I’m going to blog/send penpal e-letters errrry day this month.
Fuckitttt, I say.
Why not?
I’ve been reading a few bloggers who blogged everyday in March like Attic24, and I loved the daily closeness and storytelling. And then I saw EffyWild is doing a blog everyday challenge as well this month, and I’d totes take part, but it’s mainly hosted on Facebook, and you KNOW how I feel about that.
Also: I have a shit tonne of blog post ideas that I’m wanting to get finished. A crap tonne of ideas waiting in my journal to write about (see above). I’m itching to write even MOAR.
And I’ve also got a sale on this month. Don’t know if you’ve heard. That’s the icing on the top of the cake – I have a good business reason to do it as well!
Stand by. A veritable assload of bloggage is coming your way.
Big love & writering,
P.S. I’m also going to record a podcast everyday this month. Just for shits n giggs.
Just hit play above, or subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, PocketCast (or wherever else you listen to podcasts!)