Hola gorgeous goddess,

Day 3 of 17 Days of ZING.

I managed to do it at 4pm this time – major improvement on last night’s dash towards meditation before bed!

I am feeling utterly uplifted by the Zinging meditation goddesses over at the Goddess Circle.

This is one that totally made me remember just how ding dang good meditation can be:

It’s funny…I didn’t think I was particularly stressed before I did the meditation, but I definitely feel more present and calm and HERE than I have in a while. In fact, it’s been about ten minutes since I finished and I think the feeling has GROWN. Now I’m getting very excited…I’ve been feeling off-centre for weeks, and I think this may be one of the things that brings me home to myself.

and another goddess…

I did the 5 minutes yesterday and the 10 today. I have to say it is my first experience with regular meditation, so it is something I am not used to. I felt very relaxed after and did fall asleep lol. But I also felt so much more calm, and able to focus on the very pressing matters at hand, when before I wasn’t able to get a clear head at all. I think this is going to be a great experience for me!

I really love the idea of this. Of us all meditating together. Dipping into the meditation pool throughout the day. Meeting each other there.

And reading other goddesses sharing about their meditation swims as well – it just utterly inspires me.

It’s funny.

I was NOT expecting to make videos of me meditating every day for this.

Not at all.

But then it just happened.

And it keeps happening.

So if you want to join in, let’s meditate together…

17 Days of Zing – Day 3 from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.

and this one should work on iPhones & iPods:

17 Days of Zing – Day 3 from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.

Ohm on, precious, blessed, blissed-up goddess sister,
I love you so!