Beautiful Goddess!
My darling HUSBAND! took these photos of me this week… at our cemetery that overlooks sky & meadows & mountains. I’d gone to take irises to my Great Aunt who made her rainbow journey earlier this week. And as I stood there, barefoot & giving thanks to Great Spirit, I felt so alight. I can live a life filled with spirit and soul and laughter. I can live MY life – barefoot, purple dressed, taking photos in a cemetery. I feel all the Ancients reaching out from the sky to say Yes. I think that’s the answer to everything.
We’re off to go cavort with a bare bottomed baby in the sea… collect driftwood & lose our wild selves in the mangroves & stare out over Mama Oshun…
But before we dive into the sea, I needed to remind you just incaseys you forgot ::
Today’s the last chance to dive in & join one (or all!) of the *four* e-courses that are running ::
Get creatively unblocked & utterly inspired
Make your home all zen & decluttering & dang rejuvenating
Stop feeling all body sluggish & start feeling shiny radiant
Quit your desk job & make more money with your passions
It’s $99 by joining the Goddess Circle.
And guess what?
You’ll get them ALL. To use ALL dang year. WHENEVER you need.
AND all my other meditations & workbooks & kits.
AND an incredible, supportive, inspiring tribe of soul sisters.
The Goddess Circle is one part training field + one part digital tribe + one part healing practice, with a generous dash of resources + guidebooks, galore.
I mean really. $99. SO WORTH IT.
And I can say that because I’ve put my whole heart & soul into making every Goddess Circle membership as divine & incredible & life-changing as I can.
And other Goddess Circle sisters are saying it too:
“Best $100 bucks I have ever spent on ANYTHING, EVER !!!”
– Goddess Molly, Australia
domestictriffid.blogspot.com“Joining the Goddess Circle was a whole new experience for me, yet it has completely changed my life in only a few short weeks! I can’t imagine life without my Goddesses!”
~ Goddess Yvette, Australia“My Goddess Circle sisters are worth their weight in gold.
I wonder how a person can ever transform without out all that love behind them?!”
– Goddess Sara, USA
What else?
There’s a gazillion more testimonials too.
Pop over. Have a looksee. And see if it’s right for you.
Are you wondering?
Possum, I might not have explained everything as beautifully as I would like.
If any of this feels at all confusing or “what the?” or “how does THAT work?”, please please please just email me. I so don’t want you to miss out just because I haven’t written an email uber clearly.
And even if you are just trying to work out if it’s right for you, or what course would be best for you – just send me a love note & pour your heart out.
And we’ll catch it in a soft nest filled with angel feathers. And you’ll get a reply (usually within a day) from me or my beautiful support fairy Marissa (you can call her Tinkerbell if you like! She’s totally tinkerish!)

Love MoonBeams Magic And Wonder!!!
And as always dearest, if it’s not the right thing for you right now, we’ll continue being goddess besties forever and ever… coz that’s how sisterhood works. This is just a chance to dive deeper into this work if that’s what is the right medicine for you right now.
I’m sending you…
Golden umber sparks of sunset
Compassionate conversations filled with listening
Reckless love spilled out on a page
A blessed twig of rosemary
And the grace to see it with wide open eyes…
There is beauty EVERYWHERE.
A big welling ocean of love and all its ripples,
your goddess sister,