Photo by the amazing Robeccer Mclean of Adori Studio

Tonight, I sit on the precipice between 25 and 26.
Tonight, I feel just as this photograph shows:
held safe in the rocks of Mama Earth.
held joyfully by a man who helps me shine.
looking out onto a beautiful world.
behind me: a rich, textured story which has shaped me
a life that gives me that gorgeous choice:
do you choose to harden, withdraw, forget yourself?
do you choose to open, bloom, and love anyway?

Tonight, after a quarter of a century on this planet,
I dare to allow
hope to nestle in my heart.
joy to move in my limbs.
possibility to rest on my lips.
light to radiate from my soul.
love to be a part of all I am,
and all that will be.

Tonight I celebrate this beautiful soul inside named Leonie,
a beautiful story past,
a beautiful journey ahead,
a beautiful world to be in.

No matter what, it’s all going to be gorgeous.

I’m so glad to be sharing it with you,

A girl-woman-goddess-soul,