Hola gorgeous Goddess!!!
Setting my word for the year is an important part of my new-year practice.
It’s one of the pages in the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner + calendar.
And with this practice –
I’m amazed at the places it has taken me…
From choosing FAITH as a word in 2009 (only to fall pregnant to Ostara Faith in June)… to finding my way to JOY during 2010 with Post Natal Depression.
In 2011, I chose EASE. And it came true. I gave up the art of being hard on myself, and instead took to finding the easy way. The gentle way. The soft way, for me and for my family.
I gave up the Perfect Mother fallacy & fell in love instead with the Mother I Am.
It was good. Oh it was soft and good and lovely, this last year around the sun.
I met dear, good friends here.
I healed my body + spirit after PND.
I had good times. Gentle, good days. Days in the sun with sweet friends, drinking gallons of tea, telling stories. Mornings out with my two loves enjoying the day. Creating structure and stability in my life and business.
Taking it easy. Taking the easy way wherever possible.
After feeling like my whole ship was being capsized during 2010, my love + I practiced the art of keeping our boat on the smoothest, softest sailing seas. No boat rocking. No hard days. We did whatever we could to create a calm, quiet life for ourselves.
And it has been good.
EASE has been good to me.
Thank you, lovely Ease.
And this year?
This year, I thought:
Do I want to do full out business?
Do I want to triple the size of my business?
Do I want to get that book deal with Hay House?
And it felt heavy to me. Too much push. Too much drive.
I’ve worked my butt off over the last four years… to build a thriving business, help as many goddesses as I can, become a mama & become the breadwinner of our sweet little family. I’ve worked my butt off to stay sane and happy, to heal my adrenal system & heal from PND.
And now I’ve had a year invoking Ease into my life as possible?
A year of systems + structure to provide necessary comfort?
I wanna have fun.

This kinda fun:
I want things to be easier. Simpler. More flow-ier.
I want to make mamahood & life & businesshood as fun and joyful and glorious and good as possible.
I want rest. Mango frappes. Laughter.
Good friends. Kindness. Softness.
I want art making. And side projects. And piles of movies. A well thumbed Kindle.

I want happiness to keep rising up like a flock of pink-flecked birds.
I want FUN. Pure and simple and good FUN.
I’m done with swimming hard right now.
I’m flipping over & floating
& looking at the sky.
Right here
is where
I’ve always wanted to be.

FUN is my second favourite F word!
Big love,

If you like this post, I’m pretty dang sure this is going to rock your world: