Hola my darling hearts,
I want to celebrate the ding dang out of the ENORMOUS year that was 2011.
AND I want to curl up on my magical dreaming lounge in the caravan & keep replenishing myself & working on this baby.
So if I can’t finish this post in 14 minutes, I’m outta here.
What I Am Dang Proud Of!
This is the stuff I remember the most.
I had a big wild idea to interview 100 of the world’s best teachers + share it for free. So I did.

I renovated an old nudist colony caravan into a creative sanctuary!!!!

I created the Goddess Guidebook podcasts.
And recorded a metric crapload of Goddess TV episodes.

I wrote What Your Angels Want You To Know: a free ebook
I shared my story about Post Natal Depression

I Married My True Love By The Sea.

Our daughter turned one!
I shared a No Holds Barred Look into a Goddess’ Business
And this one on Problogger… 7 Ways to Get 20 000 Blog Readers
What I released this year:
As always… a busy creative bunny rabbit… pouring out all that’s inside me to share with you!!!

I can’t believe it’s only been like 7 months since this mammoth project of mine was ready to share with the world…
It clocked in at 200+ pages (and not scarcely formatted ebook pages either. These are fully fleshed out business manual pages!)
And it shares absoloodely EVERYTHING I know about creating a hugely sustainable, profitable, abundant + non-crazy making business, including how to become a marketing genius.
I get so many questions about how I so quickly turned my sweet little hobby into a really wonderful six figure business that employs me & my husband… this e-course is really me pouring all my wisdom out to help all of you do the same thing.
This beautiful business of mine has changed my life in so many ways & I am SO grateful I get to help so many women in the process.
And I really, really want you to share your soul’s gifts too with the world!!!

& the 30 Days of Goddess e-course (which hasn’t been launched publicly as yet – it’s been released only to Goddess Circle members)
Oh dinger!
I forgot that I also created:

the Creating with Kids mini workshop!!!
My first mini reality tv show with Ostara! About how to create with kids + not go batshit crazy! And for it to be actually a sacred, joyful experience! WOO!

And I keep forgetting, I wrote a book too!
73 Lessons Every Goddess Must Know was just a fun side project that went on to hit #4 in the Amazon Spirituality list… AMAZING!
(By the way, Amazon has it on super sale at the moment as it’s done so well! Wow!)
And because I’m now a total Kindle-head, the Kindle edition for 73 Lessons will be released soon… as soon as hunky husband has finished converting!!!

And the very latest release… the amazingly popular 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook + planner is out & about, sending miracles out into the world!
(and yes, Goddess Circle members get ALL of the above online products with their $99 yearly membership!!!)
What’s next?
In 2012:
- my beautiful assistant Marissa will be flying over here from the US for two weeks of planning, dreaming + mango frappe drinking
- I’ll be making Comfort, Fun + Joy my major mottos
- I’ll make more miracles + share from the heart…
- and do it all sustainably. Gently. That’s my new mode of transport, peeps!
Thank you for being my incredible tribe. Thank you for an exceptional 2011. I look forward to serving you, celebrating you, helping you, sharing my story + birthing the creations that are inside me.
love eternal,

P.S. It ended up taking 26 minutes. I got excited & had to keep adding. That’s TOTALLY a Leonie move!
P.P.S. And now, back to Replenishment!