Hola gorgeous goddess,
When I became a mama, I lost my way. I forgot how to make art, the thing that lit me up inside. I forgot how to make time for it. And space for it. And how on earth to navigate its rainbow waters now my arms were filled with child.
But I needed it like I needed oxygen. So slowly, I found my way again. I found the path of being a Creative Goddess and a Mama Goddess. I learned a whole new art skill: how to create with kids.
We mamas, we need our art. And we need to include our kids in it too.
And it’s different from ABF (Art Before Kids). It takes a whole new level of art skills, tools, perspectives & set-up.
Creating With Kids doesn’t have to be an exercise in total frustration.
It can be a beautiful, joyful, hilarious, spiritual experience. Truly.
So Mermaid Daughter & I decided to invite you around… to paint in our backyard with Charlie doggy… to spill water and eat paint and laugh wildly and get rained on… and find out just what it is to be MAMA GODDESSES *and* CREATIVE GODDESSES.
This is
part reality TV glimpse into two goddesses messy tangle of paint and love…
part instructional video…
part spiritual awakening.
In this video workshop (just under 40 minutes), you’ll discover:
- how to make art that sings to you & your babe
- what kinds of materials you can use
- the best space to use for creating with kids
- how to be okay with mistakes and mess
- how creating with kids can be fun & joyful & glorious & even SPIRITUAL for you. It doesn’t have to suck!
You’ll also get these AWESOME bonuses:
- nekkid baby booty! weeooo!
- fluffy puppies!
- frequent breaks for boobfeeding!
- muchos silliness! hurra!
- basically: real life. Designed to make you feel more sane, less alone & totally understood in this crazy mama journey ride!
Can I just say this mini workshop makes me grin wildly? And my eyes shine with tears?
I am so so SO proud of this workshop… my first workshop co-run with my baby mermaid daughter.
And I just hope it is perfectly beautiful for you too.
Grab your copy
Basic pack
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You will be emailed a password to access the downloads page immediately on purchase.
Price is US$13.
VIP Pack
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(over $900 of meditations, workbooks & e-courses?)
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(For more information & payment plans, head here.)
May you make art, dearest one. With the little ones in your life. But most importantly… because it lights you up and makes you whole.
Your soul is singing to you.
love love love,