Hiya lovebugs!!
We’re back with my usual scrapbook of photos + ramblings from the past few weeks.
Workbook launch season is nearing a close + it felt good to take a look back at the whirlwind madness. Holy bonza balls!
I look forward to sharing our many new exciting projects that 2016 is bringing!
Here we go!

And then I promptly co-opted Mr Dawson to be my binding bitch.
And I have made some ridiculously polished binded documents for very little reason and I feel SO LEGIT guys. SO LEGIT.
#menwhobinddocumentsfortheirwives #icouldwriteeroticfanfictionaboutthis

National Uniform of Hippy Nation.

We (Barely) Survived IKEA 2016.

The best way I can describe my kids is this: my first born was born with all the fucks to give. She gives a fuck about everything. My second born looked at the allotment of fucks left and realised Mermaid Daughter #1 had used them all up when she was born. So Beth consequently walks through life giving zero fucks about everything. That’s my daughters. The perfect match for each other’s destiny, each other’s teacher. I’m so fucking eloquent and insightful today!

I also decided to something WILD (I AM SOOOOOO CRAZY GUYZZZZZ) and get my own Double Your Biz program (available in the Academy) PDFs printed out as a big book so I can look at it proudly on my shelf. 50,000 words on how to double your profits + reach (oh and how to do it without sacrificing your life in the process). I’m one proud mama bear of this.

It is the end of January!!!! Too late to set goals for 2016!!!! Guess I’ll have to wait until next year to write goals and make my dreams come true. LOLLLLLZ NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

I went to the National Portrait Gallery to work and eat petit fours and have a lovely meeting with the Canberra head of Business In Heels (I’ll be speaking at one of their events soon. Spoiler alert: I will probably be wearing Crocs or Birkenstocks. LOLZ). Then I went and sat under the trees near the National Rose Garden. And I thought to myself: you ain’t so remote hillbilly anymore girl. You in CIVILISATTTTTIONNNNN. #fancyladyalert

I’m thinking of doing a beautiful black and white fine art photography photo book called “The Miracle of Motherhood.”

Team meeting with all our customer service staff… It’s been a wild few months as we’ve sold more than double the amount of workbooks as last season (and we haven’t even finished yet!!!!!) Consequently we had to hire a bunch of new magical customer service fairies to keep up with the sheer influx of emails. So grateful to Julie, Jennifer + Fallon for joining our shining team!
And as always, big love to Erin, Amber, Joyce and Grant for being such solid stars.
(And to our other incredible contractors who do design, development, copy and PR – Suzi, Kayla, Kelsey, The Ginger Minge [apparently his name is Nathan, but that’s not his name around these parts], Tim Tam and Naomi! And of course, our new Operations Manager Sonya!!!!)
Chris walked in on our team call this morning and came over to say hello and saw the amount of people and said “HOLY SHIT! DO ALL THESE PEOPLE WORK FOR US?”
Hahahahahaha… yes… it’s a little surprising sometimes… our team has doubled in size this year… but big dreams needs lots of wings to help them fly…
Endlessly grateful. I love these people and I love the work we do.

This is how elegant I look after copywriting intensive. Me and Grantacular got a wily fankle of an idea to totally transform our Academy information page. It was such a massive effort pulling off the Academy membership site relaunch earlier several months back that I didn’t have the time or energy left to make our Academy information page scrumptious and thoughtful and useful.
We decided now was the time… Which meant we needed to do a copywriting deep dive. He booked into a b&b, I sent him boxes of copywriting and sales books to read. We decided on our own curriculum. Then we spent a total of ten hours on Skype over two days. He’d tell me everything he’d read in the books, I’d tell him everything I’d learned over the past 8 years. Then we’d brainstorm and type as fast as we could to keep up with the word tsunamis that rushed through us. We have two more days to finish it and then it gets handed to our designer.
I love a short deadline to make things happen… Otherwise I will procrastinate for years. Luckily, Grantacular digs riding wild donkeys just as much as I do. Plus, we are lucky – Mr Dawson would visit regularly to chime in on Skype and make us both laugh. The blokes in my life are some of my biggest blessings. Anyways… Keep your eyes peeled for the new Shining Academy page in the next couple of weeks. It is going to be scrumdiddlededumptious!

Driving to pick up kids after a hot date. One of my mates looked after them, we look after hers on Saturday so she can hot date her hubby. On our super hot date we went to the music store, the National Library of Australia to see their Qing Dynasty exhibition, and then to the bookstore. Mostly we just enjoyed the sound of no screaming children. #livingdadreammmmm

Handy tip: keep your big goals front of mind, especially when you are donkey riding. I put up our revenue goal of $2m at the start of workbook season. It was on the window in front of my desk, half way up the window. I also had a sticky note lower on the window with the income we were starting at – about $1.2m.
Each time we hit another $100k, I’d add another post it note moving closer to the final goal. It was incredibly motivating.
I think I’ll keep that top post it note as a reminder, a celebration. I love how goals when done well can keep our intention focussed and make some pretty huge dreams come true.

We did a stocktake of our audio visual supplies and all the plans we have for creating new programs for the Academy in the next year… And realised we needed an upgrade.
I set Mr D loose on product reviews and specs and this is what we decided on. Next month, Grantacular and I will be in the video studio for a bunch of days to create a stack of new courses with Mr D and Mrs A as videographers and production assistant. We are totes into nepotism around these parts!

The family that wears tie dye together… Looks rad together. Hahahahahaaaaa!!! All of us wrapped in new @thesunnydaisytiedye threads! Are you a tie dye fan? Where do you get yours from?

Today’s the day I discover babysitting 2 kids on top of mine is easier than just having mine. They are all out there eating popcorn while daytime glamping. I haven’t seen my kids in hours!

Beth has discovered the supreme joys of swinging. So has Mr D.

On quiet Sundays… Sometimes just sometimes this non-cookingish type person gravitates toward the kitchen. Overripe bananas and leftover coconut cream needed to be used up so I made a raw chocolate banana pie. Gettttt innnnnn myyyyyyy faaaaace.

Sunday afternoon. You know what that means… Solo mama mini retreat. Art journaling, e-courses, 2016 goals workbooks. It’s a ritual. One I love with my whole heart and look forward to each week.

Making myself a poster to remember my own personal rules which bring me success. We all have different rhythms and rituals that bring out our best. It is our job to find them and then over and over again remind ourselves of them.

Want to see my own personal behind-the-scenes proof that goal setting works? I’m doing my year-end reviews for my 2016 Create Your Shining Year in Biz goals workbook, including historical financials. I just pulled this from our stats… year in, year out growth for 6 years running (since I started recording financials properly!)
If you’re not doing yearly business planning in your business, you’re doing yourself, your income, your company, your staff + your customers a HUGE disservice and not achieving the potential you have. If you’re committed to growth, this is what it takes. No excuses – just dedication and disciplined action towards your dreams. I’m soooooooooo proud of what we’ve achieved… and excited what we can create in 2016.

Holy. Shit. So. Good. Perfect for this stage in my life/biz. Working Together by Michael Eisner.
I went through it with a red pen, taking notes + underlining so I can send it to Granto to read as well.
If you’re in a working partnership, this is the bomb diggity.
It’s been such a surprise to me (and to Grant) to end up working WITH someone to build a business – we’re so used to doing it on our own. The last year of working together has been huge + life-changing + filled with so many intense blessings + challenges.

Hot date at the accountants with my boo. There ain’t nothing sexier than financial literacy!

Guess what I bought?????? I cancelled my gym membership and bought a treadmill desk instead. Will let you know how it goes!!!

Mr Dawson sorting and packing baby carriers to send to Greece for Syrian refugees. We have been collecting carrier donations as the Australian contact for Carry The Future so our company can pay the postage of getting them to Greece. We’ve honestly been in awe of how many we’ve received. We sent about a cubic metre of carriers to send.
To Greece, With Love.

#blessed #lovinglife #whenwillilearn

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better… Our duo became a trio and it was exactly what was needed. Destiny is working with two of my best mates, dreaming big dreams and making them happen, healing our shit, becoming our best selves, integrating spirituality and personal development and business as one and growing a business vessel that changes lives and changes the world.
I feel very lucky to be so lovingly held, supported, challenged and taught by Grant and Sonya. Together we can do anything.

Weekend. Thank fuck. It’s been a big week/month/year in a high growth company.
Time to cuddle on the couch and watch vintage Care Bears.

Beer and books in the garden. There would be chips too, but Beth upended the whole bag and the dogs ate them all.
#devastating #prayforme #ithinkiwilleatfudgeinstead

Sabbath morning walk with the angels.

On my Sunday morning amble up the hill today, the theme was feathers… A sure sign that the Angels are near. A big black/purple feather right on my driveway… Small white feathers on the path… Two huge white cockatoo feathers laying side by side… And then a half dozen of Major Mitchell cockatoos hung out with me for a while.
If you don’t know these beauties, they are pink and grey and the most beautiful looking things. My mate Donna says “Those birds are evidence that God is an artist.” They were quite friendly and not at all bothered as I ambled along beside them. Then some tiny little wrens…so tiny they looked like fairies flirting about.
It was a walk filled with the winged ones and I felt like I was walking through a tiny miracle.

TED talks & journaling in bed. I have a raging Brené Brown crush.

Finished listening to this audiobook by Brené on my walk with the Angels this morning. Highly recommend!
Definitely on my #leoniestopbooks2016 list.

Bonza read on management. Highly recommend!

When it be full moon, sometimes normal everyday people shapeshift… Not into werewolves… But DRAMA LLAMAS. This phenomenon is most found in Internet forumz. You know what I say to this? Ain’t no drama llamas belong in wild donkey paddocks!
Woweeee! That’s all folks!
Thank you for sharing the journey with me.
Big love,

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