Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
I’m so excited to announce the opening of Term 2 for Goddess School! Term 1 was filled with such beauty, miracles and blessings… I am so grateful for the goddesses I got to connect with and journey with and share with during term one. I never fail to get amazed at the big, beautiful soul work women do in circles, and the precious women-connections that are made in goddess space. Term 2 will be even more amazing… especially with the addition of Goddess Sone to the Goddess Tribe!
Term 2 begins Sunday, January 17, to give everyone some gorgeous settling-in space after celebration season… and early enough in the year to begin in with a big, glorious dose of goddess spirit and wisdom!
There are two e-courses available during Term 2 at Goddess School:

The Creative Goddess e-course which is a six week journey for you to discover the shining, creative, amazing goddess inside you. You get a meditation, e-book, video and creative project to work on each week. This isn’t just a journey of art… it really is about healing, facing your fears, claiming back your power, connecting with your guides and discovering the wise woman inside you. It’s transformational and powerful and I would so recommend it to any woman who wants to discover her creativity again, or learn about the gorgeous goddess inside her through making art.
The Creative Goddess e-course has been my longest-running and most popular e-course so far… over 200 goddesses have taken the journey already!
You can check out more and enrol here.

And I’m so excited to unveil the new goddess e-course! I partnered up with my dear friend Goddess Sone who is a NIA dance teacher and reiki healer to co-create the Radiant Goddess e-course!
We wanted to create a 21 day journey of feeling radiant that included gorgeous nutrition plans, movement plans, meditation and soulful goddess tasks… to take care of every part of your body, mind and spirit… and become an amazing way to begin your new year!
We all have the best intentions for starting our years afresh, but often get lost along the way because it can be so hard to make changes to habits. We know that the way that we best make change is when we have a gorgeous plan to follow, and the support, guidance and sisterhood to follow it through. So that’s what we are doing! 21 days to uncover and relish in our radiance!
I love what Sone said when she read our information page the first time… she said “Oh my goddess! Where do I sign up? This is totally what *I* want!” And then we laughed… because we created it… and have been searching for the perfect plan of radiance that sings to our spirits and bodies and minds for so long… so this is our blend of all the things that worked gorgeously for us!
To become a Radiant Goddess with us, head on over to the Radiant Goddess page.
Hurrrrrrah! SO excited to be sharing these with you!
As far as when we’ll be closing enrolments – not sure at this stage! We’ll be checking in to make sure it’s a really gorgeous, manageable size – if it starts looking overwhelming, we’ll close enrolments.
And yes – you can gift these courses as Christmas presents to dear friends… or yourself! I just love the idea of gifting creativity or radiance for Christmas 🙂 That, or a rainbow unicorn… because a goddess can never have too much rainbow unicorns, I’ve decided 🙂 hee hee hee!
Thank you for being you, goddess sister… and here’s to many more precious, heart-opening, spirit-shining journeys together!
Love, love, love