Just a short one today, and there’s a podcast companion as well.
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I started reading a book by HRH Dalai Lama, but stopped because I just felt so cross about the sexist remarks he made a wee while ago. Those remarks really broke my heart… for so long he has been a bastion of compassion and wisdom for the world. Now when I read his words, there’s a part of me that feels so desperately sad that he doesn’t see the divine potential of women (unless they’re a hottie of course!) Oooof. This feels hard. I hope I can one day not feel so sad and triggered, so I can continue to learn from him.
In other news, I’ve started a little bullet-journal-esque habits tracker of all the good daily habits I’m wanting to maintain.

On the whole, I’m super encouraged with how many coloured in blocks I’m managing to do each day.
It doesn’t need to be a perfect run… anything is better than nothing.
I’m off to recline in weekend pose. Fill the well, fill the well, fill the well.
Big love,