A very special blog for you today.
If you’re in my course Finish Your Book in 40 Days, you’ll know that recently I put out the call to students to send me the links & covers to their finished books.
My assistant diligently went through all the submissions we received in the first 48 hours or so and put together this gorgeous collage.
Every book you see here is written by someone who dedicated 40 days (at least) to writing + editing their book. It actually makes me emotional seeing these beautiful creations out in the world. (Plus, in the mastermind group we have a MASSIVE document where people can post links to their finished books.)
It’s literally so fucking cool to see that my course has supported authors on their journeys!
People have used the course to create, publish and sell literally all sorts of creations:
- non-fiction books
- fiction books
- romantic novellas
- erotic short stories
- workbooks, journals + diaries
- tarot cards, oracle cards + reflection cards
- children’s stories
- picture books
- self-help books
I wanted to dedicate a blog post in honour of all the authors who have published their works (whether it be self-published or through a publishing house).
Every book you see in the collage is linked below, and I’ll be updating the list every few months as more peeps finish their books.
How to be happy (no matter what sh!t life throws at you!) – Sophie Le Brozec Amazon
Next Level Felting – Nancy Wesley Amazon
World in Lockdown – Lisa Li Amazon
Pregnant – Your Friendly Guide to the Next 12 Months – Curated by Daniela Drandić Free Download
The Depression Relief Workbook: 6 weeks to a happier you – Melody Green Amazon
The Colour Medicine Cards – Melody Green Buy Here
Hire A Virtual Assistant – Billie Gardner Buy Here
Free Spirit Guidebook – Kerry Burki Buy Here
The Wild In Us – Thirza Voysey Amazon
Dear Paris – The Paris Letters Collection – Janice MacLeod Buy Here
My Name Is Buster – Jessica Harris Buy Here
The Matron – Anne Pagnell Amazon
Growth Mindset – Lisa Rigoni Buy Here
My Dog Sees Ghosts – Dakota Duncan Buy Here
Yoga Nidra Scripts – Tamara Verma Amazon
Tennis Elbow Relief – Emma Green Amazon
Life Stories Journal – Catie Chung Amazon
Travelling Light and Dark: One year around the world with Manic Mick and PMT Polly – Rebecca BrittainAmazon
A Very Long Way – Naomi Fryers Order Here
If you’re reading this list and thinking “Aw maaaan. I want to write my book and have it featured…” or just feeling some epic FOMO seeing all the amazeballs books above, I STRONGLY suggest you jump into Finish Your Book in 40 Days!

Or maybe you’re just hankering to say “Yes! My book is finished!”?
Want that book inside of you to AT LAST be out in the world, doing what it needs to be doing:
- touching lives
- getting you new customers
- expert recognition
- earning you $$$
- featured in wickedly cool blog posts just like this one?
It’s time to get that book written. Get it out of your head, onto paper and into the world.
Every single published author started off where you are now. With an idea, a plot bunny, a first draft, an imagined scene in their head. Wherever you’re at, we’ve been there. The only difference? We made those dreams into a tangible reality.
One of the greatest joys in life is holding a physical copy of a book you’ve poured your heart, mind and soul into.
It is unbelievably gratifying and soul-nourishing.
So! Check out the brilliant authors and their books listed above, make sure you drop them a line if you like their shizzz (feedback is EVERYTHING) and have a think about whether it’s your time to get that book written.
With love, ink stained fingers and joy,