In the times of fallow, I’ve focussed on consuming. TV and comedy specials and books.
And then of course, I wanted to draw some of them too.
First up: This Woman’s Work by Julia Delporte.
It’s part graphic memoir, part artist scrapbook. It is L O O S E as a goose, and glorious. The mark of the maker is firmly in it, and it inspires me to be wilder with my mark making, and with my very idea of what a book is.

Women Don’t Owe You Pretty – Florence Given is absolutely one of the best books I’ve read this year. It’s a fantastic read on self love and boundaries through the lens of intersectional feminism.
Every page has some absolute zingers, and I’ve taken to going through it with a pen and highlighter to annotate as I go. Almost all pages look something like this. I think it’s that bloody wonderful that me and my two assistants are going to have a travelling book club on it. I’ll finish annotating, then send to one, she’ll do the same and send to the next. Then we can all discuss together.

(Also… yep… I have TWO assistants again! I’ve sworn for a few years now that I would only ever have one team member going forward, but it’s ended up working perfectly. My usual assistant needed a break after a busy work period so I asked someone who has worked for me before (and is still a dear friend) if she was able to fill in with customer service emails. It was only supposed to be for a couple of weeks. But it ended up being such a wonderful fit for all three of us that we’ve carried on. Together, they only do about 25 hours a week, so still less than one full time staff member. And we all share the same communication style and commitment to healthy boundaries and empathy, so it’s easy as fuck really. But no, fuck having any other staff! I much prefer having a tiny team, tiny work hours + excellent profit than big team, big work load + less profit. But that’s a rant for another time. Even though I’ve just had it. HO. HO HO.)

Next up! Deep Work by Cal Newport.
I’ve been on a Cal bender this year. I’ve written before about how I am studying this book like a textbook.
I’m still embedded in its world. Taking it slowly, slowly. Piece by piece.
There’s a lot in this book. Decadent. And I don’t really want to finish it until I’ve soaked in its lessons enough.
Anyways, drawing these books was a bit of fun.
I haven’t done that since I drew a reading log of all the books read in 2016.
Drawing them in Procreate on my iPad with Apple Pencil was even more fun. You can see all the creative & business tools I use right here.
Big hugs!

P.S. I wrote this in a cafe I haven’t been in before, run by an eccentric French man. He is LOUD, and tells me, shouting “I AM CRAZY! YOU KNOW! CUCKOO! BUT LIFE IS TOO SHORT! I MUST HAVE FUN!”
Exactly, boo!
Daily-ish writings
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Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
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