Want to cure CREATIVE BLOCK once and for ALL?
Want to create more PROFILICALLY than you ever dreamed possible?
Do you find yourself saying “I’m not an artist! I can barely draw stick figures!”
Or are you so WOUND UP in the fear of making a mistake that you forget to actually ENJOY making your art?
Cure your creative blocks + feel giddily uplifted
in just 6 weeks!
The next Creative Goddess e-course
begins SUNDAY APRIL 1.
Enrol NOW to be a part!
“Give me 6 weeks and I’ll show you how to create art WITHOUT blocks or misery…”
The Creative Goddess e-course is a six week journey unlike any other. You will create in a way you’ve simply never experienced before. It’s all about creating because it makes your spirit fly. Creating because it shows the colours of your soul. Creating in a way that frees you, uplifts you and reminds you what an amazing Goddess you are.
Art isn’t just a place of joy and paint-on-the fingers-glee (though that too is utterly delicious).

Creativity CAN be a place of IMMENSE JOY, healing, transformation + miracles for YOU…
It CAN a pathway to discovering the Goddess in You – your wisdom, your story and your beauty.
It CAN change your life from the inside out.
You CAN be more prolific + creatively abundant than you’ve EVER DREAMED POSSIBLE.
The Creative Goddess eCourse is a journey that is powerful, sacred, connected, inspired, healing, transformative and shining. You’ll finish the e-course with a whole new rush of inspiration & energy in your life & art. You’ll discover the wise, creative, joyful Goddess in you, and remember the spirited, rainbow-paint-on-hands artist YOU ARE.
It’s totally wonderful if you don’t feel like you are The Bestest Artist Who Has Ever Lived.
(Who needs to draw stick figures anyway?)
It’s utterly perfect if you are still working out your style, your voice, how your camera and paints work and what you want to share in this world.
(Right where you are is just so beautiful.)
What’s really important is this:
If you were born, you are an artist.
If you are a woman, you are a Goddess.
And if you are both of those things, then the Creative Goddess e-course is for you.
– Milena, United Kingdom
What an amazing gift you have given us all and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Goddess Liz
“Give me 6 weeks and I’ll show you how to create PROLIFICALLY + ABUNDANTLY…”
Here’s my own TRUE STORY of just how using the creative secrets in this course, I’ve created prolifically + abundantly… I’ve managed to make SO many of my creative dreams come true AND earn a six figure income from doing so!
I’ve written + published my first book at 22, held my first art show at 23, began leading women’s circles at 23, created my first retreat at 25, launched the Goddess Circle — a subscription-based women’s community for creatives of all kinds — at 27, and have guided thousands of women through transformational Circle experiences over the past 3 years. I’ve also released 5 e-courses — including my signature workshop for entrepreneurs, “Become A Business Goddess”, 4 meditation kits, 2 workbooks and 2 workbooks into the digital ether. I’ve created a mini goddess empire around my creations – with over 30 000 goddesses circling around my blog each month.

And just for fun, I had a baby, moved to tropical paradise with my hunky love + in my “spare time” wrote a second book that flew to the top of the Amazon best seller list (just beneath “The Secret!!!”)
My musings, art + wisdom have been featured on Problogger, Tiny Buddha, spirituality magazines like Goddess, Spellcraft, Life Images and Spheres, and in three of SARK’s best-selling books on creative fulfillment & freedom. And in the meantime, I’ve written 1500+ articles for my website, recorded hundreds of Goddess TV episodes, released dozens of free ebooks + podcasts… all in just a few hours a day.
I’m prolific, and my creative gifts have taken care of me + my family incredibly well.
ANYTHING is possible when you never – ever – have creative blocks!
And the secrets behind my prolificness are all held in the Creative Goddess e-course….

- You feel creatively blocked
- You want to deepen your experience of art from fun to sacred
- You are a creative type {photographer, artist, writer & scrapbooker} who are looking to experience art in a whole new way and have a whole new rush of inspiration
- You’re a frustrated wannabe creative soul & are longing to connect with that gorgeous, shining ARTIST part of yourself
- You find yourself saying “I’m not an artist! I can barely draw stick figures!”
- Or you find yourself so WOUND UP in the fear of making a mistake that you forget to actually ENJOY making art!
- You don’t make art for fear of it “not looking like the way it looks in my head!”
Here’s what gorgeous things you can expect from the Creative Goddess ecourse…
Every week you will be assigned Creative Goddess projects to do for the week in a range of creative mediums ~ you will be exploring new ways of creating and connecting with the gorgeous soul, wisdom & beauty inside you.
You’ll also receive throughout the course:
- 6 beautifully illustrated handmade ebooks + 3 workbooks guiding you on creating art as a sacred practice, how to find healing on your journey, walking through your stucknesses, how to create sacred space and discovering the Goddess in you.
- 6 amazing videos taking you behind the scenes into my world to discover the secrets curing your creative blocks
- 6 incredibly powerful 30 minute MP3 meditations that you can use over and over again. Just these 6 meditations alone are well worth the value of the course!

– Donna, USA
– Katrina A, USA
The Top 7 Reasons You Should Do The Creative Goddess e-course
- You will let go of ALL your creative blocks – easily, effortlessly, joyfully.
- You will become a better, more profilic creator!
- You will feel more empowered, inspired & courageous in your creating
- You will form a weekly meditation habit that will help you feel more relaxed, peaceful + calm
- You will connect with other Goddess sisters on the journey + finally have your own tribe
- You will discover hidden artistic talents you didn’t even know you had
- You will feel blissed out, inspired & much more like a Goddess!

Why the Creative Goddess e-course is SO important for creatives!
Here’s what some of the goddesses have said about the Creative Goddess eCourse:
– Sonya F, Australia
– Patricia M, Australia
“Goddess Leonie’s Creative Goddess e-course have given me the time and space to really FEEL creative inspiration. It has been such a gift to have some dedicated time to fill my creative well. I especially appreciate Goddess Leonie’s warm, magical, supportive and playful energy as she guides us on amazing Goddess journeys!”
– Silky Hart, USA

“A beautiful sisterhood and support network as well as a wonderful teacher for your journey to bring out your creative Goddess inside. This course has enabled me to truly “come out” to the wonderful goddess that I really am and to heal destructive images of myself. There are now days that I can actually say ‘I LOVE ME!”
– Goddess Kel
1. How will the course be run?
Every week I will send out by email all the course materials for the week. You’ll be able to listen to the MP3 meditations, read the ebooks, watch the videos and do the Creative Goddess projects at whatever time is delicious for you.
2. What creative medium will we be creating in?
The Creative Goddess eCourse will include projects in a range of creative mediums, including collage, painting, journalling, drawing, scrapbooking and sculpture. You can also elect to do some extra creating including dance and photography. Basically – it’s about getting you to unleash your Creative Goddess in all kinds of creative ways, and trying out new mediums you might not have tried before. If you’ve got any special requests for mediums, just ask, and I’ll see if I can include. And please don’t worry about requiring lots of equipment or materials for this course – you can adapt the mediums to work for you. This course is less about creating one specific thing in one specific way, and more about discovery, sacred exploring, soulful creating and going where your Creative Goddess energy is calling you!
3. Is there an minimum age limit for Goddesses to enrol?
No there’s not. I’ve had 13 year old goddesses already take the Creative Goddess ecourse. In the workshops I run live I regularly have little Goddesses involved. Children & teens are already gifted at creativity, living in the moment, being present & being open hearted, so they are such a beautiful part of courses!
4. I’m not an artist. I can’t even draw a stick person. What would I get out of this?
So so much, darlin! This is about creating in a way you’ve never experienced before. Creating because it makes your spirit fly. Creating because it shows the colours of your soul. Creating in a way that frees you, uplifts you and reminds you what an amazing Goddess you are. If you were born, you are an artist. If you are a woman, you are a Goddess. I’d so love for you to join this amazing, creative and inspiring time and see what blooms in your life.
5. I’m already a painter/dancer/writer. Would I get anything out of this?
I truly, truly think so. This e-course is intended to deepen your experience of both your art & life. We will be creating in all kinds of creative mediums as a chance for you to explore new ways of expressing your wild creative goddess self. And most importantly, we will be creating as a sacred practice, making art a space to hear your soul’s story and connect with the divine in you. You’ll finish the e-course with a whole new rush of inspiration & energy in your life & art. I’m really excited about what miracles will unfold during the e-course!
Let’s look at the incredible value you get from the Creative Goddess e-course
What You’ll Get |
Home Study Version |
VIP Pack! |
6 weekly projects delivered by video designed to help you CLEAR your creative blocks + develop incredible intuition! (worth $179.95) | ![]() |
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6 powerful meditation MP3s to guide you through the stages of creative block curing, fear-releasing, intuition-development + life transformation (worth $149.95) | ![]() |
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6 beautifully illustrated handmade ebooks + 3 workbooks (worth $79.95) | ![]() |
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An online forum + group of Creative Goddess soul sisters to work through the course with (worth $99.95) | ![]() |
Access to ALL my other e-courses (including the Business Goddess e-course), meditations + workbooks (worth a colossal $900!) | ![]() |
The Business Goddess e-course A complete guide–over 190 pages!!–for how to make money online, the blueprint of how I did it, 100+ ways to market magically, mindfully & joyously, and how to sane & joyful when business gets BUSY! And bonuses too: profiles of business gods & goddesses, becoming a business goddess workbook, & the Magic Money Maker kit! (worth $79) | ![]() |
Radiant Goddess E-Course A 21-day nutrition, movement & meditation journey to revitalise your body, mind & soul! You’ll be guided by gorgeous menu plans, movement plans, spirit + inspiration projects, and meditations to guide you as you reawaken your Radiant Goddess self. This is perfect if you’re ready to be moving, meditating, eating & discovering in a joyful, spirited goddess way. (worth $89) | ![]() |
Create Your Goddess Haven E-Course A six-week adventure for when you’re wanting & needing & craving a space that is a true haven for your the Goddess in you! This is a power packed workshop filled with divine decluttering, sacred space clearing + inspired interior design. Give me six weeks, and you’ll have the sanctuary you’ve always dreamed of! (worth $89) | ![]() |
Divine Dreaming Meditation Kit A meditation kit to help you get to sleep easier & have more divine dreams. This meditation will help you drift into slumber more easily, have wise + healing dreams, feel more revitalised when you awaken & have way more glorious days because your nights are so much more nourishing! (worth $49.95) | ![]() |
Releasing Fears Meditation Kit Use this meditation tolet go, be free, and shine. This meditation is powerful for whenever you’re feeling stuck, lost or down from any old pains and fears you may have. You’ll fell less stuck by your fears, stronger and clearer, and so much freer to chase your big, beautiful dreams! (worth $49.95) | ![]() |
Chakra Healing Meditation Kit A complete meditation to cleanse your chakras, heal & feel gorgeously light & shiny! This is a powerful tool for whenever you need healing. It will help you activate physical, spiritual & emotional healing all over your body. You’ll have more clarity, feel more joyful, and feel more connected with your angels + the Goddess inside you! (worth $49.95) | ![]() |
Holy Dinger Uber Deep Zennifying Meditation Kit Go deep into zen goddess mode & get brilliant moments of insight. After trying a bazillion meditation techniques, I found a technique that really worked for me. And as soon as I learned it, I wanted to share it with you. Just a moment of meditation is worth a hundred moments without – and whether you’ve got 5, 10 or 20 minutes (or more), this meditation technique can help you get totally zennified! (worth $49.95) | ![]() |
Holy Dinger Uber Deep Zennifying Meditation Kit Go deep into zen goddess mode & get brilliant moments of insight. After trying a bazillion meditation techniques, I found a technique that really worked for me. And as soon as I learned it, I wanted to share it with you. Just a moment of meditation is worth a hundred moments without – and whether you’ve got 5, 10 or 20 minutes (or more), this meditation technique can help you get totally zennified! (worth $49.95) | ![]() |
2012 Creating Your Goddess Year workbook, planner + calendar Filled with over 100 pages of worksheets & a printable calendar to help you dream, manifest, set your intentions, plan & cultivate your amazing new year. The workbook has been lovingly handwritten & rainbow illustrated… perfect for you to print out, soak up the rainbow colours of & get thoroughly inspired by! (worth $9.95) | ![]() |
Creating With Kids video workshop We mamas, we need our art. And we need to include our kids in it too. And it’s different from ABF (Art Before Kids). It takes a whole new level of art skills, tools, perspectives & set-up. So Ostara & I decided to invite you around… to paint with us, to spill water & eat paint & laugh wildly & get rained on… and find out what it is to be CREATIVE MAMA GODDESSES. (worth $21) | ![]() |
Value: Price: Only $89! |
Value: |
The next e-course
begins SUNDAY APRIL 1.
Enrol NOW to be a part!
Until we circle as Creative Goddesses…
I am so looking forward to sharing an exquisite experience with you… and of course if you have any questions, just email us.
With paint on our hands, shining souls & joy at sharing this amazing + life changing experience with you ~~~
P.S. Where are you at right now? Utterly content, inspired + creatively fulfilled? If you are, YAY! You really don’t need to be reading this page then.
If you’re not though – what are you waiting for? If you don’t take this giant leap now – into creativity, into happiness, into wild prolific productivity – when will you?
Whatever your choice, commit to it. Don’t jive too much in indecision. Make a firm YES or a firm NO.
That’s how our life changes. Enrol now to join us Sunday April 1st + let’s cure your creative blocks!