my mama coming to stay for a month : divine decluttering to the zen zennith : getting our cottage ready for sale : a trip to emergency {we’re ok!} : an exploding lightpole outside our house at midnight : 12 weeks until we move : my first mama’s day {chris brought me a family photoshoot to celebrate… perfect just perfect… can’t wait!} : a bazillion morning tea dates to eat gf spinach & fetta muffins {just the 3 of us} : canberra getting brrrrrrrr cold again : finding utter affinity with other mamas : having a baby convention with chris’ cousin & friend & two sets of grandparents : thinking about the practical + nuturing nature of multi-generational living : still finding my feet of being a mama + lover + business goddess : going to bed at 6pm every night {it’s my best night-time feeding survival mechanism} : her first big smiles : how vocal she is + how she loves to play with sounds {i think she might be an early talker} : thinking “modern family” is hysterically funny : finding my way on my mama journey
and of course, typing all this with a sleeping mermaid in one arm, all jazzed up in a tie-dye wondersuit.
my arms, my heart, my life + my eyes are filled with her light.
happy sighs,