Gorgeous friends!

Holy fuck! Can you believe we’re halfway through 2024?!

Before you know it, we’ll all be running around in ridiculously genius Halloween costumes (I’m considering a Bridgerton-inspired look……or, maybe a flamingo. DECISIONS, DECISIONS!!!).

You won’t have to wait that long to see a ridiculously genius getup from me. I just released a NEW podcast episode today! YAY! Of course, I HAD to sport a ginormous rainbow squid hat 🐙. Me and my delectable strawberry-hat wearing co-host, Madi Beaufort🍓chatted it up about our fabulous 2024 GOALS!!!

We dive into some of our favorite stories and projects, like:

🍼My time as a government employee and the birth of a unique newsletter.

🤗Hugging competitions and why personality is everything in a team.

🐶 Caring for our sweet pup Angel 💗 and surviving a tough year with my hubby Chris.

🧘Why I swear by Pilates over yoga due to hypermobility.

🤑Aiming for $1.5 million revenue while balancing family life.

🦄Academy Goodies — Over 100 workshops and a digital co-working space for entrepreneurs.

🧠My love for kinesiology and intuitive healing for neurodivergent minds.

🎁Sending a package to Halle Berry

🦛Fascinating facts about hippos.

🌏My big girl goal to take a holiday more than 30 minutes from home this year.

So grab your favorite cuppa, get cozy, and join us for a whirlwind of stories, laughing until you snort, and heartfelt moments.


Do you have something you’d like us to chat about? DO share, darlings!!! Send your episode requests here.

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Transcript time!

Workplace personality and fun activities 0:09

Caring for a high-needs dog and surviving a tough year 4:14

Business goals, personal priorities, and creating an academy for entrepreneurs 9:29

Therapy and coaching preferences for personal growth and business expansion. 14:01

Travel plans, personal growth, and funny stories. 17:29

Wildlife facts and experiences. 33:17

Read along here:

Leonie Dawson 0:09
Okay quickie

I just looked at the video cameras and how it’s set up and I realized like, we’ve got this Jack Link’s beef jerky. Right in the central sponsor actually looks like we’ve like, got stuff. No, we’ve just got shit everywhere. It doesn’t matter. And I just apologize to all the vegans out there, but I’m currently having a hot fixation with beef jerky. So that’s where we’re at with

Madison Beaufort 0:37
that or do what you got to do.

Leonie Dawson 0:38
Yep. Okay. All right. So, believe me, we’re gonna talk about 2024

Madison Beaufort 0:46
2024 Oh, good energy this year. I feel it mood energy. How you feeling?

Leonie Dawson 0:52
The year of the wood dragon?

Madison Beaufort 0:54
It is the year the dragon? Oh, my goodness. Yes. Because I’m making a display about dragons in the library. Oh, my

Leonie Dawson 1:00
God. Okay. Well, I was wondering why the fuck

Madison Beaufort 1:02
it’s prosperity, and it’s all about like, driven force and like, yeah, travel moving around.

Leonie Dawson 1:09
Nice. That’s so exciting. Oh, that is so cute. And I love that you get paid to just like, make these extreme painting displays. It’s the best thing ever.

Madison Beaufort 1:18
Yeah, you know, I go in sometimes. And I’m like, What can I do? And they’re like, I don’t have a job for you. And I’m like, I’ll just pay. I’ll just make some they’re like, yeah, yeah, please. I might. Awesome.

Leonie Dawson 1:30
It happened to me. Like, you got to do that. Right? Like, even the government job like just to make myself like, amuse myself. Yes. I was like, you know, what I really want to do, I want to go around like everybody in this floor, and I want to interview them and profile them in a newsletter. And like the, the department even didn’t didn’t even have a newsletter. At that point. I just invented it purely for my own

Madison Beaufort 1:54
your fabulous.

Leonie Dawson 1:55
So I would just go and like interview people about their passions and their, like, their interest and like everything outside of work, because I couldn’t give a fuck. And people were just like, amazing and weird and funny and great. And I would take photos and write it all up. And my boss was like, Oh, my God. You’re so you know, you’re just like, so driven. And I was like, I’m just trying to keep myself from use

Madison Beaufort 2:15
me. It’s a it’s a what you’re not, you’re not this because you’re also like an incredibly hard worker. But I’ve been watching a lot of people talk about personality hires. Yes, I am Dan, I’m not too, right. I’m really just there. And people just love. I always say, right, have a think about this. If this was zombie apocalypse. Everyone’s sort of, you know, they start dividing up they have jobs, people are killing it. You know, yes, I am the Joker like people just have me like, there’s no, I can’t run very far. I’m just the Jester. And you know, I would be happy in that situation. Totally dress up and just be there. And you know, go, Hey, how are you going? Like, you know, let’s let’s talk about this. Yeah, give a bit of a laugh.

Leonie Dawson 2:53
Can I boost? Absolutely. I am like, I’ve sent those videos to my boss going. I was the personality wasn’t? Yes. And we still talk about you 14 years after you laugh.

Madison Beaufort 3:05
They’re integral. They’re integral important workspace without a personality hire. But everyone

Leonie Dawson 3:11
hates it. Yeah. Yeah. And like the retention rates, like in our team are huge. And that’s not just because of me, but because every Yeah, well. Yeah. Everybody didn’t want to know. But like, also, I would do things like a board and so I Deb who was our HR person, I was like, oh, you know what we should do? We should have a hugging competition and see how many people we can hug in one day in this office. And she was going on bitch. And so that’s what we do. We ran away that ran around the whole day hugging people. I think I had like 300 people and I won of course because as if that’s like a bitch whatever beat me.

Madison Beaufort 3:52
Of course competition.

Leonie Dawson 3:53
I mean, I got really sick afterwards because he’s you know, like pre COVID days we do realize that like hugging a lot of people may just, you know, give you infectious disease, but it’s fine. Oh, well worth it. absolutely worth it. Plus got some sick days off work. So it’s a win win. Yeah, it’s a win win, win win win all around for me win win. Okay,

Madison Beaufort 4:11
so 2024 Yes, Dragon dragon dragon.

Leonie Dawson 4:14
I am. Okay. So last year was a tricky, tricky a year. For me. I would write like, there was a good year in lots of ways, but then it was also a tricky year and that we’re going through Angel, our dog and she was really high needs. And I remember so many times, we would go have like our Business Mastermind or whatever. And there was some days where I’m like, I kind of come in or we think she’s about to die, and then she’d make a fucking splendid recovery. Again, she was just as just constantly having these

Madison Beaufort 4:46
very incredible it’s very, yeah,

Leonie Dawson 4:48
yeah, she just loved Chris so much. And I get that and she just wouldn’t let him go. And because she just wanted to just be as support like loyal to him as he wants to her and it was beautiful to witness. And it was also really difficult because it took so much out of Chris to Kevin, it was a long time. It’s a long time

Madison Beaufort 5:10
with a point where you’re like, This has to be the last time Surely she

Leonie Dawson 5:13
was 19. Like, fucking he was 19 years old. Like dog. Do you not realize

Madison Beaufort 5:20
that? And she wasn’t she wasn’t like she was blind, wasn’t she? And yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. And

Leonie Dawson 5:25
but like she still looked. Yeah, normally she burned a thing. Yeah, just still doing her thing. And, you know, it was just my husband really didn’t want to think about putting it down. Because in his books, he’s like, Well, we wouldn’t do it to a human. Like, you know, this elderly and she’s not like, you didn’t have still got the love. Yeah, she didn’t have cancer or anything like that. So he’s like, why would why would we like, and that’s the thing. Like, I just, I know that he’s not the guy who’s gonna run away when I get sick. Or just be like this, you know, in every fucking part. Like he’s so deeply loyal. eautiful Yeah. So but I was really worried about his health because he was up during the night where he didn’t have like, sleep for three years. It was basically looking after a newborn. That’s hardcore. Yeah. And it was it was stressful. And also wondering, like, when is this going to happen and

Madison Beaufort 6:17
not be able to go away all the things? Yeah, yeah, we

Leonie Dawson 6:20
went away on holidays. But we always did it within 30 minutes to the house and bring her with us because she was too high needs to foist onto anyone else. And also, she just wouldn’t cope without Chris. So I get in. I’m gonna. Yeah, so that was kind of a year of that. And then she left us in November. And so now like, we’ve kind of gone through the healing process, and I’m just so relieved to see my husband getting some sleep, and coming back into himself. And so this year, I feels like more of like an integration year. I would love if possible for us to do a holiday more than 30 minutes away from the house.

Oh, wow. Dreaming hollow. Maybe

I don’t know what we’re going to do. I mean, it’d be amazing if I could go to New Zealand like we haven’t taken the kids overseas yet. And, or even if we just go visit, like a Beloved’s in Canberra or Beloved’s in, yes. The freedom now that you have, yeah, yeah. Just to have more of that time and think about okay, what’s, what’s next? For me as well, like, definitely, like, I want to develop more physical strength. Yes. And it’s not really about losing weight or anything like that. It’s purely for pain management purposes. So I have hyperemesis garbage. No, sorry. I had hyperemesis gravidarum when I was pregnant. I have hypermobility now. And it’s possibly Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is a kind of Hypermobility syndrome. But means my bones dislocate really easily. And I’m you know, like everything just falls into place. And the only thing to prevent it from happening more often is more muscular strength. So Pilates doing that kind of stuff is

Madison Beaufort 8:09
and you’re loving you love Pilates. Hey, you

Leonie Dawson 8:10
know what I love is talking shit with my Pilates instructor. Yeah. And then going for tea and cake afterwards to reward myself that’s what I love. Yes,

Madison Beaufort 8:21
yeah. Yeah, hard, man. Yeah, I started for the first time this year and I I did not realize how strong women can be. I thought childbirth was the hardest thing you could do and it’s not Pilates. Wow. Yeah.

Leonie Dawson 8:34
It’s like yeah, it’s, it’s just good shit. And also, like, you know, for building strength, like, I can’t do yoga. Like I’m basically barred from yoga classes. Because of the hypermobility. Yeah, it’ll just cause too much dislocations. So Pilates is it for me and I can’t really do like strength training outside of that because I’ll dislocate stuff. And like even now I’m working on a dislocated jaw which I did in a really on brand way which I won’t be discussing publicly but you can absolutely fucking guess what it was

Madison Beaufort 9:07
not many options though.

Leonie Dawson 9:10
This is this is like number 50 jaw dislocation for me but you like first 49 of those have been from yawning

Madison Beaufort 9:20
so we know this one’s not from your neck? That’s That’s correct.

Leonie Dawson 9:23
Not from yawning. Why is it though? 100% recommend? So physical strength. That’s a big thing. Yeah. Really like focusing spending time on nurturing my marriage because it’s been 23 years. We’ve just gone through a hard patch with having a older dog and yeah, it’s like so I had already kinesiology sessions with Kerry row who’s amazing. You’ve met up beautiful, just the most amazing human and she was likely your knee like even if you hit like the biggest goals in the world. Like if you’re not feeling like really connected with Chris in the ways that you’d like to be. It’s not going to matter to you because it’s such a like a priority for him. As in the same way that it is for my kids. Like if I don’t have a great connected relationship with my kids, it means fucking nothing.

Madison Beaufort 10:06
Yes. Yeah, that’s yeah, that’s what you do it all. Yeah.

Leonie Dawson 10:10
So actually having that as a priority is really big for me.

Madison Beaufort 10:15
Oh, how beautiful. What about anything else? Any other personal sort of things your or business? Oh, what are we doing? Oh, exciting.

Leonie Dawson 10:25
Well, I mean, fond memories of the kids I just want like, in whatever way that comes. That will be fun if we have like a little bit travel or just like little holiday staycation. So it’s kind of thing. Yeah, nice. I love I just fucking love school holidays and just spending time with them. Even if it’s just like laying around playing Mario Kart with them. Yeah, getting hyper fixated on that. It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. It’s just like, I’m two little girlfriends, like, you know, just besties in the house with me all the time. It’s so sweet. Yeah, and business business stuff. Sorry, simple. So my goal. And this is like a loosely held goal in that I don’t want to beat myself up if I don’t get it. I don’t want to tie my worth to where like, yes, my worth. And I also want to be fluid in terms of like, if it’s 100 grand under that, or if it’s more than that. Great. But this is sort of like a rough framework for me to go for. Yes, yeah. So I’d like to hit 1.5 million in revenue with $800,000. profit. So I think we’re, we should be pretty much on track for that ish. Yeah. And just to continue, have a really strong like recurring revenue base, my academy. So like, my brilliant Isn’t life Academy, basically, if you haven’t heard of it is like all of my courses and workshops.

Madison Beaufort 11:44
It’s phenomenal, isn’t it? Yes, yeah.

Leonie Dawson 11:46
And like my books, everything. And I just pile it all in there. And I give it a really low price. So it’s $199 a year, and you can access every fucking thing that I offer, pretty much. And so there’s like $8,000 worth of workshops in there. And then so we have new ones coming out every single month. So I have I present a new workshop every single month. I just did one on like creating digital art. And then we have a new template coming out, like done for you email templates, and all sorts of stuff. And then we also have two guest expert workshops a month as well. So I think by the end of this year, we’ll have over 100 workshops in the academy. Oh

Madison Beaufort 12:25
my god, how awesome I

Leonie Dawson 12:27
Oh, it’s so fucking fun. And I just love like, I just might like making it a no brainer for people. Like if people are in a business like fuck yeah, of course, I’ll invest it out. It’s such a doable price. And I get so much it’s like so people don’t have to, like keep buying more and more

Madison Beaufort 12:41
so much, isn’t it? It’s not even just about like, all HyperFlex it’s, it’s everything. Yeah, you could go on there and find something about anything that you wanted to Yeah,

Leonie Dawson 12:49
we’ve got to help money courses, we’ve got business courses, we’ve got sales courses, we’ve got 40 days to create and sell your E course 40 days to finish your book how to work less earn more marketing without social media because I spent two years off social media and earned over $2 million in that time. So there’s all the different ways you can mark without social media how hiring manager VA how to deal with trolls and criticism in your business like all if I can share anything in it. I like to be able to make motion was put in there and just like love up and why people always

Madison Beaufort 13:22
creating new stuff. Hey, like, oh, yeah, I think I want to ask you I was like, Where do you get it from me like it just like, like, not I get it from anywhere. Just like someone says, oh, I need this and you like, Oh, fantastic. There’s a course like and it’s you know, and suddenly it’s there. Like you’re so fast at it to that just just pops out of my head. Yeah. And it’s brilliant all the time. There’s so much so much good stuff. And yeah, that fearlessness. I just love it. Oh, yeah. Well,

Leonie Dawson 13:47
I just like I mean, you’ve been around for 20 years, and I read like between 104 100 books a year. And like my, I already know, the shit when people ask me questions like, oh, okay, let me just put this together. Because there’s so much information that I can tell you about this. Yeah. So yeah, it’s pretty fun. So we currently have about 98% recurring revenue. So that means if you if there’s 100 People that are signed up, a year later, 98% of them will keep their membership for the next year. And then like they just keep on keeping on that says everything, doesn’t it? Yeah. And that’s what I really love. And so like retention rates in my industry are nowhere near that, like, you know, it’s great if you’ve got 20% retention in that kind of stuff. I just love being able to serve people and like that’s definitely like, because I’ve run the academy before I ran it for nine years before it took a four year hiatus. Basically we had pretty similar retention rates people were just like, I will never live without this because I feel like if I don’t have and

Madison Beaufort 14:52
that’s where you have that fan base Hey, that like Yeah. Oh, it’s it’s being part of a lot even it is being part of something rather than just like buying something and you know, using the resources it is, yeah, because you have it. But you also meet you have that. Yeah. So you meet can meet with people and CO work during the week. Yeah, so

Leonie Dawson 15:09
we and we have like a digital co working space. So that was a different mastermind. So that wasn’t part of the academy, but I’m thinking of adding something possible, like like that in the future that was more like the prototype of trying that pot out. And then we also have like, I have group coaching calls every month. And then we also have like business basics workshops, which are run live. And so that’s to, like, do a certain party business. Like if you haven’t set up a mailing list yet, or a lead magnet or whatever. And then people usually stick around after the call and CO work together, which is really far. How awesome yeah, and then I can send them a little price in the mail when they actually complete the fucking thing. It’s just it’s really fun. It’s just so simple. It just seems like it seems so simple to me like to create an academy like this and just turn up and deliver everything for people and of course, people are gonna be fucking stoked with it. Yes,

Madison Beaufort 16:02
yeah. Oh, boy. Yeah. Hey,

Leonie Dawson 16:06
you said that time it’s

Madison Beaufort 16:09
that time for ads.

Leonie Dawson 16:15
La la la, Nina Dawson refuses to not give away free chips. And so therefore she’s giving away free shit. Hey, if you feel like you’re walking around with a dark cloud over your head. Also, I am wearing an umbrella on my head. Thank you very much for noticing that if you’re watching a video I appreciate you. Otherwise, you can just imagine it along with all the other ways that you imagined me and your fanfiction? Look, what I’m trying to say is before we got distracted by fanfiction, and an archive of her own and like Bridget in fanfiction like it’s very erotic. I’m really into that at the moment. Look, what I’m trying to say is I’ve got an anxiety releasing meditation for you. I really managed to keep on topic during this. If you go to Leonie dawson.com, forward slash anxiety meditation, this short, powerful meditation is going to combine two powerful breathing practices based on physiology. They’re designed to like to slow down your nervous system and quell anxiety. It’s something that I use on myself and my kids all the freakin time. Leonie dawson.com, forward slash whatever the fuck URL, everybody said, because I can’t remember it. Now. I’ve got ADHD. Can you tell?

Welcome back. Oh, my God, I

heard that was the best ad that you’ve ever heard in your fucking life?

Madison Beaufort 17:29
I think it was. Yeah. Yeah. So

Leonie Dawson 17:31
yeah, I’m, I just I am still going to like this year. I’m doing kinesiology with Kerry robot every two weeks at least. Right. And then during a launch, I used to do a session with her every week as just to keep my mindset going. And I realized that if I don’t have that I get along. Okay. But I, I can’t. It’s better for me to expand when I’ve got that kind of support. So for me, like, I’ve tried cognitive behavioral therapy, like, which is the gold standard for neurotypical people. Yeah, but I did it. I did a stint of it last year and found that it made me kind of like hyper fixate on my problems more. And I was like, Oh, just kind of fucking me up more. And I talked to Xavier about it, my assistant. And this is the joy of having an assistant who has a psychology degree. She was like, oh, added sweetheart. No, no, CBD is for new typical people. For neurodivergent people, there’s no gold standard, so and it can exacerbate your symptoms to go to CBT. So now if it’s working for you, I can keep going, like just keep going. It’s about the relationship with the person and how that person works as well. And she’s like, so it is 100% cool for you to do therapy or coaching in a way that works for you. And what’s always worked for me was doing it on more of a hippie kind of way, like kinesiology or intuitive healing with your Boga that I love like being able to like, have somebody go, oh, no, there’s something deeper here, even deeper, and even deeper, and then clearing that out. And I feel like oh, well, it’s all taken care of. So it doesn’t seem to keep coming up as

Madison Beaufort 19:12
Yes, yeah. Oh, that’s so good. And like

Leonie Dawson 19:16
the biggest soul lessons I’ve ever learned and about boundaries and you know, taking care of myself. All of the normal therapy stuff is stuff that I’ve learned from Hiro and Carrie anyway, so it works beautifully for me. Yeah, and I think as well, like, I also don’t work super well with a one to one coach, but a healer in that realm. Fuck yeah,

Madison Beaufort 19:39
yes. Yeah, it’s different. Hey, huh?

Leonie Dawson 19:41
Yeah. And it’s going to be so different for others. Like I’ve got other friends who are like love coaching and consider doing business without a coach, but not for me. Yeah.

Madison Beaufort 19:51
It’s so essential. Isn’t it? Having that that help? I love that you’re doing it every two weeks regardless, and sometimes I go to like a session and I’m like, I have nothing to talk about. And then I leave and I’m like, okay, Actually, yeah, you know, like, yeah, because there’s still always stuff this stuff.

Leonie Dawson 20:06
Yeah, really? Yeah. And if I went to like a just a traditional therapist, and they don’t really have much to talk about, yeah. Meanwhile, like carrier hero be like, Oh, really, really, really? Well.

Madison Beaufort 20:16
Let’s talk a little bit, shall we body

Leonie Dawson 20:19
says otherwise.

Madison Beaufort 20:21
That’s it. Anything else that like taking from 2023, taking from past years and bringing into 2024? Like any particular energy, anything?

Leonie Dawson 20:31
Yeah, last year, I really felt like I was going to like, I really wanted to expand the business again. And I was also insistent that I will be doing in a way without adding any more staff or anything like that, because I was so scared of getting into a situation that I’ve been before with, like lots of stuff and not enjoying it. And then so I was like, I need to work out the secret sauce to making it happen. I got really rigid and started developing quite low self confidence because nothing I was trying was working. And I was also like, just like leapfrogging went from one thing to the next. And finally, Zito, my sister was like, hey, intervention time, you’ve kind of drove me crazy. Because you obviously are struggling and I hate seeing you struggle. She’s very empathetic, and compassionate. And she’s like, and also like, you just don’t seem to be getting any traction. Like, let’s talk about therapy. Let’s talk about coaching. What do you need to do in order to get out of this spiral that you’re in where you just like, got your head stuck up your own asshole,

Madison Beaufort 21:33
so good to have like a business partner that you work with? Who like sort of hold you accountable? Like yeah, yeah, yeah.

Leonie Dawson 21:40
And it’s the first time she’s kind of done it. And so I was like, Oh, okay.

Madison Beaufort 21:44
All right, we’re gonna move on. Yeah. That

Leonie Dawson 21:48
was when I was like up at CBT. And really work with me, she’s like, it’s fun. Go back to Carrie go back to doing whatever works. And so Carrie really helped me get out of that cycle and start healing like the free cats I had about having a big business and start trying having more people and it’s actually just felt really nice to have more people and it also because I was relying so heavily on Zadar, because you know, it was her plus one person doing our customer service emails, but if Zito is unwell or Zita wants to go on holidays as he wants to travel, I kind of was stuck in that I didn’t have my little helpmate to do all things. And things really grind to a halt without her. Because we just can’t get through the amount of work kind of thing. And so I felt like there’s too much responsibility lay on one person. And so having other assistants underneath her can step up and do her roles. So she can actually take holidays stress free. You know, I always was like, you always must take holidays. You always like I never like was that? No, no, absolutely. But I’d be like, right, I can’t get to have to like hold back business growth while she’s away, because we don’t have the expansion capacity. So having a bit more expansion capacity is great. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. And also, like, I think as an autistic person, like working out, like, I’m not going to be doing the managing of the people. That’s not for me. That’s not my skill. That’s not what I was born to do this life. No, fucking Thank you. And Xena is really good at it. And Zita is like less she’s, yeah, she’s got social skills. Amazing. And she understands what people are saying when they say things. I’m

Madison Beaufort 23:30
sorry, you do on a level, but I just think yeah, I find it trickier. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think people are the more dishonest maybe when they’re working for you, you know, like or something like that. But it’s not that you don’t, it’s just that that dishonesty is really hard. And that Yeah,

Leonie Dawson 23:46
and I’m such a people pleaser, as well, that I find it hard to give feedback. It makes me feel very, very anxious. And like Blissey to like I’ve like at some point, like, I had to give her feedback. And it was like, and yeah, and I was like, I’m going to feel like spewing I’m going to have a ventilator. I’m just I’m really upset about having no like, even just like, say this thing about this Missmiss mistake I found. But I really love you. And I really want to keep working with you. Because I previously have had in the past when I’ve tried to give constructive feedback to someone. They’re like, fuck you. You don’t know how to run a business. I can quit and fuck you to hell and I will not give you documentation I will damage you as much as I can on the way out. Because people can be totally like that. And it’s not just one person. Yeah, no matter how much I’ve tried to lovingly frame it, like I’ve had people which was like an enormous egos that are so precious. They can’t handle any kind of feedback. And like when I told zeta like I was feeling really anxious about giving her feedback. She like I sent that email because I didn’t want to like I was so yeah, this is years ago and she’s very happy with me to talk about this. By the way. I have cleared it with her. She immediately texted me it was like Hey, I just want you to know that I’ve got the email and I am so sorry. You’re feeling so anxious. It’s Okay, we’re totally okay. And I love getting feedback and we will work on whatever needs to be worked on to make this great. And it was like, holy shit. Like this is incredible to have somebody who’s got that level of emotional intelligence to go. Oh my God, my boss is really anxious about having to talk to me about this, like, all hands on deck for her.

Madison Beaufort 25:20
Oh my god your heart like,

Leonie Dawson 25:21
oh, no,

Madison Beaufort 25:23
that’s it.

Leonie Dawson 25:23
I know. So it’s just such a relief to be around. How

Madison Beaufort 25:26
good do you want to 24 with that beautiful team and that? Yeah, co partner a little bit like you know, like, it’s like a partnership. Totally partnership. And so that’s so nice because their hearts obviously in it as well. And yeah, yeah, yeah. And

Leonie Dawson 25:39
bless her. Like, we like to teach each other a lot like we give each other a lot of shit. And I call her Gobbo or Goblin, because that’s the she’s a troublemaker, but like at her heart, she’s just the most golden fucking thing under the sun. She went on a podcast because we did this podcast with Laurie Stirling, where Lori interviewed Zita first and then she interviewed me separately talking about the business. Very interesting. It’s the growing pains podcast, highly recommend and love. And Lori is fantastic. We’ve done her C O accelerator program together. It was incredible. But Xena on that Cole said that, like Laurie said, oh, you know, what’s your aspirin like your job aspiration. And she said, I’ll just work for Leonis until the only retires and then I’ll retire from this industry because I’ll never find a boss cycling. Oh

Madison Beaufort 26:38
my goodness.

Leonie Dawson 26:39
I’m never letting I forget that. God the kids I got,

Madison Beaufort 26:48
like shivers. Actually, no, that’s

Leonie Dawson 26:50
like that’s incredible to retire from this industry. Oh, my God. Career

Madison Beaufort 26:54
at the moment is sort of you do you know what I mean?

Leonie Dawson 26:58
Wow. And she’s like, No, I’ll just stick with you till you you want to shut the business down. And then after that, I’ll go do something else completely. And I was like, That’s fucking noise. That’s fucking nice. That feels good. Feels good. Looking good. So that’s noise. That’s real noise. So it’s a good way to start the 2014 for feeling like I’ve got a really solid relationship with my right hand person. Yeah. And that she’s got support as well so that we can just keep on rocking out and creating things and doing like crazy shit like this because we probably wouldn’t have had the capacity to build in like a video podcast with reels and shit like that. Yes. Just because we didn’t have the time to do it. Now we do ways

Madison Beaufort 27:46
that we should do something for like the thumbnail like, Oh,

Leonie Dawson 27:51
nice. Nice.

Madison Beaufort 27:55
What’s gonna be a good year? Good everyone. Yeah, 2024 Leone, kind of kick ass and take names.

Leonie Dawson 28:01
Um, so if you have liked this kind of podcast, if you liked the video aspect of you like me talking with one of my besties please let us know. And we will book in more sessions like this. I mean, here’s the thing. I think we’ve had such a nice time. Could anyone

Madison Beaufort 28:22
think we’re incredibly funny? I know. I was like, Well, other people find this funny. I was like, I

Leonie Dawson 28:31
like it, I think as well. We can like make this space even more cluttered. When we walked in with a quick camera. Yes, we’re filming in Havana house, which is beautiful. Very Byron Bay. Very Byron Bay. is just so gorgeous. She just watched

Madison Beaufort 28:46
us bring in these boxes. She’s like, Oh, no one’s ever done this before. Yeah. And I was like, this is this is like the

Leonie Dawson 28:54
bad pitch. And I’m always like, this is I think we can do a lot more to like, make this. You really, really cool. I wish we could build bookcases in here. Just like just fill it with books.

Madison Beaufort 29:07
Ah, yes. Yeah. And then I’ve always wanted to let like have a bookshelf that you have, like a little bed inside of

Leonie Dawson 29:15
come close to the mic. Oh, yeah. That you live inside of a bookshelf

Madison Beaufort 29:19
that you live inside of? You know, like a tiny home situation is a little and you’re surrounded by books.

Leonie Dawson 29:25
Yes. 100%. Understand what’s on tell me about you. What’s 2024 mean for you?

Madison Beaufort 29:30
Ah, travel. Oh, this is a year I change everything up. Okay. Yeah, I’m just the word of the year. Do you have a word of the year? No,

Leonie Dawson 29:38
but I want yours. I want to know what your bravery. Ah, ah, yet.

Madison Beaufort 29:43
I know. Yeah. So I’ve already organized two overseas trips.

Leonie Dawson 29:46
Fuck off. Okay, so

Madison Beaufort 29:47
you’re going to Nepal, right? Yeah, that’s in September. Okay, Nepal and Varanasi, and then live in India. And then I’m also doing Vietnam with

Leonie Dawson 29:55
two best friends. I’m sorry. Category, not the hierarchy. Yeah. Yeah, yes, yes, because I clarify.

Madison Beaufort 30:07
With two of the best friends in the category, I’m thinking, I don’t know if anyone from my work is no one’s gonna notice. But I’m thinking of going over to America. Yes, but this time I just want to change it up right? I’m just like, it’s time to do something different. I don’t know. I felt like last year was a really hard year. It’s bullshit. Yeah, and I also am so held and my fear and have been I started running this year, which is something I would never would have done because it wouldn’t be afraid. Like, I’ve started Pilates I’ve currently week one into a no sugar, no grains. No, I don’t like doing at all. But like, just like things that I mentioned. Like yes. Let’s just try and be braver and I’m gonna go work in a summer camp over in America. I’m signing up. Yeah, and we’re not telling anyone so I’m going to do that which is going to be fuck exciting. Oh my god, like no one is this this but anyway, by then it’ll be it’ll be an hour. Yeah. And then I just want to do something crazy. I just want to work my my sort of goal for this year was to look like New Year’s last that we just had to New Year’s I want to be in a completely different place and go, Holy shit. I didn’t expect myself to be here. That’s that’s sort of what I want. Yeah. But yeah,

Leonie Dawson 31:15
I know. So it’s exciting. I can so see you doing that? Yeah,

Madison Beaufort 31:18
we’ll say hey, it’s actually I

Leonie Dawson 31:21
just read a graphic novel. Oh, Linda to if you want. It’s called Camp sunshine. And it’s about this cartoonist and how he went and volunteered at a summer camp for kids with life threatening diseases. And it was like the most life changing like three months. My nipples actually just

Madison Beaufort 31:39
that’s how I know it’s the right thing. When your nipples do something as high

Leonie Dawson 31:49
touch shot, it’s coming through my nipples.

Madison Beaufort 31:52
Beautiful. Hey,

Leonie Dawson 31:54
oh, babes. I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see all of that happened for you.

Madison Beaufort 31:58
And yeah, I’m so excited. That this Yeah, that

Leonie Dawson 32:02
was so cool. Oh, and everyone you need to like go visit Maddie at the money markets. Yes.

Madison Beaufort 32:06
Come say hi.

Leonie Dawson 32:09
Oh my god. Weirdest. Okay, do we have much time left? We actually have gone over time to fuck. Okay, we’ve got two more minutes. All right. I think that you watched us keep going. Surely. Okay, so weirdest story ever. But like me and Maddie bed for like, five minutes at a coffee shop once and she had to like rice to go like send a print off in the mail.

Madison Beaufort 32:31
Do you remember this? Oh, yes.

Leonie Dawson 32:33
Oh my god. And I was like, Where are you sending to? And she’s like, Oh, it must it was through my website. But she must have seen me at the markets or whatever. And I was like, why are we where are you sending it to me? Because I don’t know some fucking place go press upon. And I was like, fuck off. And she’s like, why don’t I daddy’s my home town that is saws like,

Madison Beaufort 32:55
it’s and I was like, oh, and your immediate like her. And then

Leonie Dawson 32:58
I was like, Who are you sending to and you’re like, whatever as if you’ve know her and I was like, Who were you sending it to Maddie and she told me the name and I was like, fucking Halle Berry. Like I used to work beside her like our families, our long term friends her brother used to work for my dad

Madison Beaufort 33:17
like thinking about that small town.

Leonie Dawson 33:20
Father used to be the councillor of our town like the like the local government representative. And like she is basically the origin story of how me and Chris came together because she got the job for Chris at the council we all work together at the council I work beside her and it’s just isn’t that

Madison Beaufort 33:39
incredible? You know what she didn’t order the the Leone print? Which we were like, Oh my gosh. Show that she knows like to this day, where like, I know because I use my art account to like yeah, that’d be crazy Debbie so crazy.

Leonie Dawson 33:56
She’s like when Sandra if you’re listening to this we’re talking about you we love you and so

Madison Beaufort 34:00
buying your prince Sandra.

Leonie Dawson 34:02
Thanks for actually bringing me my husband together. Appreciate you

Madison Beaufort 34:09
Well, that’s my roommate went to work at that school. I’ve been shadows towers. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And, and you know, you’re crazy small town bugs. were meant to be meant to be sitting up there. But, you know, we’re mentally you

Leonie Dawson 34:24
think you should you know, like Maddie went okay, guys. Maddie went on a road trip up north and Maddie loves swimming in the ocean. And I was like, okay, babes. And just can’t wait to go swim in the ocean out there was so warm. And I was like, Bitch, and she like swim in ocean. So warm, like as a fucking idiot. I don’t like you don’t do that. And yeah, what do you mean I like the crocodiles beach and she’s like, not that big of a problem. Are they?

Madison Beaufort 34:58
Looking really stressed jellyfish. high stress chili fish

Leonie Dawson 35:02
for any person who’s from North Queensland, Northern Territory topic WA. They’re all going you crazy. Oh, no, no, it is a knock goes on, you do know.

Madison Beaufort 35:12
But now they’re out of the reefs as well. Like, where do you go scuba diving? No, I mean, it’s you don’t

Leonie Dawson 35:21
stay safe. Stay with us.

Madison Beaufort 35:23
This is a really interesting fact. Okay.

Leonie Dawson 35:26
I love it. You’re gonna educate me about this. I come from thinking

Madison Beaufort 35:30
they could be. You don’t come from anywhere that ice is over. So if you have alligators or I think they were talking, I can’t remember. It’s one of the What’s one of them. They’re not that different.

Leonie Dawson 35:42

Madison Beaufort 35:42
So there’s this zoo in America, I think it is or in Russia somewhere called ISIS. Crocodiles basically freeze themselves, because they’re dinosaurs. So they put their little snout up in the water, and the ice freezes. The water around them freezes. They’ve frozen and just as long as they’re snouts out, they’ll just go into like a like a coma state. I am googling this right I saw a video fucking metaphor so you want to know my other favorite fact? Sorry that this is where we

Leonie Dawson 36:09
know the I feel like we should just

Madison Beaufort 36:13
do it. Podcast back good facts. Yes.

Leonie Dawson 36:15
I agree. Like just fascinating. You are absolutely right. I know. This is insane. Yeah. Frozen. Alligators breathing through the eyes and our little fucking nose through the air. Yeah,

Madison Beaufort 36:27
and they’ll just freeze and like that. So no wonder no wonder they’re fucking dinosaurs. Like, look at what they they survived the Ice Age, man. They can do anything. They’re phenomenal.

Leonie Dawson 36:37
They’re like Who gives a shit? Yeah, just know that. There should be you alligators. It’s alligators that do it to crocodiles can alligators

Madison Beaufort 36:45
and crocodiles I’m pretty hardy. They’re much bigger. Hey, okay, next fact. Just Oh, I

Leonie Dawson 36:49
thought they weren’t that different. I’m fucking with you carry on

Madison Beaufort 36:57
she’s, she’s pushing her knowledge of crocodiles. Hippos, cuts. Hippos hop. So hippos actually can’t swim. And they hold their breath underwater. This is phenomenal fat. So they can’t swim is what they do instead is they hop like this on all four legs, and they come up, and you’ll see them rise to the surface. And that because they’re so big in the slow so the rise when you see them at the top of the set, it’s because they’re hopping and then they go down with a technique beat most of the time live in like water that’s not too deep or anything, but they can’t breathe underwater. And they can be under there for like seven minutes or something. And then they just hop so they hop and hippos are integral. So after the drought or after you know, the savanna sort of is dry over the summer, and all the water comes back in. Ready for you know, everything to breathe life into it again. The hippo tracks of them jumping is what the water follows to come in. So hippos are central to the African, like wildlife system and their ecosystem. So how water comes like flows back into the savanna. Is the hippos tracks. Isn’t that great?

Leonie Dawson 38:12
Are you telling me very facts and it’s going straight into my ears through these headphones? And like through this, it’s actually like an ecstatic experience. I’m just like, this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Madison Beaufort 38:25
So cool. Hey, I don’t really question the microphone. I was like, Well,

Leonie Dawson 38:28
no, I was I was so invested to and did you know like everyone was incredibly dangerous. Yeah, you can murder cows. That’s what they are

Madison Beaufort 38:38
crocodiles. They’ll they’ll kill them. They’ll just and they bang up to which is good. Like they’re like really loyal and protective. So though, if I saw this video because I watch a lot of Hippo videos for some reason. And crocodiles. He’s always do you know a jaguar? There’s a video in the in the Amazon rainforest of a Jaguar attacking and having a fight with a crocodile. Yes, it tracks the water death rolls. Everything doesn’t matter. The Jaguar wins.

Leonie Dawson 39:04
Um, this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m so glad we ended with the murder counts.

Madison Beaufort 39:09
And 2024 Sounds exciting.

Leonie Dawson 39:13
Bring it on because those

of you obsessed with YouTube Oh boy.



Thanks for sharing this glorious journey with me, my loves!

Big hugs,