Hola beautiful women sisters,
It’s that pregnacious goddess tradition again… my own honest, crumpled, lovely diaries of being pregnant.
This week, you get the first glimpse of my “popped” round preggy belly… and I share about why I don’t think anything is bad. And I also cry. A lot.
And, as always the rules are as such:
1a.) I will make them as honest as possible
1b.) I will not make things sound deeper/better/lovelier than they are
2.) I will do them exactly as I am (hello bed-hair and inside-out-pyjamas)
3.) I will try really, really hard not to make any excuses about them (that I frequently forget things during them, that I may not sound grateful for being pregnacious, that my fringe is untamable)
Weeks Thirteen and Fourteen…
Mama Goddess journey – Week 13 & 14 from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.
And if you’re wanting to catch up on all the pregnacious stories and videos, head on over to the Mama Goddess page.
So grateful to be here. So grateful you are here.