Hola gorgeous soul,
Not so long ago, I realised something pretty humungo.
How I started my morning?
It totally & utterly affected the rest of my day.
I began a quest to become a Morning Goddess.
I immediately set to writing love notes to my favourite goddesses in the world to ask one simple question:
How do you start your morning?
This is their answer.
I wrapped it up in a big, love-soaked, photo-laden rainbow for you.
Some of the gorgeous goddesses included are:
- Jennifer Louden
- Gwen Bell
- Alexandra Franzen
- Kimberly Wilson
- Jamie Ridler
- Lisa Clark
- Joanna Powell Colbert
- Tara Mohr
- Chris Zydel
- Susannah Conway
- + more!
I so deeply hope it helps you to transform your morning into something remarkable… and your day into a powerful miracle.
If this is something that is radiantly helpful to you, please do share it along.
What would the world look like if we were all Goddesses of our Mornings?
You are love love LOVED!