Hey beautiful hearts!

Each week, we hang out together as a gaggle of goddesses & make our gorgeous lives a little clearer, calmer and more zen. We do one Zen Your Life project together for the day… an easy, possible kind of project… just one small thing to make our lives more zen.

When we make space in our lives, we are making room for even more delight, comfort, magic and love to enter.

Sound like yummy delicious fun? Want some more zen goodness in your life?

Hurrah! Let’s start! We can doooo eeeeeeeet!

Today, your Zen Your Life project is:

Create a “Go To” container in your home.

What’s a Go To container?

It’s the one place you put things when you arrive home – the place you visit every day.

Here’s a picture of our little “Go To” area:

We’ve got a big beautiful painted bowl. In it goes keys, glasses, phones, wallets and phone chargers – all the things we take out with us.

It’s also got glasses wipes and sprays, nail scissors and band-aids – all the things we need regularly but can be hard to find.

We also pop behind our Go To bowl our daily multivitamins, and a piggy bank to put in change. {My sweetie made this piggy bank by cutting a hole in the top of a fudge container}

Underneath this shelf, I’ve got a letter file to put in all incoming mail when I get in the door, plus an outbox for things that need to be mailed out or taken somewhere.

All in all, this area saves us *so much time* – we don’t have to do the Daily Search and Rescue Mission for Keys anymore 🙂

So that’s your challenge for today… create a go-to container or area that has all the important things you need, and a place to pop things when you get home.

Need some accountability?

You can use the above button on your blog, and photograph your progress. You can check-in to the Comments Circle. You can write out your Zen Goddess goal on a scrap of paper beside you.

Whatever you need to do to give yourself the support you need, do it.

Loving you, fellow Zennifying Goddessa!