G’day gorgeous souls!!!
It’s July! Yippeeeee!!!
Happy Half New Year dear ones!
Now is the PERFECT time for you to press RESET + align yourself again with your goals for the year.
In this post I’ll be sharing with you 4 tips to make your dreams + goals come true…
Along with giving you behind-the-scenes action on how my own goals for the year are happening!
How To Make Your Dream Life Come Alive
There’s so many reasons why the workbook is so incredible at what it does and why it’s so popular.
It gives you a SYSTEM to make your dreams + goals come true.
There are four things you MUST do in order to make your dreams come true:
1. Write them down
It’s SO important to actually get clarity around your goals and dreams. How on earth can they come true if they are vague or unnamed?
2. Schedule it in!
Once written down, you can start setting systems around your goals to make them come true. Schedule them IN, people, just like the workbook says!
3. Let the magic of the workbook unfold.
And three – the magic of the workbook is that they just HAPPEN. A little bit of systems, a whole lot of synchronicity.
4. Celebrate the ever loving bleeper out of it when they come true!
Which is just what I’m doing here. Celebrating + rejoicing in SO many dreams come true.
So use the energy of the half new-year to pull out your 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook + planner or your 2012 goals list.
And check back in to see how you are progressing… and where you need to realign!!!
Where I was 6 months ago!

I went back + found my post from where I wrote my 2012 goals down… you can see it here, along with a zillion adorbs pics.
I can’t quite believe that was only six months ago…
I’ve got a new name, new home, new city, new hair, new vision…
It feels like SO much has changed.
So let’s see how my goals are happening, half way through the year, yeah?

Change my biz name to Goddess Leonie– changed it to Leonie Dawson International Pty Ltd instead. Feels AMAZING!Change my middle name- Meet a beefalo
Have a NY intention party– DONE.Make a flipping amazing 2012 workbook folder for myselfMake a Biz workbook?Get at least six five massagesMake my caravan a sanctuary– didn’t need to… found a dream office instead!
- Have date nights with Chris – they are happening + are lovely
Grow my business sustainably, organically, joyfully & easily- Get another pedicure
- Find another sitcom to fall in love with – open to suggestions!!!
Be a SOVEREIGN woman.Find a pic or draw a pic of Ixchel that resonates.Read Ixchel’s story.Turn my book into a Kindle edition. – DONE

- Find REALLY COMFORTABLE resting positions.
Have a night time soiree at Jodie’s.– Since we moved, this won’t be happening… but we spent some really precious daylight hours together before we moved… and I know we’ll have more adventures again together soon!Make interesting things for and with little mermaid.Let go of APPROVAL needing. Yeah!Research Personal Power.Be happy.Get the fenceline how I want it.

- Have “theme” months of what essences I’d like to learn.
- More girl time! Women soirees!
Put music I LOVE on my Mac & IpodCreate monthly check in worksheetsChange name over everywhere.Enjoy writing again.Get some Vibram shoes.Actually enjoy exercise.- Heal Itchy Leg Syndrome. – Magnesium powder helps… let’s see how it unfolds over the next six months!
- Do yoga classes. – Done lots in Proserpine earlier this year, hopefully will find more in Cairns to go to and carry on the tradition!
- Eat my own grown passionfruit. – I was so bummed about leaving my passionfruit vine behind in Proserpine. But guess WHAT? There is a HUGE passionfruit vine growing in the rainforest at our dream home!!! Can’t wait to eat them!!! EEE!!!!
Find out who lives in the purple house.Have fun with Marissa.– DONE!
(Me + my lovely assistant/C.O.O. Marissa taking a nap after a leisurely vision quest while she was in Australia)
Make chocolate fudge.Learn how to make creme brulees… make it a date with the girls!Private (I KNOW RIGHT? I ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING I DON’T WANT TO SHARE ON THE INTERWEBS???? WHAAAAT?)- Begin & finish second gratitude journal
- Baptise our little mermaid
- Ride a horse – GUESS WHAT? Our new dream house is on the same road as a horse riding adventure camp!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!
Have a dinner at Croc Cafe- Go to concert or movie
Have massages // treats regularlyHave an adventure at Brandy Creek- Eat green
- Go to sound healing workshop
- Make wall hanging with pockets

Go to Mums & Bubs yogaMosaic with Trish- Have weekly or fortnightly Mama/Babba FUN & spirited & gentle gatherings
- Find my women’s circle here
- Have fun side projects
Giggle + ENJOY LIFE!- Have rest & vitality – working on it!
Do what I want– OMG YES!!!!Get caravan stumpedMake caravan cool & comfortable when it’s hotMake another Instagram albumMake wedding photo album- Get wedding canvasses
Grow watermelon or pumpkin in front yardPlant small shrubs in front yard & make a welcoming walkwayRead or give away all the books in my book case– DONELet greeting cards RUN WILD.– DONE- Get so flexible I can bend my head to my knees
- Tell a stranger they look beautiful
- Make $275 000 a year from my business – We’re close to already finishing this goal! I love changing my mindset about money, and opening my arms to helping even more people!
Put at least $40 000 onto our mortgage– DONE already! Yay! Feels so great!Redo kitchenFinish bathroom renoGet a bicycle!– DONE. Got one of these babies!!!
- Create & release oracle cards
Be a fun, loving, happy mama- Read tea leaves
- Make more friends
- Be a good, loyal and in-communicado with my dear friends
- Play Bingo or something suitably oldishladyish
- Get a tattoo
Playing on the slides with one kindred spirit I loved meeting this year – Becky Bliss Diva!
Find kindred spirits– DONE + will keep on doing it!!!- Design my own awesome stickers that I ADORE
Read “Women Who Run With the Wolves”- Let go of CDs?
Great Book Release Program continues!DONE
Continue paring back my belongingsDONE
Check out Denise Linn’s Power BookMove home loan to another bankPut over savings onto our mortgage- Eat allergy free
Have Mackay adventureRead at least 12 11 books– hahahaha I’m up to 135!- Reinstate Switch Off Sundays
Go to the islands.
- See a dolphin! – C’mon dolphins. You know I love you. I’m waiting for youuuuuu!
- Stay aligned, centered and in progress
- Keep rebuilding my body & getting healthier, stronger & more radiant – Yep, totally!
- Die hair turquoise
Decide on our next place– Oh. Done and DONE, my friends. Wow!
All in all… it’s all coming true!!!
How are YOUR dreams coming true?
My challenge for you this week… pull out your 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook + planner and see how it’s unfolding for you.
Note things down that still need to happen and schedule them in.
And bonus handy tip here – wherever you can make your goals PUBLIC – the better the chance of success you’ll have. Sharing your goals publicly helps you be accountable to them AND you’ll be surprised at how other people will help you make your dreams come true!
So blog your goals and your things to do down… share them with the world, just like I’m doing here!
It’ll be part celebration, part resetting yourself back to your original intentions… aligning yourself with your dreams come true.
Big cuddles + victory dances + “Eye of the Tiger” air guitarring!

Haven’t got your own copy of the 2012 Creating Your Goddess Year workbook + planner yet?
Go see what all the fuss is about… and why this adorable tome helps women achieve their dreams every single year.
P.S. It absoloodely isn’t too late. We get women buying this workbook right up into November and getting HUGE results from it!