My sweet pumpkins,

Today, I’m diving into one of my all-time fave topics:

💗How to Sell from the Heart and Make Millions 💗

But hold on, it’s not just about making bucaroonies. We’re talking about doing it with integrity, heart, and smashing through those barriers that hold us back (hello, imposter syndrome and systemic oppression., I’m looking at YOU!!!).

In this webinar-turned-episode, I’m covering:

  • 🎭How to overcome imposter syndrome.
  • 🧑‍💻Ditching the “Mediocre White Man Mentality” 
  • 🔊The importance of crystal clear communication to connect authentically with your peeps.
  • 😍What selling is REALLY about (no pushy sales here!)
  • 🤫The secret weapon to selling millions from the heart
  • 🎯How putting knowledge into action can transform your biz.


Remember, my loves, selling from the heart isn’t just about making money –

 it’s about creating change, building relationships, and staying true to yourself. 

Ready to make MILLIONS with HEART?


Big love always,


Do you have something you’d like us to chat about? DO share, darlings!!! Send your episode requests here.

You can either listen to or WATCH today’s episode! CHOICES GALORE!

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Transcript time!

  • Imposter Syndrome and Systemic Oppression 6:06

  • How to overcome imposter syndrome 6:41

  • The impact of learning from diverse voices 10:33

  • “Mediocre White Man Mentality” 10:57

  • Crystal Clear Communication and Making Connections 12:46

  • Selling with integrity and heart 13:33

  • Building Relationships and Collaborations 33:34

  • Selling from the Heart and the Brown Paper Envelope Analogy 49:30

  • Importance of Copywriting in Marketing 56:00

  • Benefits of Brilliant Biz and Life Academy 59:04

  • Having a Global Audience and Implementing Learning 1:10:57

  • The importance of implementing what is learned 1:13:20

  • Building Supportive Relationships in Leonie’s Community 1:13:28

Read along here:

Leonie Dawson
Hello, hello, friends. welcome my friends today we’re going doing a free workshop on how to sell from the heart. And this is specifically for you if you have a business that you want to share about, but you might have some fears about how you want to do it with integrity.

Leonie Dawson
You want to do it with heart. You don’t want to feel scammy or spammy while doing it. You want to do good in the world while having a business.

Leonie Dawson
So, this workshop is for you. So, if you haven’t learned from me before, I am somebody here who is an artist, a teacher, a writer, I have autism at ADHD, I am a mother too, and I live in work and create on the lands of the cup of coffee people, and I want to pay my respects to the elders past, present

Leonie Dawson
and emerging. I won a big stack of business awards, including Osmond Prenore, Peonyours, People’s Choice Business Coach Award on that twice now.

Leonie Dawson
Business is making a difference award, Global Brand Award. I’ve been a finalist for my Businesses Businesswoman of the Year Award here in Australia and the finalist for Small Business Champion Award as well.


Leonie Dawson
My goals, workbooks have been used by over half a million people worldwide, which is just so glorious. I just wanted to create something that was fun and creative and delicious in order to set my own goals in life and business and once I finished making them illustrating them I was like this is really

Leonie Dawson
cute if I could share this and if you know ten other people wanted to join me that would be so fun and it’s such a blessing that over half a million people have joined me so what fun, what fun to get to make goals in a way that really resonates with my creative heart.

Leonie Dawson
I have created not just 13 million over 14 million dollars in just 10 hours a week now. I need to update this graphic.

Leonie Dawson
But we ticked over to 14 million which is such a huge, miraculous blessing. I had no clue whatsoever that that is where this business would take me.

Leonie Dawson
I didn’t set out to create something that brought in multi-millions. I just wanted enough to be able to, you know, to survive and to be able to be present with my kids and along the way I got to learn so many business and marketing lessons and that encouraged me to expand and get bigger.

Leonie Dawson
And I also So I met that I really had to think about the people who could be blessed by my work and how I could reach out and find them and help them find my work if that was something that would be of service to them.

Leonie Dawson
Oh, yay! I updated it! I completely forgot. I did the slide deck last week. I forgot that I did a beautiful little uptake graphic that looks horrific.

Leonie Dawson
I did that horrific update, because usually my assistant Zita joins me and I thought she would find that particularly tragic.

0:03:27 Leonie Dawson
Today I am beautifully joined by my friend Tam and Stead as Zita refuses to get up at this goblin hour.

Leonie Dawson
So thank you for joining me, thank you, hi, hi, hi my boy, I love you, I love you, I keep going.

Leonie Dawson
So when people look at $14 million in 10 hours a week, like the question is always like how the f*** did you do that?

Leonie Dawson
And for me, I really had to learn how to get out of my own way and sell and do it with integrity and do it with heart and still be all of myself, but really learn how to really clearly communicate what I did and how it helped other people.

Leonie Dawson
taking the time to spend energy and hard in really refining my communication around the things that I offered so that I could the people who needed my work they could find my work and they go oh this is what it’s about this is how it’s going to help me and this is how I how I can like build know that

Leonie Dawson
I can trust this person that they’re going to do what they say they’re going to do. So when it comes to sales and learning how to sell, like the questions and the fears that come up, there’s so many of them.

Leonie Dawson
And if you want to share in the comments which ones you feel like really affect you. so you might have the fear of like the sales feels really slimy and I don’t want to take people’s money.

Leonie Dawson
I don’t want to feel like a used car salesperson person. I only want to do my gift. I shouldn’t have to market yet.

Leonie Dawson
I’m not greedy. I’m not good at marketing. People will get sick of me. Word of mouth should be enough, and selling isn’t spiritual.

Leonie Dawson
So what out of those big fears comes up for you when it comes to selling? Now check in with the comments now and see what people are saying.

Leonie Dawson
Dian says that people will get sick of me. Yeah, of course. I think it’s a a really normal concern for people to have.

Leonie Dawson
And it says, I do feel like the used car sales person. Vanessa says, I’m kind of embarrassed to say it, but I clearly have a fear of taking people’s money.

Leonie Dawson
It’s so crazy, and I had no idea. Yeah, I think that’s a really common feeling. Cassandra says that my product isn’t worth it.

Leonie Dawson
Caroline says, I don’t wanna bother people, and I also have a hard time believing in my product even though I’ve got nothing but rave reviews.

Leonie Dawson
See, so many people have these concerns and we have to, when we look at the research, we know that imposter syndrome is disproportionately felt by different members of the community depending on their privilege.

Leonie Dawson
And this is shocking, right? The imposter syndrome is if you are a woman, you are more likely to feel it than a man.

Leonie Dawson
If you are black indigenous or a person of color, you are more likely to feel it. If you are a member of the LGBTQIA plus community, you are likely to experience imposter syndrome.

Leonie Dawson
So that right there shows us that imposter syndrome is actually it’s a part of the patriarchy, it’s a part of systems of oppression that prevent some members a society from being able to access power and income.

Leonie Dawson
So I say that because I think it’s so when you get to actually speak that kind of like statistics and truth to imposter syndrome, all of a sudden, like, for me, I feel indignation bubble up.

Leonie Dawson
And I feel angry. Like, I’m not going to, if the, if imposter syndrome affects me more because I’m a woman, like, put on me to think, f*** that, f*** that.

Leonie Dawson
I think culturally, people who are aside female at birth, we are taught to play nice, play quiet, play small and be compliant and don’t take up too much attention.

Leonie Dawson
Whereas straight white dudes, they don’t necessarily have those that same level of cultural conditioning and And so they are much more willing to talk about their work and to sell.

Leonie Dawson
So being aware of these different levels of pressure on top of us can be very, very, very clarifying. Because then you’re like, oh, if this is affecting my mother man, yikes, yikes, I’m not going to participate in that.

Leonie Dawson
I am going to step up and start sharing my work with the world because it is needed in this world.

Leonie Dawson
And this is also like a really wonderful thing to remember because we suffer from a deluge of stories being shared by straight white men and businesses being owned by straight white men and you know authors and teachers often being straight white men and so there is a real lack of our stories being told

Leonie Dawson
, our wisdom, our experience being told. And I personally would rather learn from somebody who’s not a straight white person, a straight white man specifically.

Leonie Dawson
I, wherever I can, want to learn from women and non-binary folk, I want to learn from black indigenous people of color, I want to learn from the disability community, I want to learn from a queer community, I want to learn from other people’s voices than the one that’s just been fed to us over and over
Leonie Dawson
for hundreds of years. So when we look at it through that angle, that might help you feel a little bit clearer on the kind of way you want to show up in the world.

Leonie Dawson
I’m going to come in here because this is one of my favorite things to talk about. As you know, and I love, say, asking myself the question, hello, asking myself the question, what would a mediocre white man do right now?

Leonie Dawson
Right now, what would a mediocre white man do? And usually it’s put a zero on the end of the price and then tell everyone about it.

Leonie Dawson
So, you know, charge more market a bit, you know, swagger, I don’t know. Swagger? Yes, swagger. What would a mediocre white man do?

Leonie Dawson
Honestly, honestly. I knew like you put up this. Where was the quote? I’m sure you put up a quote from me?

Leonie Dawson
No, not from me. I was experimenting and seeing if it come up as me because I wanted to just say what would a mediocre white man do but it came up as you so I thought no better not I took it away took it away you know add in add in speaking of speaking of not doing what a mediocre white man would do

Leonie Dawson
yeah no I did it but it came up as you sorry yeah don’t even apologize like you’re welcome no yeah you’re welcome anyway yeah that’s my guiding statement, what would a, what my dining question, what would a mediocre wife and do right now?

Leonie Dawson
And also like, you know, the question that you’ve been asking yourself personally for like a year is like main character energy.

Leonie Dawson
I was the main character of my own life. What would I do? Yeah. Yeah. If I was the main character, if I was not supporting role in my own life, what would do now.

Leonie Dawson
Far out, game changer, game changer, foof, foof, foof. I think my love, you’re the best. Okay, so when we look at crystal, when we think about selling, selling when I really feel into the energy of it and see how it works is really about having crystal clear communication and saying this is who I am.

Leonie Dawson
This is how I can help you. This is what you can expect from the process. This is how you know that I’m a good person and you can trust me.

Leonie Dawson
This is how much it costs and with so much hard turning up to find the people who need your work every single day, selling is really about having crystal clear communication.

Leonie Dawson
Also, this was a really big one that I had to learn and it is not pious to be poor. For me, it was like a big money block that I needed to sit with and work through because at a certain point my business started growing and bringing in more money and bringing in an abundance of money and it was no longer

Leonie Dawson
just a matter of making bare minimum. Like my whole when I started my business, my whole goal was to have enough money to build to shed and live on my parents’ farm in a shed.

Leonie Dawson
Now I think like that wasn’t a great idea one because at that time I was energetically enmeshed with my family and two it was in a really hot tropical place like a shed I was going to f****** scrap my balls out like that wasn’t going to work but I had this like mindset of just creating just enough and

Leonie Dawson
that would but you know, and then not doing anything more than that. But when I got to that point of being able to create abundance, I was like, what point is it if I’m still feeling the urge to help and to turn up and do my work in the world?

Leonie Dawson
Why would I want to stop myself from receiving more of that abundance and stop myself from wanting to help more people?

Leonie Dawson
And I realized like I had this like value of that it was like if I was you know poor or you know lower middle income then I um that was an integrity somehow and I remember a mentor at the time saying yeah it’s not it’s not pies to be poor and serving nobody for you to play really small and just get your

Leonie Dawson
basic needs met When I receive an overabundance of money, there are things that I can do with it, which is really beautiful.

Leonie Dawson
So the things that I can do with it, one, I can actually exist beyond, like, no self-care whatsoever. I can actually invest in myself.

Leonie Dawson
I can invest in my little family and making sure that my kids have, like, the educational opportunities and possibilities, these creative explorations that they want to have, I get to create adventures and memories with them.

Leonie Dawson
And from that state of abundance as well, I can redirect some of those funds to really beautiful places that need it.

Leonie Dawson
So we have been able to donate over $170,000 in cash to nonprofit organizations. the majority of our work currently goes towards purchasing land for wildlife as a to try and mitigate against the climate crisis and restoring those areas of land into biodiversity and protecting endangered wildlife and

Leonie Dawson
those kinds of things. And so I love that I’ve been able to create massive changes in the world and we’ve done things that aren’t cash as well.

Leonie Dawson
So my goals, work, books, we’ve been able to donate physical and digital copies to over a quarter of a million people through non-profit organisations.

Leonie Dawson
So we have places like cancer centres in the UK, we have people in the sums in India, we have people in Australia who are recovering from being in a flood zone.

Leonie Dawson
We have juvenile detention centers in America who use my goals, workbooks to help their clients to set goals.

Leonie Dawson
And with the most beautiful responses, we actually had a client write-in who was an at risk use and had been given the workbooks and because we’ve been doing the program for so many years she had said that it was the first time that she’d actually been asked what she wanted in her life and she realised

Leonie Dawson
that she wanted to be an art therapist and help other kids who were just like hers who had grown up in homes that weren’t stable or supportive and to be able to help those people.

Leonie Dawson
And so, you know, five years later, she was now helping those same kids that she used to be. And it just makes me well up just the amount of miracles and goodness that we can spread into the world.

Leonie Dawson
During the Syrian refugee crisis, there was a movement called Carry the Future and it was collecting old baby wearing things, like baby beawns and wraps.

Leonie Dawson
And so many people in Australia wanted to donate, but it was prohibitive to get them over degrees where they were needed.

Leonie Dawson
and it was to help people in refugees to be able to keep their babies on them, to keep them safer during that transition time.

Leonie Dawson
And so being able to be in that state of abundance, I could just say, okay, how can I turn up?

Leonie Dawson
What’s the best way for me to turn up? And so we became the Australian collection point for Carry the Future.

Leonie Dawson
We had about a cubic meter of baby wearing garments sent to us from all around Australia and we were able to negotiate with a shipping company to get them moved over to Greece to carry the future as soon as we could and that kind of stuff just makes my heart so happy the ways that I’ve been able to use

Leonie Dawson
the blessings that have been given to me and redirected into some really important ways in the places that need it, and we also know statistically as well that women are statistically far more likely to donate money to non-profit organizations and not just donate money, but donate far more money than

Leonie Dawson
0:20:34 the straight-wide do to the world. So it’s really important for people like us who are not the top tier of privilege to start receiving more abundance because then we take it and we redirect it to the places that need it.

Leonie Dawson
You aren’t serving anyone right now by playing it small and existing in a state of lack when you can create overflow, you can more beautifully tend to yourself, your family, your community, and the global community as well.

Leonie Dawson
Let me just check in with comments. Lisa says, I love that main character energy. Jennifer says, my dog rescue got them.

Leonie Dawson
Yay! I hope the dogs got to sit their goals and that was that they had a lovely time and that they all their dreams came true.

Leonie Dawson
That makes me, that thrills me. Okay. Okay, the next thing that I want to talk to you about some water though, stay hydrated my friends.

Leonie Dawson
If you haven’t you haven’t had some hydration lately, I have some hydration. So I want to share a true story of two healers.

Leonie Dawson
And so I’ve been blessed to learn from so many incredible humans. And I think specifically of two that have had a really big and beautiful impact.

Leonie Dawson
And there’s one of them who your challenges really, really well and makes it super easy to book in.

Leonie Dawson
They’re able to be completely devoted to their work and takes care of themselves in such a wonderful way that it’s sustainable that they’re able to do it for a really long time.

Leonie Dawson
And so with that healer I was able to learn from them every week or every fortnight or every month for 10 plus years and they made such a massive and significant difference in my life and it was we were able to do it for that long because of the way that they charged well and had good boundaries and

Leonie Dawson
took care of themselves so beautifully in that. I also have a darling healer friend that I have been blessed to learn from as well and they also undercharge or don’t charge at all and they must make money in other ways.

Leonie Dawson
They’re much harder to access because their bird out and so I haven’t been able to learn from that person in an intensive way in the way that I had from the other.

Leonie Dawson
So I think when it especially when it comes to healers and people who want to serve the world, I think there’s definitely a propensity to be on the side of the undercharger or not charging at all.

Leonie Dawson
But the ripple effects of doing that means that you don’t actually get to help people as potent or sustainable away.

Leonie Dawson
Also, the healer on the left, she actually was able to teach me how to charge well, how to look after myself while having a business, things that the other hadn’t.

Leonie Dawson
And both are beautiful humans and both their works were deeply important in those spirits. So deeply important in this world.

Leonie Dawson
I would have just loved, loved, loved to see how much more I could have learned from the other person. If they were able, if they’d been able to work out how to charge well and take care of themselves in that process so that it was sustainable for them.

Leonie Dawson
I think the bigger thing for me is to remember that it’s not about you, it’s about the ones who need you.

Leonie Dawson
My darling friend Amanda Rootsie, she’s a hair house author and she is a very gifted mentor for teenagers and she also teaches other people how to be youth mentors as well and she has just the most darling spirit and heart and is so gentle.

Leonie Dawson
My kids met her once and she just exists in so much love and gracefulness and afterwards they said to me, Mom, we just love her so much she could be our second mother and that’s like the quality of her spirit and that’s how nurturing she is to the other people around her.

Leonie Dawson
especially kids. And I remember one day we were talking and she was sort of questioning whether she wanted to go for a bigger goal or not with how many people she wanted to reach.

Leonie Dawson
And I said to her, like people need you, they need your spirit in the world, and especially like teenagers and kids, like you’re such an incredible role model.

Leonie Dawson
And without you, they’re suffering without you being in their lives. So the question is not like, do I want to reach out to more people.

Leonie Dawson
Hey, let me give birth through a jumper. Be birth through a jumper. I mean, cool. The question is not about you.

Leonie Dawson
The question is, do you like children suffering? And oops, because kids are suffering without you, babes. Now we’re so blunt about it, we cackled because what else can you do?

Leonie Dawson
We cackle. But it’s it’s true. There’s people out there who are suffering without your work. They’re like this is going to be crazy guys but do you know those people who don’t know who I am?

Leonie Dawson
Could you imagine? Like press, press, sorrows, press. So my job is to find all those people who are suffering without me and help them find me and be like, hey babe, I’m here.

Leonie Dawson
At last. And like, oh, f***, I’ve been waiting all my life for you. So when I think about whether I want to play small or not or keep myself into a small container, I have to remember it’s not about me.

Leonie Dawson
I have to stop thinking so much about myself. it’s about the people who need me. You need to stop thinking so much about yourself and whether you’re worthy enough for your work and to share and to sell and to clearly communicate about this incredible thing that you do and offer.

Leonie Dawson
And instead you need to think about the people that are suffering without you and make it your mission to go out and find them.

Leonie Dawson
For me there’s this beautiful practice that I love doing and I started doing it in 2008 at the very beginning of my very, it was the night before my first e-core started and it was the creative goddess E-course, that was my very first E-course in the olden days.

Leonie Dawson
And I’d already had like 130 people sign up which was beyond my wildest dreams considering I had like 150 people on my mailing list.

Leonie Dawson
It was crazy. And I’d already felt so blown away and so just, oh, I can’t believe this and then as I was laying in bed and I was like tuning into my heart, I could feel all over the world.

Leonie Dawson
There were still some people who hadn’t said yes to the creative And I could feel that like when we could do this deeper work together, it was like our lights, our hearts lighting up and then connecting with each other.

Leonie Dawson
And then it sort of connected out across the world, like this sort of web of light. So when I second guess, I think to myself, okay, how can I spread that light of my life our bigger and wider to find those other lights that need me.

Leonie Dawson
And I remember that night in that vision when I saw like the people who had already signed up and whose hearts are already light and were already connected.

Leonie Dawson
And then the other pinpricks that weren’t ready to light with like just needed intention and love and energy sent their way.

Leonie Dawson
And I could see there was like about 20 that hadn’t been connected yet and so I just kept radiating like energy out for my heart in the hope that we could connect up and form this beautiful network of light together and I can still just see the vision in my eyes so completely, even though it was 16 odd

Leonie Dawson
years ago, and when I woke up in the morning, there was 20 more people who’d signed up for the cause.

Leonie Dawson
And it just felt so miraculous and holy and sacred. And it changed me, it changed the way that I thought about marketing and business because I realized like this is really just about hearts connecting.

Leonie Dawson
And me turning up to radiate out so that other people could see my light and find my light. So, I could do the work that I was born to do and that I could, in whatever way, help them do the thing that they were meant to do as well.

Leonie Dawson
And on that, just like waking in again, hello, I am awake. I promise. Just me breaking in again and you don’t know where that connection will take you because I was one of those 20 who joined overnight.

Leonie Dawson
I’m willing to bet. Just saying. Just Thank you. So making those connections, you know, is just that putting that foot on the path and going, guess, universe, I’m here and I’m willing to go where you take me and things and, you know, we have a beautiful friendship now.

Leonie Dawson
And I feel the same with the clients I work with, like so many of them would become dear friends of mine and we connect and help each other and they still work with me, you know, they still book in with me and pay me and, you know, all of that, but outside of that, you know, we message and we have conversations

Leonie Dawson
and my life would be so much less full and bright and lovely if I didn’t do that. So, Well, this really made me cry because I met in person ten years ago and she sent an email to my email saying, hi, I’m going to be in Miranda.

Leonie Dawson
Do you happen to be doing any like meetups or anything while I’m there? And I was like, you know, more density speaking of audacity.

Leonie Dawson
I was like, what’s up? Great time. Great time. This person’s visiting from Melbourne. I might as well do like a a readout meetup and connect with people.

Leonie Dawson
And I had baby Beth. She was only a couple of months old. and just so chubby and beautiful, such a pudding, my goodness.

Leonie Dawson
She was the cutest. And I turned up and I sat across the table from time and I was like oh okay I love you.

Leonie Dawson
I’m here now. Like I just think like it’s turning up a little bit late to the love story. You’re in you that we were had a love story.

Leonie Dawson
I had actually emailed like I think the year before I favorite family in that part of the world. So I was going up to visit, so I emailed a year before and I got a message from Leone that via Leone’s fictional VA saying, oh no, Leone needs a bit busy.

Leonie Dawson
Sorry, you know, try again, blah blah. So I tried again. I was like, yeah, sure. I’ll go up next year.

Leonie Dawson
Not really in a stalkery way. I was like, totally fine if not. It’s fine. You know, I respect to know all that.

Leonie Dawson
So yeah, don’t stalk people, but it does pay off. It does pay off. And then I just I sat down from Tam and I just immediately just loved her and trusted her and I handed my baby over to her.

Leonie Dawson
I hand my baby over to everyone just Tam and my acupuncturist and doula turned up Kelly and then Kelly had a nap with a Kelly had a best nap on her as well and we’ve gone on to be like just we we we call it to the CPF close personal friends because it’s ridiculous and we’ve also like worked together

Leonie Dawson
for so many f****** projects over so many f****** years and it’s just I feel like I’d feel really sad if I didn’t have you in my life.

Leonie Dawson
So I think you’re hearing a heart call. Yeah, well on. When I was getting my autism assessment, the psychologist needed to talk to like the person that like knew me the most and was that person.

Leonie Dawson
And it’s so funny because halfway through the call dropped out and I called them back and like the reception team went, I know the person doesn’t need anything more from you.

Leonie Dawson
It’s fine. Pretty obvious. We’ve got the points we needed. We’ve counted the points. Totally. Bless. So thank you, Tim. That was beautiful.

Leonie Dawson
So you don’t know who you’re missing out on by not sharing about that network of life and one of your dearest friends is ready to light up in that network.

Leonie Dawson
So please do it, please share about your work, do the work that needs to be done in this world. Another thing that I really have to remind myself over and over again is the six inches between these ears or maybe five and a half, so I’ve got kind of a thin face.

Leonie Dawson
I don’t want to be shallow. No, I’m just, I don’t have an enormous cranium. My husband has just the most massive, massive head to get like a motorbike helmet.

Leonie Dawson
Like, it needed to be special ordered. Like, good luck to his month’s v*****, okay? Where was I going with that?

Leonie Dawson
Okay, the six inches between your ears, or whatever distance is yours, is the stories that you tell yourself, the inner fears that you have, They can all work towards creating more success or holding you back from having more abundance, more success, more big shining bright light out there in the world

Leonie Dawson
So whatever it is that you need to do in order to keep that mindset high and radiant and heading in the right direction is really important.

Leonie Dawson
keeping that growth mindset of it’s okay to make mistakes and yes it’s hard to learn new things and put myself out of my comfort zone but it is important work to do and I can do this.

Leonie Dawson
For me when it looks like what I need to do to keep my mind set clear I know that I need to have really good hygiene around my work and create a good life outside of my business.

Leonie Dawson
I know that I need have like the only sparkle time like an artist date where I go to Pilates. That’s not the fun part.

Leonie Dawson
The fun part is the Pilates is next door to a cafe and bookstore and I have tea and I have cake to reward myself and I read books and it’s just such a highlight of my week and it empowers the rest of my week.

Leonie Dawson
I also know that in order for me to keep on the straight a narrow, I need to have medication because I need my brain chemistry needs so trying in order for it to work well and that’s okay.

Leonie Dawson
That’s totally okay. Given my family history of mental health stuff, what I have to do is take half a pill each day and not just be weeping in bed for 48 hours straight about Dr.

Leonie Dawson
Michael Mosley. I love you so much. Rest in peace. Funny story, funny story guys. I ran out of medication a band a month ago and I was too busy to go back to the doctors and I thought you know what, I’ll be fine even though I was going through something personally that was very stressful and I was like

Leonie Dawson
I’m too busy to go get some medication and a few weeks later my husband was like Hey, heads up. Have you done something different because your emotions are quite erratic and I was like, really?

Leonie Dawson
Really? And I told him, he was like, we’re going to go back to the doctors tomorrow. I will take you.

Leonie Dawson
I’ll take you now. And that’s when I knew, like, and that was during the whole Dr. Michael Mosley going missing.

Leonie Dawson
And I was just, I couldn’t, I couldn’t sleep, so I was crying myself to sleep. And I feel so grateful for Dr.

Leonie Dawson
Michael mostly his work and crying so much over somebody I’d never met. It was an indication that my end chemistry was not okay.

Leonie Dawson
So back on the medications I have got. So medications for me are an important part of the puzzle. Also, just making sure that I stay regulated in my nervous system as person with autism at ADHD.

Leonie Dawson
And also, I know that doing in a work of journaling and tapping, decluttering, doing things, like, and also having a coach like a kinesiologist.

Leonie Dawson
So, Kerry Rowett, hilariously, was also part of the creative goddess Ecos. So, Kerry Rowett is one of Australia’s best kinesiologists and really is such a gift to helping people with their mindset blocks and clearing energy stuff.

Leonie Dawson
And I get to talk to her later today, think, God, I’m saying it for it. But I know for me, as a new divergent person, doing kinesiology and positive psychology actually works better for me than cognitive behavioural therapy because sometimes that stuff can make you like wind further into your story and

Leonie Dawson
like kind of wow down. So as a neurodiversion person there’s no gold standard when it comes to therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy is gold standard currently for neurotypical people but for people who are neurospicy we have to find the things that work for us to keep our minds clear to stay headed

Leonie Dawson
on the right path. Whatever I can do to get my brain working well is really important so I can continue to turn up and share my work with world.

Leonie Dawson
I remember I think it was early last year and yeah I’ll put him up so you can see her face as I talk about this.

Leonie Dawson
So you’re muted my queen. I just said I’m lucky I wasn’t picking my nose or something. Yeah, that’s great. Good, well, please follow.

Leonie Dawson
Still here. I’m here. So, Zita, I actually met through Tam and she was working. It’s so, it’s so in-bred, but and so Z and Tam loved Zita and Zela Tam and then I was like, oh, is it okay if I have, like if I get seated to do some hours for me and Tim was some super gracious that’s like yeah absolutely

Leonie Dawson
and then I think like a couple of years in two or three years in I was like oh I just want to see if I can take all of seated hours I’m so sorry Tim yeah I didn’t have enough hours to give seats at that point so you know you know I kind of had to be like sure sure that’s okay.

Leonie Dawson
And then you started working with theaters. We didn’t have a housemate who wanted to do the A-Works, so I hired her and her name was Keeta.

Leonie Dawson
Their name was Keeta, sorry. And so, yep, that was great. That was so great. So great. And anyway, I say like at the background of this because me and Tam and Zita are now like this little trio of hags together like this, like this sort of like triangle of besties.

Leonie Dawson
And so early last year I was, I think I was just, Did you, you know, where I was really struggling with my mindset and you guys kind of do an intervention?

Leonie Dawson
What did it look like for you? Oh, yeah, um, well, we just noticed that there was a bit of erratic stuff going on.

Leonie Dawson
I like that word because it’s not, it’s not terrible, but suddenly, you know, there’d be like these ideas and you’d come to us and go, I know, I’m going to do this and normally, normally when you have like a project or something you want to think about it, it’s like, hey, I’m thinking about this and

Leonie Dawson
I’m thinking of a role like this and you know, do you have capacity and blah, blah, blah, but you know, this became very, very like.

Leonie Dawson
Now, I’m going to do this. I’m just, I’m just, you know, there was none of the kind of consideration or you know any of the other stuff that people who have worked with you you know know that that’s what you do you know I mean don’t get me wrong you always have a very strong direction but there’s always

Leonie Dawson
a bit of a okay you know is everybody on board for this Can we do this? Is that, like, other pieces in place?

Leonie Dawson
How is everyone feeling? And it was. So, you know, we kind of went, you know, oh, hello, yes. You can ask what I do.

Leonie Dawson
I’m a writing mentor and coach, so I teach people how to write their nonfiction book that they’ve been waiting to write for sometimes decades, sometimes decades.

Leonie Dawson
Anyway, so yeah, so basically, Zets and I, I mean, you know, Leone, things are feeling a little off. Do you maybe want to book in a session with Kerry?

Leonie Dawson
Well, get some therapy or something. Do you want to like get some therapy? Oh thank you, darling. Oh, that’s lovely.

Leonie Dawson
Thanks. So push, look at you putting pennies up. Well the funny thing was I know I’ll say it’s my like so Tam has like worked with me on and up for years for different projects so she like edited all the goals, workbooks and we won’t talk about the calendar.

Leonie Dawson
I don’t talk as much. Especially the diary, don’t mentioned the diary that there’s a reason that does not happen anymore.

Leonie Dawson
The fact that we spent half of the dolls on printing and the diary was printed without January 1st. I was trying to tell the team.

Leonie Dawson
I still wake up in a cold sweat about that, just going the messages and getting through. It was a different time.

Leonie Dawson
It was a challenging time. Tim was also like a coach for, oh yeah, we’ll get you done club and we ran that earlier in the year and also she’s a guest expert in the academy and yeah we’ve worked together in lots of different ways she’s done copywriting and editing and all kinds of wonderful stuff for

Leonie Dawson
us which I’m so grateful for but the thing that you and Zita said you were like, like, oh, like, are you still seeing your therapist?

Leonie Dawson
And that’s right. And I was like, yeah, and I was like, well, no, because I ended up feeling like worse about myself of spiraling.

Leonie Dawson
And thankfully with Zita, like the fact that we have a friend that’s built in with a psychology degree because she was like, oh, that’s because cognitive behavioral therapy is called Santa for Neuro-Typicals.

Leonie Dawson
But not Neurospicy, it can cause further rumination. And I was like, oh, and I was like the thing that’s actually always worked for me is like kinesiology or intuitive healing like heraboga and she’s like great just do that then do that you get to choose your own gold standard and so I went back to Kerry

Leonie Dawson
because heraboga is now retired and and it’s amazing because Kerry Robert was one of those people in the creative goddess Ecos in 2008 as well and her work continues to profoundly affect me.

Leonie Dawson
So the ways that we can share about our work and do our big work, it creates so many beautiful connections.

Leonie Dawson
I feel so blessed. So good. So good. Anyway, so that was all about six inches for three years. And sometimes you like really get into a like a tizzle.

Leonie Dawson
Like I think I was so, I think what was happening for me internally last year was that I had like a whole bunch of stories running in my head about what I need to do in order to create more success.

Leonie Dawson
And are you felt really energetically stuck in creating that? And so I was just kind of leap-rogging from one idea to the next convinced that’s what was going to save me.

Leonie Dawson
And what I really need to do instead was like the inner work of getting clear with my own mind. So thank you for the story time.

Leonie Dawson
Another thing I like to talk about when it comes to selling from the heart is the brown paper on Velope analogy.

Leonie Dawson
So if you got up on a stage with a brown paper on Velope and you were like 20 bucks who wants it.

Leonie Dawson
Nobody? Okay. And you got off the stage. You’d be like, ah, this sucks. I’m not even worthy. Like, nobody wants my product.

Leonie Dawson
Like, I’m not meant to do this. I’m just so terrible in salesy. Whereas imagine if you got up on the stage instead and Instead of having a brown paper envelope that you cannot see into, you say, friends, I have something for you.

Leonie Dawson
Inside this clear plastic envelope, there is a hundred dollar note, and it’s clear, so you can see right through and you can see the hundred dollars.

Leonie Dawson
And today, I am selling it for just twenty dollars, but I only have two hundred. I’ve already sold over 5,000 of these here, some people who have already bought the clear plastic envelope and somebody gets up and is like, oh yeah, I bought it last week.

Leonie Dawson
It was a phenomenal, I used a hundred bucks to go towards my rent, it helped me massively, I’m so grateful.

Leonie Dawson
The other person was like, I took my honey out for a lovely lunch at Yumcha and we had meals and that’s what cheered up to $100 because I don’t know what happens at Yumchar some kind of magic but ends up you just buy a lot of plates and spend a lot of money but anyway I had a freaking great lunch and

Leonie Dawson
I’m so grateful like I don’t know I didn’t say why I’m here for Yumchar’s land I don’t know I f****** love Yumchar guys anyway so you like get up and get people on stage and they get to share about how the clear plastic envelope has changed their life and why they brought the offer.

Leonie Dawson
And then you’re like, don’t just take my word for it. I’ve also been featured on Oprah. I have also been on SBS.

Leonie Dawson
I don’t know. Some more shit. So who wants to buy the envelope? And guess what? Most of the crowd is going to say yes because you’re really clearly shared what’s inside the envelope, what they get in the values, the benefits, you’ve given them social proof and how they can trust you.

Leonie Dawson
Of course, they’re going to say yes to that. So are you sharing about your work in a brown paper envelope kind of way?

Leonie Dawson
Or are you getting up and talking really clearly, communicating the value and helping people understand that they can trust this and that it’s a good investment of their time?

Leonie Dawson
Fabian Fregixson also shared this one with me one day, probably 12, 12 each years ago. And it was at that point where my academy was growing and I was stuck in this feeling.

Leonie Dawson
I was like, oh, I might just play it small though, it’s probably better if I play it small. And she was like, Yoni, this is really like, you know, you love creating brownies.

Leonie Dawson
And you want to share and you wish with all your heart that that’s what you could do all day long.

Leonie Dawson
And you have some friends over to the house and you’re like, you know what, I’m in the mood for making brownies.

Leonie Dawson
And so you go into the kitchen, you start making brownies and kids. Like your friends come in and they’re like, what are you doing?

Leonie Dawson
You’re like, nothing. Nothing. Go away. None of your business. And they’re like, wow, rude. And then you put the brownies undercook, smells incredible, people coming in like, what are you doing?

Leonie Dawson
And it smells amazing. Nothing. I’m not being scammy. I’m not telling you about what I do. No, thank you. Let’s you go.

Leonie Dawson
Like, what the f*** is wrong with her? The brownies are finished and you’re like, oh, smell amazing. So you cut yourself up a little slice and you sit in the corner on the floor in the kitchen and you eat it by yourself and your friends are coming in like, oh my god.

Leonie Dawson
What’s that? That’s amazing. Nothing. Nothing. I’m not going to, I’m not salesy. I’m not going to tell you. This is just my little private thing.

Leonie Dawson
I’m like, oh, why are you not sharing your brownies? Why are you not clearly communicating your gifts with the world?

Leonie Dawson
Why are you not allowing people to get to experience the wonder that is your brownies? And while you’re not giving yourself the gift of sharing them in a way that you can then do it sustainably for the rest of your life, if that’s what you want to do.

Leonie Dawson
Don’t be a little goblin in the corner like Zita festily going through the rubbish to eat your brownies, share about it with a big heart.

Leonie Dawson
We have to remember as well, when it comes to sales, that everybody’s always tuned to we, FM. What is in it for me?

Leonie Dawson
So when we talk about our offers, we need to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about the words they use, the problems they’re having, the things that they’re waking up, freaking out about and talking about it in a way that’s less about you and more about them.

Leonie Dawson
This is exactly what we were talking about before. You just need to harness some straight white man confidence and then go on to change the world for the better.

Leonie Dawson
You also need to market way more than you think you do. People need to see a sales message at least seven times before they actually see it and read it and get it.

Leonie Dawson
So what you’re doing currently, turn it up by seven, at least. The thing about copywriting, copywriting is writing in a way that helps people buy.

Leonie Dawson
And that can be in emails, that can be in ads, that can be in news letters, that can be in social media posts, that can be on your blackboard, outside your shop.

Leonie Dawson
all the different ways that you use words in your business. Copywriting is learning how to do it in a way that gets people to take action and buy.

Leonie Dawson
And learning elements of copywriting really is a license to print money. Like I’ve been able to create over $14 million in revenue.

Leonie Dawson
My profit margins are wildly crazy, wonderful. And it’s because I’ve invested in learning about copyright, even though it was uncomfortable, even though it didn’t come naturally to me, even though I had to learn something new, it made me expand, it built my skills, and it meant that I can now write in

Leonie Dawson
a way that gets people to take action, whether that’s to help it when I’ve got a philanthropic project on, so fairly regularly I have a 24-hour period where you can purchase something from me and I’ll donate 100% of the revenue, not just a profit, but 100% the revenue to a non-profit organisation.

Leonie Dawson
So a couple of weeks ago I did that and it was 24 hours and everybody who signed up in that time and all that money went to a family escaping Gaza.

Leonie Dawson
So getting people to take action in those ways, getting people to take action so that they would come join this call.

Leonie Dawson
That’s copywriting. Getting people to take action to make a decision about whether they want to join the academy or not.

Leonie Dawson
That is all copywriting. And there’s some really wonderful things to learn about copywriting to help people to take action. Now, if you want more of this delicious unicorn magic in your life, I really, really, really recommend my program sales star, which is my copywriting and sales page master class

Leonie Dawson
, and it is four-week intensive. It gives you all the building blocks on creating your sales page so that it creates so much more income for you.

Leonie Dawson
And really helps people see who you are and how you help them. And I also highly recommend that so sales start I usually sell by itself the $297 US.

Leonie Dawson
It’s like worth so much more than that. I’ve had people take the program and be like I learned so much more from this program than like a $2,000 program that I’ve taken elsewhere.

Leonie Dawson
So it’s highly, highly nutritious. You just all the things that I create in my brilliant business life academy. There’s so much good stuff in there that you can use.

Leonie Dawson
You don’t have to use it all. There’s over 100 programs in there. There’s templates and there’s resources and there’s courses coaches and coaching and our virtual co-working space, which is a place where you can go to get all the work done, and it’s just magic.

Leonie Dawson
It’s just magic. Easily more says, I love your heart and your message. I just joined your academy and I’m so excited.

Leonie Dawson
Oh my goodness, I’m so thrilled to have you in there. Oh, bless you. Heart slide up, hard slide up. Okay.

Leonie Dawson
Lisa says, wow, that explains so much. Thank you for sharing your experience with cognitive therapy. Yeah, I’m so grateful there’s either told me about because yeah, it’s really helpful.

Leonie Dawson
If you’re in the academy as well, I have my autism and ADHD the success workshop, and I do go into a section about therapies as well, including some of the therapies that can be useful for people, but it’s really just a matter of, try it out and see what works for you.

Leonie Dawson
Heidi says, I needed to hear this today. I haven’t been looking after myself lately, so my work has paid the price.

Leonie Dawson
oh my oh bless you my love bless you. Now I wanted to what I want to do is I just want to go through with you just to share with you everything that you get in the academy because there’s so much and even when you’re in the academy sometimes you forget just how much is in there and just think of it like

Leonie Dawson
Netflix you You don’t have to use all the resources. You don’t have to learn all of the things in order to get value, even if you just use one workshop you got value.

Leonie Dawson
So if you’re going to for such a academy, you can see this as a video there please watch it because it’s about a time when I was really thinking of areas.

Leonie Dawson
So in terms of exactly what you get in the Academy, like the Academy is really revolutionary, like there’s not many people that do this if any, but you get all of my programs.

Leonie Dawson
So you get the sales star masterclass, which is really a business building block. I really recommend everybody takes this program.

Leonie Dawson
It is going to make such a big difference, but only take it if you want to earn more money, if you don’t want to earn more money from your business, don’t bother.

Leonie Dawson
There’s also 40 days to create and sell your e-course, money manifesting in multiple streams of income, and that’s for you if you want to really get a handle on your finances and save more money, make more money, create more streams of income, all that kind of stuff.

1:02:28 40
Leonie Dawson
days to a finished book, marketing without social media, that one is actually one of our most popular because a lot of people would like to get our social media and I spent two years off social media and earned over two million dollars during that time.

Leonie Dawson
There is literally hundreds, if not thousands of ways to market your business without social media and often they are more effective.

Leonie Dawson
Work less and more workshop. Get organized, which is a 21-day decluttering and organising challenge for your life and business might as touch which is probably my the the hippiest of my offerings currently and it is a meditation experience and this is really going to help you if your mind sets not in

Leonie Dawson
fine form at the moment so many people just deeply personally touched by that one and I know my assistants were now editing it were in tears, often, and how much it affected them.

Leonie Dawson
So that’s always beautiful. Then you get how to hire and manage a VA, burn out, how to heal it and how to prevent it, how to deal with trolls and criticism in your business, how to decide what business to do, how to find the perfect accountant for you and your business, behind the scenes of a multi-millionaire’s

Leonie Dawson
finances, and I take you into my net worth, my current income streams, what I invest in, my retirement plan, how I track my income goals and so much more.

Leonie Dawson
My ADHD and autism workshop that’s a brand new one that I just brought out. Monthly group coaching calls with me.

Leonie Dawson
I also have a 24-7 virtual co-working room. Now, if you haven’t already joined, so if you’ve joined the academy and you haven’t joined the virtual co-working space yet.

Leonie Dawson
If you go to this URL and I will just host it, just for the very first time when you join, you need to have me hosting.

Leonie Dawson
And then you can use it 24-7 after that, which is awesome. Okay, then you also get my complete library of popular workbooks, my brilliant year business workbook, my brilliant year life workbook, We’ve also got the goal, get a daily to-do list planner, weekly planner, the erotic romance novella that I

Leonie Dawson
wrote in pandemic, because some people made sourdough, I wrote sexy romance, the calm Christmas planner, which was so fun to make.

Leonie Dawson
Then we also have every single month a brand new workshop. So these are the ones that have currently that have been released.

Leonie Dawson
Set up your website that sells to site your pricing and set up payments, how to decide what business to do, master tech for business success, create a lead magnet, create a newsletter to page marketing plan to turbocharge your business growth, sane and profitable social media marketing, planning, planning

Leonie Dawson
your 2024 business success, how to create digital art, how to create incredible customer service, money management for your business, how to grow your business with launches, how to start and grow a membership program, how to win awards, how to grow your business with testimonials, how to grow your business

Leonie Dawson
with networking, graphic design for your business, how to grow your business with affiliates, how to create business systems and an annual business review.

Leonie Dawson
So we will also be announcing shortly the 2025 workshops that will come out. And if you have any more things that you want me to cover, please email in and tell us because we’ll put that into our list and see what new workshops we can deliver for you next year as well.

Leonie Dawson
Then as well, you get essential business trackers, planners, spreadsheets, and a new one gets released every single month. So yearly business growth tracker, monthly financials and growth tracker, annual marketing calendar, launch results tracker, financial goals tracker, weekly content planner, monthly

Leonie Dawson
business goals plan, weekly business planner, lead magnet and webinar success tracker, affiliate link tracker, content library planner, 52 newsletter content ideas, customer service email templates, flash sale e-mail template, launch success checklist, morning routine template, 52 live stream content

Leonie Dawson
ideas, and next month we get e-mail templates to get testimonials, then 100 social media content ideas, new customer e-mail templates, affiliate onboarding e-mail templates, daily essential business task template, and standard operating procedure templates as well.

Leonie Dawson
There’s a reason why over 90% of our members renew. It’s because they just get so much f****** value. They’re like, I give everything I need out of this one very low cost of membership.

Leonie Dawson
We also have guest expert workshops every month. I won’t read them out because there’s just so many of them. But so many incredible teachers have already shared.

Leonie Dawson
shared their wisdom in their guest, in their field of expertise. And they’re just wonderful. Oh, look at this beautiful human.

Leonie Dawson
Oh, look at who, who was she so hot. So, yeah, it’s a lot, but wait, there’s more. No, that’s in there.

Leonie Dawson
We’ve just got new ones coming out every single month. Also, a new thing that we do in the academy when you sign up is you get sent out a two-minute questionnaire and with the areas in your life or business that you’re needing change with and then we give you a personalized recommendation list of where

Leonie Dawson
to start in the academy as well. So pretty f****** stoked with that trip at all We will be releasing it to all existing members as well.

Leonie Dawson
Can be says, Leonie, your content and positive energy inspires me. You have an insane amount of content. I do, thank you.

Leonie Dawson
I just love creating. That’s like my absolute joy and I love making stuff. If I had to just create one signature program and then market that for the rest of my life, I’d die f****** boredom.

Leonie Dawson
So, my preference is always just to be creating and making more stuff. Policies, I’ve gone through so many of the courses over the past year and a bit.

Leonie Dawson
Each one was easily worth more than the annual membership fee. Oh, my love. Thank you so much. I’d such a blessing to hear that.

Leonie Dawson
I’m so grateful you shared that. Lisa says, I’m currently working through Salesforce now. I love this morning. Oh, that makes me so, so happy.

Leonie Dawson
If you’ve got any questions at all that you need answer, just email support at and we will get into that.

Leonie Dawson
Diane says, I joined recently, I haven’t stopped learning, my heart is filled with gratitude to you. Oh, oh, bless you.

Leonie Dawson
Simone says, I joined six months ago, but I haven’t connected yet. Oops, I didn’t know about the coworking’s face, but it’s fine that, okay, my love.

Leonie Dawson
here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go to forward slash log in right now and I just want you to log in.

Leonie Dawson
I just want you to log in to the Kejabi platform and if just a just a little thing just log it in and then bookmark it so you know how to find it and then I want you to go to your calendar and I want you to book in 30 minutes of learning time each week, just 30 minutes and that’s your academy time.

Leonie Dawson
Have you a little link in there so you just know that’s where to go? I just want to give you so much, I want to give you so much, it’s like when you take the horse, like I grew up on a care farm, when like you take your horse to the river and they’re I just, I talk to you to this nice river to have a

Leonie Dawson
drink, they’re like, so I want to give you the river babes, just need to log in, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, thank you so much.

Leonie Dawson
If you have any issues at all with logging in, support at and the lovely Lydia or Mimi, we’ll be able to help.

Leonie Dawson
We’re here to help you and we want you to get the most out of the academy. All of the courses up to date, as far as best practices, tech, etc.

Leonie Dawson
Yes, because I also like will update them when new stuff comes out. Hooray! Hooray! Okay. Are all these helpful tools, no matter where you live, I’ve been back and forth so many times I’m joining or not?

Leonie Dawson
I feel like I’m addicted to learning but don’t know how to get up my own way and apply them. Okay, so first and foremost we have people from all around the world, so with America, Europe, England, Australia, and throughout, I think with like salt over 150 countries now, I think which is amazing.

Leonie Dawson
So I’m very conscious that it’s a global audience and so I try and make sure that we help people wherever they are on that front.

Leonie Dawson
Now in terms of getting out of that like learning, but not doing thing, this is a really important one. And that’s why I try and teach the academy and whether you invest in the academy or not, it’s totally up to you.

Leonie Dawson
But with age piece of thing that you invest in, you want to not just learn but implement. So one of the things that I talk about in your academy regularly is the three types of learners.

Leonie Dawson
So often we have Eleanor the enthusiastic and that’s somebody who just buys all the courses and then doesn’t open them.

Leonie Dawson
Then we have Ruby the Reader who will buy the course and read through it but not implement any of the things in it.

Leonie Dawson
And then the last type of learning is Ingrid the Implementer. And that’s somebody who not just invests in the course, not just like reads and takes the course, but actually implements what they’re learning into their business and testing and seeing if it works for them.

Leonie Dawson
And so Ingrid, the implement is always what we want to model. It’s always like where we want to head to.

Leonie Dawson
And it doesn’t mean that we have to be perfect about it, but getting into that place of actually implementing what we’re learning and testing and trying and see if it works for us, it’s really, really important.

Leonie Dawson
Is the copywriting course included? Yes, absolutely. Sailstar is included in the Academy, 100%, 100%. Okay, Catherine says, sounds awesome as usual.

Leonie Dawson
I spent the last 18 months taking care of my mother. I have to see about finding the annual amount. Thank you for today.

Leonie Dawson
Thank you for being new and thank you for doing this big act of looking after your mama as well, like care taking is so incredibly important and worthy and you deserve all of the buttons in the world for undertaking that huge task.

1:14:14 Leonie Dawson
So, thank you, thank you, thank you. Bless you, bless you, bless you. Okay, Simon, this Simone says, that’s a great idea.

Leonie Dawson
30 minutes each day. Each Monday morning seems totally doable. Yes, yes, of course. Whatever we can do to implement that into our lives is really, really useful.

Leonie Dawson
For me, one thing that I do is I always wait to have a lunch at my desk so I take lunch to work with me and then while I’m eating, I study a course while I’m eating and it even is just like for 10 minutes but then often I get into it and I’ll do a bit more but it’s just like it’s habit stacking.

Leonie Dawson
I know when I eat I take a course and but also having that that sectioned out in your calendar is really, really important as well.

Leonie Dawson
Okay. Rachel says, have you worked with an accountability partner Michelle? You’ll find the most amazing people to support you in the only community.

Leonie Dawson
Yeah. It’s true. We do have beautiful, beautiful things. And oh, Tim, I’ll pull you up again. You can say this because you’ve all it like you’ve been in my community for so long.

Leonie Dawson
Did you want to share about like some of the people that you’ve met in my community? Absolutely. So I have an accountability partner and someone I call my business bestie.

Leonie Dawson
We have been connecting since I think we first connected in goddess circle, which only ran in like 2011. And we still connect every single day.

Leonie Dawson
We do we call it intervals, you know, that’s not our word really, but we just say what we’re going to do, then we set a timer, go do it, check in.

Leonie Dawson
You know, we’ve started having goals called monthly goals calls using like the only’s goals monthly goals planner from the academy.

Leonie Dawson
So we’re both in the academy me now and that has just been so beautiful and we’re both at the time were editors and copyrighters so we would take on bigger projects and do them together so it has been really lovely on like a personal level as well as a business level and you know because I’m a worthy

Leonie Dawson
person and right as well as teach I met one of my favourite accountability writing buddies through the goddess circle 2.

Leonie Dawson
She lives in Bulgaria. I must say my besties in New Zealand. So there’s just people all over the world who will be your accountability buddies and besties.

Leonie Dawson
And I just know that I can message these wonderful, wonderful friends whenever I have something going on, you know, creatively or in business and they will just, you know, they’ll talk me down from the ledge or they’ll, you know, help me sort my head out.

Leonie Dawson
It’s just, it’s been the biggest blessing. So I’m really grateful. I’m really grateful. Awesome, thank you so much my friends.

Leonie Dawson
This has gone a little bit longer than I usually do but I think it’s just because it’s a really big topic and I had to have a stop for a little cry as well because from the heart being so you get really big beautiful miracles happen in your life.

Leonie Dawson
Someone wants to know where you got your Rainbow Bright Switch shirt. Thank you. Oh. We’re asking the important questions, asking the important questions here.

Leonie Dawson
The very important questions, I got it from Redbubble, I think, I’m pretty sure. Okay, that’s a Redbubble, should I? Yeah, yeah, I think I love Rainbow Brut.

Leonie Dawson
And of course, if you haven’t already, make sure that you jump into the academy so that we can surprise and delight and just help you do all of the big beautiful things in the world.

Leonie Dawson
I love you all so much. I’m so grateful. Thank you for spending this time with me. Thank you for taking time for waking up at about five o’clock to be here with me.

Leonie Dawson
and I’m so grateful for you all. I’m just the luckiest, luckiest human to get to do this work and to get to love on you all and share what I know and how I can help.


Thanks for sharing this glorious journey with me, my loves!

Big hugs,