Let’s play a fun game of “spot where the sink and aircon used to be”
Pooky bears,
Remember I wrote to you about six weeks ago all pissy about the state of my leaking office?
Writing to you with an important update… my office is somewhat fixed (probably!)
Over the weekend we had a handyman in to:
- repair the corner of the outside wall that had come away in floodwater
- remove the old sink out of the room (that I don’t use – but it backs up in heavy rain)
- remove the old airconditioning unit from the wall (the wood was rotting around it).
So far, everything looks great. But we need to wait for a proper deluge before we know for sure that it’s floodproof. Usually we get massive rain storms in September, so hopefully we won’t have much longer to wait. We’ll wait to get new flooring installed once we’ve had enough rain to know it doesn’t leak anymore.
While the handyman was here he fixed a few cosmetic things as well that have been annoying me:
- patched the holes in the ceiling from 2019 when we replaced fluro lighting with downlights
- removed some rotten decorative wood from outside
- rendered the empty patches so it blended with the rest of the outside wall
- replaced some rotten verandah planks.
We used Pol’s Handyman – he was recommended by a friend & he did a great job.
There’s still some painting and patching to do over the new boards where the aircon and sink were, but it’s looking pretty rad compared to what it was! It’s PROGRESS!
We decided not to install new flooring yet – we need to wait until we’ve tested whether it really is leakproof in the big storms! I’ll probably just end up with cheap lino in there – I’m a messy painter, and don’t want to feel like I have to be clean.
I need a new rug in my office to replace the old ones that were destroyed in the floods. And at the same time, our living room rug is starting to look pretty used & stained after 8 years. So, being the brilliant cheapskate I am, I’m going to demote the living room rug into my office, and have already ordered a new one for the living room. I don’t really care much about the stains for my studio… I’ll only end up with more paint on it anyway!
My favourite rugs hands down are a very specific type of rug from a specific brand that is actually relatively cheap. They are (write this down!) from Rug Culture, but specifically the ones that are made of Japanese acrylic with a dense 2cm pile. Not all their rugs are, so you need to check on that one. Well, that is, if you’re like me, and looooove a comfy thick rug that is NOT shaggy.

Here’s what I bought for our living room… it’s got ALL THE COLOURS! Because, clearly, I am a maximalist and my home is full of rainbows. Our living room lounge is BRIGHT RED, the armchair is lime green and the ottoman is blue velvet. Our old rug has similar rainbow stripes, and it makes all of us so happy.
Rug Culture doesn’t currently sell directly to customers, so you need to hunt around and buy through other rug retailers online. My only recommendation is do NOT BUY FROM KOGAN. Or Dick Smith. Or Matt Blatt. Or any of the zillion other stores that Kogan now owns. I had an absolutely shocking experience buying from Kogan, and I’ll never, ever, ever buy from them again, and I’ll shout my displeasure about them from the rooftops.

Anyways, my pissy Scorpio rant over.
I’m THRILLED to have a (probably) leakproof office!
Once I’ve finished painting and patching, I’ll move in my old childhood wooden desk & set up a sewing space for my kids. And finish repainting that old bookcase a bright fuschia pink and move the kids excess books out to it.

I guess I should say incase you’re wondering: you don’t need a perfect office to be able to create.
You actually don’t even really need an office at all. I’ve brought in 7 figures while working on a desk in the corner of my bedroom for years. I’ve worked in parks, in offices, at libraries and up trees. Most of all, I like to create on my couch and bed.
It sure is nice to have a place that doesn’t actively destroy your shit however! So I’m thrilled to be on the path to a leakproof joint!
Big love,

- Newsletter with absoloodely everything I create
- Weekly love letters
- Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
- A library of free treasures
- Goal Getter workbooks for 2022 & beyond!
- Calm Christmas Planner
- Salt: a hottttt romance novella (published under my pen name Lola Leigh)