Hola gorgeous goddesses!
Welcome to a wonderful new week! Because it’s Magnificent Monday, I wanted to share with you a magical girl I know. That’s Georgia. And she’s exquisite. She’s a mini-Goddess who takes my breath away. Don’t you think?
That’s why I squealed with delight when her mama, the amazing, vivacious and radiant Goddess Lisa ordered a Custom Soul Story art for Georgia for Christmas.
I love love and family and magnificent children and rainbow paint and heart-goodness. {I think I might love everything today!}

And then, the best way ever to know a package had arrived – Lis called me. Laughing wildly. Sobbing happily. Exquisitely excited about it. Have I mentioned I heart that whole family?
So I have a miracle to tell you.
Because it’s Magnificent Monday. And I love sharing miracles.
*Especially* when it’s got to do with *you*!
Yep. YOU. And this gorgeous circle of goddesses that is forming here. In our last post/circle about One Wild, Brave Thing, I drank in everyone’s beautiful, tender sharings in the comments about their own wild and brave things.
And I loved what Goddess Vivienne wrote:
i read this with my morning coffee and a few hours later i was pondered (while doing laps at a pool) what my one brave wild thing would be. i couldn’t quite figure it out, at which point i looked up at the gigantic waterslide above me. it was a bit scary, dark at some points and super duper fast and as i landed in the pool at the bottom i knew it was perfect….it was brave (for me), wild and gave me a perma~grin.
And then…
Yesterday, me and my mermaid sister Kaylia decided we needed to have some sista-and-soul-nourishing time together. We booked in for some Crystal Vibrational Therapy by our gorgeous friend Tamerah. And we decided to return to our water home by going swimming. We googled for the closest pool and spa. As we drove there, I told Kaylia about Vivienne’s wild, brave waterslide, and she grinned big, and said five miracle words:
They have a waterslide there.
And they did. It was long and looping, and as I swirled my way around, I squealed with delight. Squealed with laughter. Squealed as I thought about you all with your wild, brave hearts. Squealed with doing something that was just a little bit wild, and a little bit brave. And with how sometimes this world can give you a big, wet, synchronicious miracle you didn’t even know you needed.
It was the best day ever. Of sultry saunas. And cosmic spas. And succulent self-replenishing. Of damp delight. And healing crystals. Of fabulous friendship. And miracle waterslides.
Big things are happening. Beautiful things. I can just feel it.
Big love,

The Creative Goddess e-course & Circle begins January 15. Start the New Year with six weeks of creativity, inspiration and soulfulness. Includes projects, videos, MP3 meditations and an online circle.