Open your ears and your hearts loves, because I have a doozy of an interview to share with you today!
I sat down with Esther Lemmens on the 50 Shades of Gender podcast to talk all things gender, biz, the patriarchy and more.
Esther summarises it best:
Leonie is non-binary. We also talk about honouring the land we inhabit, the freedom that came from adding a ‘they’ pronoun while having a ‘she’ experience, being non-conforming in business, the importance of having open and honest money conversations, knowing who you are inside and standing for what you believe in, kicking the social media habit, and smashing the patriarchy by being more of yourself.
How bloody cool is that?
Ready to listen?
Click HERE to listen!
Love always,

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- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)