Hola my darlinghearts,

I was lying in bed this morning, giggling as Mermaid Daughter blew juicy raspberries at her Daddy… and I was thinking about the photos of the three of us at Hanging Rock, our sacred place down in Canberra. And with a start, I remembered that I had forgotten to share them with you!

So my darlinghearts… await no longer!

Before Mother’s Day, my hunky soul-love asked me what I wanted as my first Mama’s Day present. And as usual when it comes to presents, I couldn’t think of a thing.

But then, a few days later, I was searching through my folders, trying to find a good photo of the three of us. I could only find one. Only one photo of my beautiful little heart-family all together.

So I asked Chris to gift me a family photoshoot by our beautiful doula Rachel instead. Rachel took such divine pregnacious photos of us the day my waters broke, I knew she would do a stunning job.

One stunning (but cold) winter’s morning, when our little mermaid was three months old, we drove up to Hanging Rock. Our sacred place in Canberra. The place I had married myself. Where we had engagement photos taken. Where we had pregnacious photos taken. The whole timeline of love was there. Where once there was two, there were now three.

And standing there that day, beneath that great ancient stone, it felt like things were complete.

Like our love for ourselves and each other had created a space for a whole new soul to come into this world.

Like our hearts were given the gift of loving even more.

And the photos were breathtaking.

They are so special to me, these photos.

Documenting our first months together. In Canberra, Mermaid Daighter’s birthplace. And my dearest daughter – so utterly precious and completely tiny.

I keep thinking I need to do this every year for mother’s day – but seeing how much she has changed since these photos were taken three months ago – maybe I need it even more often?

Regardless, I am grateful.

For what I do have.

For us. Doing the very best we can. Loving as deeply and fully as we can.

For all the incredible love in the world.

And the immense beauty.

Let’s not forget that.

big love you,