Hola gorgeous goddesses!
It’s been a glorious week of rest, planning & creating here in the Land of Leonie.
Tender & tiny moments… filled with magic and momentousness!
All captured… in images.

Why yes… this *is* what it looks like.
So I had this dream a couple of nights ago. And in it, my little merchild was out in the world, and I was changing its nappy in the change room. And I was working out how to change its nappy, and what I needed around the change table. It was the most practical kind of dream… the ones that are like Groundhog Day. I get to try things out before they are here! It was wonderful đ
And when I woke up, I knew I could change nappies and would be okay. And I also knew that I needed to move my change table around so it was all lovely & accessible.
So we’ve been doing that. And then yesterday, we decided to trial run the set-up.
This is my merman love’s hands as he practices nappying up our teddy Theodore on the change table.
This makes my spirit giggle and my heart shine with love.

Creating on the floor.
I was thinking of fabric-collaging the cover of my 2010: Creating my Goddess Year workbook & planner… but think I’ll leave it all lovely & white & pure like it is.

Developing a rather major addiction to plums.
This is what it’s like to eat a plum in my house… being carefully, carefully watched by two puppies… just incase I drop! tee hee hee đ

Finding random mermaid baby treasures!
First this hooded towel which I adore…
and then today…

these mermaid leg warmers!
Both mermie goodies are a wee bit big for a newborn… but she’ll grow into them. In the meantime, her mermaid mama will continue to be besotted by them đ

Going on a spontaneous late-night late-Christmas-light drive with my sweetie.
The moon all big and beautiful and round.

The lights all magical & fantastical.

Way too many cherries.

Finding it a bit harder to sleep at night with the light of the full moon…
waking up in the early hours to listen to the rain, stretch out in the moonlight, and dream anew…

Working my way through the home & house pages of the Workbook… how I wanted my home to support me & my dreams.
The first thing I knew I needed to do to make my home support me more during the new year… was to start at its centre. Which happens to be where our hearth heater is… and our altar. Over Christmas, our altar had become full with a whole heap of Christmas cards, funny presents, crystals and stuff. I needed some clarity & intention-filled space again, so I cleared it down with water and vinegar & put away everything. Then slowly, mindfully, I chose things to re-fill that space again.

Holy & sacred… the two paintings up the top are the mermaid mandala I had commissioned for my love… and the one on the left is one of my favourite personal artworks… a woman healing herself with a rainbow. That’s the perfect image for me right now… healing myself with chakra colours…

A statue of Quan Yin ~ my patron Goddess. Me & Sone like to call her our “Goddess Homegirl” – she’s the one we turn to again & again.
Quan Yin is wearing a bindi I got while I was in India… a dried rose from my blessingway ceremony & a beautiful little felted ladybird baby that a gorgeous goddess sent me.

It also includes paintings made by my love (I think he’s my most favourite artist in the world…), a Willowtree statue of dancing lovers that my love gifted me last Christmas, a Goddess Isis statue (protector of women & children) that my lil sis gave me for my birthing day, a pregnant goddess statue & a hanky & pendant owned by my GrandMother.
… All of these are there with the intention of feeling at peace, supported & presence with the journey of pregnancy & mamahood.

And a little part of all my animal tribe & helpers… a buffalo, an owl, a rose quartz elephant & a unicorn.
All in all… it’s feeling *so* much cleared and shinier than before. Ready for a new year, and the next part of my journey.
And the next thing I wrote in my workbook that knew I needed to do in our home to support me… was to make our bedroom feel totally glorious & sumptuous…

And it’s finally done! My love lowered our bed so it feels more futon-ish now… and he also put the magenta silk sari I bought in India over our window to make it more “womb-like.” Uhhh… yuh… he’s amazing. I cleared out our room so it only has bed, books, crystals and loveliness in it now. And for the first time in ten years… I bought a new doona cover.
Behold its stunning gorgeousness!

Yes, I totally had to raid the teen section of Target… but could it be any more perfect? Turquoise & lavendar (my two favourite hues) and butterflies dancing all over it? It’s perfect.
Our bedroom feels like a sanctuary now… a spa… a place of rejuvenation & rest & calm.
Extra bonus things
If you’d like to share your gorgeous goodies with more goddesses, I’ve got spaces left for January sponsors. You can read more & sign up here.
The next thing… which I feel totally shy about sharing, but am going to anyway.
When the idea for the 2010 planner & workbook jumped on me like a fairy that was hiding in the bushes… it felt like I had little choice but to ride the wave, and birth it out into the world. It just came whole, and complete, and ready to share… one that I just needed to get on paper, and embellish with rainbow paint.
And I didn’t really mind how many goddesses would buy it or anything like that… I just knew it had to be created. For me. For those who needed it.
A couple of days ago, I was sitting in morning meditation. And I was seeing all these goddesses around the world… and they were healing their world, and their life… by using the workbook… and bringing their big dreams into the world. They were being healed by the rainbow colours in it. And I felt all of us connecting as we dreamed new loveliness into the world for the new year, and I had these beautiful goosebumples all over me from seeing it.
And my angels said to me:
Leonie, more goddesses need this workbook than you think is possible. You need to dream bigger. There are 1000 goddesses out there who need this book. Imagine the healing that would take place if a thousand goddesses were feeling supported to dream their dreams into being.
And I was a little bit surprised by that. Usually when I release goddess goodies, they go to a few hundred goddesses. I just didn’t think in thousands at all.
So I tried to visualise a thousand goddesses. And I could see a few hundred, but the rest were behind a misty veil – I could see them, but I couldn’t see them clearly.
I asked my angels what I needed to know in order to connect with those goddesses who might need the workbook.
All they said was:
This is something you need to reach out about, and allow other goddesses in to help to connect the web.
So here I am. Standing a little bit quakey, and a little bit brave.
Asking if you might know how I can find those goddesses who might make up that holy grail of a thousand goddesses who are dreaming an inspiring, healing, radiant new year for themselves, each other & this world.
Almost 200 goddesses have already got the workbook. I’ve created a Goddess Ambassador program so that any goddess who’d like to help me spread the word about the workbook will get 50% of their sacred sales… I adore sharing the abundance.
I’d like to do this in the most joyful, spirited way possible… I want to radiantly support & treasure any goddess who is called to getting the workbook, and I want to radiantly support & treasure any goddess who isn’t called to getting the workbook either. However a goddess’ spirit calls her is perfect. My intention here is to see how I can reach out & connect with those women who may not know about me or about feeling like a goddess yet.
*long exhale*
When I was 21, I met an amazing woman at my work. And she shone with this kind of luminescent joy. And she invited me into her women’s circle… and when I got there, my life changed. Because there were all these women who knew they were goddesses. They were supported on their journeys. They chose loving, conscious choices for themselves. They knew what it was to feel powerful, joyful, creative & alive. And as I spent time with these women, I started feeling like maybe that was possible for me too. And then I started knowing that it was. And all of a sudden… I started realising that my life was own beautiful thing to create. That I didn’t have to be stuck being blown where the winds of my life thrust me. I could set the sails of my soul, and choose my boat to be a Ship of Joy.
It was the changing point in my life…
and the thing that I want to offer to women everywhere. For them to know and see themselves as beautiful, compassionate, creative and wise. That’s what is inside us. That is what we were born to be.
So I’m starting with a thousand. And slowly, by slowly, like a buffalo, I’ll walk the path of finding all those who are looking for their tribe, and their own precious, profound path. And offering what I can to help them on their way.
So a thousand is my first big dream for the new year. A thousand goddesses with the workbook, creating their own goddess year. Dreaming their big dreams, and making them happen.
Can you help, dear goddess sister? I would so love any advice, support or guidance how I can help any goddess who might be looking for themselves, for joy, for remembering, to find us here, in this goddess circle, creating magic as we go. How to send out the workbook on the backs of eight hundred more rainbow doves?
In humble gratitude and deep blessings,
big love,