Hi darlings,

I am so thrilled to tell you all about Mim Jenkinson’s Planner Craft Pro Summit! This is one of my faaaave summits of the year, so buckle up because I’m about to GUSH!

The main goal of Mim’s summit is super different than most. We’re saying a big ol’ buh-bye bitch to planning overwhelm because YOU get to choose your own planning journey. It’s like one of those “choose your own adventure” books we read as kids omg.

You get to pick from a mahooosive 30+ expert lessons, tutorials and presentations that relate to things at the stage of skill level you feel you are at. It might be improving productivity or researching planners, learning planner-themed crafts or sharing and selling your planner-themed crafts to other delightful peeps.

Basically, you get to tailor your summit experience to perfectly suit you.

Which is fucking bonzaaa if you ask me.

So! If you’ve found yourself thinking:

  • I want to find planning inspiration & learn planner-themed crafts but I don’t have the time or the experience.
  • I’ve tried to research the best way to use a planner but it just gets too overwhelming and time-consuming.
  • UGH! Trying to find the best planner is hard enough let alone sticking to a weekly schedule (WTF even IS that?)
  • I want to create planner-themed crafts that thrill me but aren’t frustrating (cue finding glitter in the most random of places because of a collage you made 6 years ago)

Then maaaaybe, just maybe the Planner Craft Pro Summit is for you…

For 4 days, June 12-15th, the marvelous, magnificent Mim from Paper Planner Club is bringing you the most incredible presentations from 30+ industry experts (including moi!) who have found ways to make planning BEYOND fun, enjoyable & sustainable. You’ll hear about everything from choosing a planner, to decorating a planner, to planner-themed crafts, to selling planner-themed crafts & so much more.

It’s a crafty babe’s DREAM I tell you.

Can you believe I actually haven’t even told you the best part yet though?

It’s literally free. Yep. Free.

ALL of these presentations are totally free to you for the first 24-hours as long as you’re registered and you can grab your free ticket right HERE!

My presentation is on how to goal plan for successful year in biz.

It’s an absolute WHOPPER of a workshop, absolutely packed with all the best goal planning tips & tricks to make your next 12 months a dream come true.

And that’s just my presentation… Don’t forget the other 30+!

Just look at all the other incredible speakers!

But maybe you’re feeling a little bit fancy… Maybe you already know you want access to this for longer than 24 hours. I feel ya babes.

You can grab a VIP pass for a discounted price of $59 for a verrrrry limited time!

Told ya Mim’s magnificent.

Get your free ticket for the Planner Craft Pro Online Summit and join us!

See you there!!!

Psst. Just FYI this blog contains affiliate links! All that means is if you register or purchase through one of the links Mim will send me a lil thank you, best deal everrrr.