Hola gorgeous Goddess!
So yup… I’m totally calling it. I’m calling a Switch Off Sunday for myself… even though it’s a Friday.
I totally need this. I’ve been a little net-head over my holidays, and am in some desperate need of re-centering, re-grouping and re-calibrating. Offline. Switched off.
Plus, it’s New Years day. A public holiday. That smells like Sunday to me!
As of Monday, I am heading back to work full time – five days a week. I haven’t worked five days a week at my office job in… uh… three, four years? Holy readjustment batman! It’s only for six weeks or so before I go on mama-goddess leave… but still… my two days a week of total & complete Leonie-time-to-create are ending. Have ended. It’s been such a beautiful part of my life… and while I’m excited for the journey and loveliness that is head… it’s a big transition.
Maybe Switch Off Sunday will help me cope more.
That, and there’s a little bit of something happening happening in my practical life that hasn’t been easy, flowing and wonderful at the moment. And I don’t want it to wreck my day, or flavour my week. So time to reset and get back to creating instead of reacting!
And for those who are new to the Switch off Sunday tradition… it is my weekly ritual of making all or part of my Sunday switched off… logging off my ‘puter and doing some of those things I really wanna do… and just adoring my beautiful goddess life.
You can join me by taking off the whole day, the morning, the afternoon or just a couple of hours off from being online. Write down now how long is the perfect time for you to “Switch Off”.
Facebook, Google Reader, Twitter, blogs and your inbox will all be there tomorrow waiting for you. But Switch-off-Sundays-even-when-it’s-a-Friday are for beautiful recharging 🙂
Here’s my plans for my not-really-Sunday-but-close-enough Switch Off Sunday…
Well… I don’t want to call them *plans* as such… more like *MAGNIFICENT POSSIBILITIES!*
- Try out the new yoga-bellydancing-mama-goddess video my love got me for Christmas.
- Make a crazy-beautiful paper crane and star mobile for over little mermaid’s change table. I have this idea… this vision… I wonder what it will turn out like!
- Baby art. Baby’s room. This has been on my Switch off List for like a month? Who knows! Maybe today! Here’s some of the canvasses all ready to be adorned with love & magic for lil mermaid…
- My hottie has made a pergola outside. And it’s turning into a really cute outside haven. Me thinks it needs more colour though. Maybe paint some swirlies on it?
- Do all the washing. For some reason, washing is really making me get my jones on lately. It feels like cleansing. Preparation. It centers me. (And that totally cracks me up!)
- Ten minutes on our exercise bike. There’s something about moving my pregnant hips in a circular direction that is totally needed right now.
- Keep reading The Lost Lands by the lovely Lucy.
- Watch a movie. I’m just in the mood for a movie, me thinks.
- Now that I’ve completed my 2009 part of it… time to start creating my goals & dreams for 2010! Workbook time! I get so inspired reading other people’s gorgeous goddess goals… time to create my own!

Some glorious things you can do this Switch off Sunday:
- Create your gorgeous goddess goals for 2010!
- Make some a To-Do list book. I loved Sone’s!
- Go for a walk or take a meditation-nap with your iPod playing some meditations
- Bake something scrumptious
- Have a soak in the bath with a book
- Make something new
- What’s that thing you’ve been meaning to do for ages now?
- What’s that thing you need to give yourself?

It’s time!
Time to switch off… and soak in this shiny, shiny day. What glorious things can you make/see/play/do today?
Get out a pen and paper… write them down… dream and play!
love you shiny sweetness!
P.S. 17 days until Term 2 of Goddess School begins!