Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
After yesterday’s post coming out about the O Word, I had a talk with my beloved. More specifically, I asked for his help and advice.
Things feel off kilter right now. And I really want to feel more supported in my busy-ness and business. What do I do?
And in that sage, simple way of his, he sat. And he thought. And then he said:
You need a new chair. A big leather one with a strong back. You need to set yourself up properly, with an office space so you feel more clear.
I rejected the idea at first, but he was firm.
You’ve got things everywhere right now, you need a place to return to. And you need a new chair that supports you.
And suddenly, I realised:
I had been wanting support. And support begins at the physical place. Support begins with a chair that is soft and “holds my back” both literally and metaphysically.
So today, my Sage Man takes me to find my chair. We sit in dozens upon dozens, finding the perfect fit and comfort and support. (All things I have been longing for in my life!)
Eventually, after three stores and a rest break to share vanilla slice, we find her.

Her name is Bessie.
As I embark on this journey of being an entrepreneur, my newest support crew member is a chair.
With Bessie safely at home, we set about creating my own little business space – separate from my studio and even my writing space. This space is solely to support me on my business journey. And that feels like a very, very fine thing.
I wonder what happens when we expand our vision of our support crew… to include not just friends, but the furniture and space around us too.

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