Hola gorgeous Goddess,

It’s that time of the week again… Switch Off Sunday!

Each Sunday, I take either the whole day or the afternoon off from being online.

This Sunday, I’m going to try something revolutionary.

I’m going to take the whole day off! HURRAH!

Welcome back, sacred Sunday!

Last Switch Off Sunday recap

But first… how did my last Sunday go, once I actually got off my ass and switched off my laptop?

My hunky met our friend Kayles at a Medieval Fair, and we had a hilarious time watching knights & ladies racing their steeds along & cutting the heads off cabbages on sticks. We also made up rather elaborate stories of our roles in the whole fair. Chris was Mervin (Merlin with a name-update), I was one of the Priestesses of Avalon who took Merve as a consort, and Kaylia was another Avalonian Priestess who was spying out the knights to decide who she should take as her Stag King for the Night of Betadine.

Oh yes, we were silly, and it was FUN.

Other points of miraculousness from my Switch Off Sunday was making more headway in our Mission Make Room For Baby. I’ll do a post all about that this week!

So today…

You are so welcome to join me in switching off, for the day or the afternoon or two hours… and re-discovering the joys of being switched onto life outside the laptop.

Facebook, Google Reader, Twitter, blogs and your inbox will all be there tomorrow waiting for you. But Sundays are for beautiful recharging 🙂

Here’s some ideas for what to do to make today your own Switch off Sunday:

  • Make a herbal healing bath… crush up some lavendar heads, or drop in some chamomile tea bags… scrumptious!
  • De-clutter. Get rid of something. You will feel SO much lighter!
  • Do some space clearing in your home.
  • The Meditationap is your friend.
  • Sort your bookcase by colour, theme, or alphabetically.
  • Watch an inspiring movie.
  • Write your Things To Do This Life list.
  • Perfect the Art of Doing Nothing.

Sounds divinely delicious, no?

My plans for my Switch Off Sunday:

After The Week That Sucked Big Donkey Balls (read: trying to settle buying a house, family stresses, and wrangling with a bank who I Now Officially Hate), I am allllllll ready for a Sunday that is silly and sacred and sweet and soft.

So here’s my plans:

  • Meet up with dear friends at the markets for the morning. It’s pretty much the most wonderful markets ever – they are held in a big paddock, under big eucalyptus trees, filled with stalls of delicious food and craft and food and did I mention there will be food there? I’m planning a tour of gastronomic delights! That, and hugs. Hugs required this week!
  • Continue on with Mission Make Room for Baby… keep sorting through some old projects and get our two spare rooms sorted into Baby Space & Guest Space. Sounds boring – but it feels utterly sacred and life changing for me. Along the way, I’m letting go of so much old stuff… to make room for all the beauty that is coming.

  • Read some more of Living the Good Life: How One Family Changed Their World From Their Own Backyard.

Time to switch off… and sup on this sumptuous day.

What are you planning for your Switch off Sunday?

love you big time,