Because this photo always makes me smile… my niece & nephew riding our miniature horse 🙂
Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
This is for all the moments when you feel blah… or grumpy… or just not shimmery-shiny-delicious…
a medicine bag of power tools to help you shine again!
1. Take a bath
Suds up, baby. This is the first place I turn when I get grumpy.
It’s much, much harder to stay grumpy in a bathtub surrounded by bubbles, with lavendar oil scenting the air.
2. Eat some greens
This sounds so mum-ish, I know. But there is a HUGE difference in my mood after I’ve eaten a handful of fresh snowpeas, or made my favourite green smoothie.
Try it, and tell me it doesn’t suck for you.
My favourite green smoothie recipe?
A banana, a handful of frozen berries, half a cup of water, a couple of dates or a splash of honey and a handful of spinach leaves. It ends up red, but it has the green goodness inside. This smoothie is happiness in a cup.
3. Go outside for just five minutes
Watch the sky. Feel the breeze. Dig your toes in the soil. Watch birds.
Trust me – this works! Mama Earth really IS the best healer for us.
4. Read a page from an inspiring book
My go-to is always SARK – especially Transformation Soup. Maybe your inspiring book is the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible or MAD magazine. Others on my hit-list of inspiration are Sabrina Ward Harrison and Louise Hay.
5. Change what you are doing
It doesn’t have to be change the world change or anything. Change how you are sitting. Stop reading blogs. Change your hairstyle. Turn the TV on or off. Change shoes. Move your chair around. Declutter what’s around you within a one metre radius. Give yourself a little face rub. Do eight deep breaths. Hum. It doesn’t matter WHAT that change is… just change your state of being, so you feel less stagnant and stuck.
Just a little bit of change can make some shifts.
6. Listen to something beautiful
It might be Olivia Newton John’s “Grace and Gratitude.” Maybe it’s one of Fabeku’s free sacred sound healing downloads. Maybe it’s an all-out sing-fest to “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.
It doesn’t matter. Sound is healing, and can change our mood like that.
7. Hug something
Yourself. A tree. A loved one. A puppy dog. Hugs are miracles.
8. Do something ridiculous and silly
Dance by yourself. Declare the rest of the day “Pants-Free Friday” even if it’s a Monday. Prance outside barefoot. Watch the most stupidly funny videos on YouTube. Watch a comedy. It doesn’t matter. As long as you are guffawing, it’s a good thing.
9. Reach out and give love
Whenever I’m feeling grumpy and in lack, I remember to do something nice for someone else. It feels like once I do that, the grumpy barriers break away, and the love of the world floods back to me again.
Try it. Tell a friend why you love them. Let a stranger know their hat looks good on them. Give something. Email someone you admire and tell them why you are grateful for them, and why your world is better for them being in it.
10. Make art
Get paint on your fingers and smear it. Journal for a page about fairies. Make a wax angel. Collage words from the newspaper into a poem. Just make the teeniest, tiniest little bit of art possible. Because you can, and because you are magic. It will make you feel good.
Got ideas to add? Share away darlings!
Big love you!