My loves,
When I listened to @Brené Brown’s “Gifts of Imperfection” audiobook, I would find myself pausing to take deep breaths. Did you know, for instance, that Play and Rest are human NEEDS, not “nice to haves”?
There was so much deep wisdom in it that I ended up writing myself up a wee poster… to remind myself of how to let go of the old way, and what to cultivate next!
You can download it here.
I hope this one resonates with you as much as it does for me.

- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
- Weekly love letters
- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- My Brilliant Year workbooks for 2023 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)
- The Brilliant Biz & Life Academy
- Cash Crunch – FREE workshop on how to make more & save more when times are tough!
- Get Organised!
- Work Less, Earn More
- Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire’s Finances (only $7!)
- Sales Star
- Marketing Without Social Media
- Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
- 40 Days To A Finished Book
- 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course