog, and I just sold some art… I am taking photos… I feel like I am creating just how I should…
Whilst work isn’t the work I dream of, the people who surround me help me to keep the joy even during workhours.
I get to study part time to stretch my brain… and still *live* without study overtaking me…
There is so many joys in my life
and I feel like my cup is overflowing… or growing bigger to hold it all
Thank you for letting me share with you…
love and laughter,