Hello my loves!

I’m out under the tree having a mini-picnic with Charlie puppy & our little mermaid is ensconced in her project of attempting to crawl. Goddess on ze MOOOOVE!

This week has been:

Madly getting the 2011 Creating my Goddess Year workbook + planner + CALENDAR finished. I have one more page to go! I can doooo eeeeeeeeeet! I remember creating the 2010 in late December last year in a late flash of inspiration and muses’ guidance. I was pregnant and worrying about the tenants in our cottage (that we now live in) and I was created it sitting in the backyard of our little brick house in an alpine city… it feels a world away from now creating it surrounded in lush tropical paradise, interrupted a bazillion times during ze creative process by the most beautiful babe I could ever imagine, living in our 100+ year old wooden cottage that my grandmother lived in… life has changed so intensely in the last year!!!

Speaking of change… in a sudden, ginormous flash of inspiration and knowing, my love and I have organised our wedding in the past week! After two years of being engaged, suddenly the time was right, and we knew exactly when and where and how we will be getting married! Sometimes, you just have to wait until the knowing comes. There’s no need to push. It all just comes. So, in May, ten years to the day, my love and I will return to the place we fell in love by the sea, and say our sacred vows there. We are turning it into a lazy, luscious festival/vacation by the sea with our loved ones.

Also, can I just say now how excited I am about our MAKE YOUR OWN CUPCAKE DESSERT BAR? I have visions of glass jars piled high with sweets to pile up in mountaineous piles of delish atop swirls of icing. Best.idea.EVERRRRR. I heart when muses come to strike!

And that pretty much sums up our week really… workaworkaworka in between babybabybabybabybabybaby and a little bit of WEDDING! DING!

Our week! In Videos!

Look what I found! Inspiring Goddess Allsorts!

And all ze goodies that inspired me this week…

This mermaid seascape is the most beautiful thing ever! (thanks to precious Erin from Starving Artist Ink)

Of Birth from The Sparkling Martins. I’ve read that blog (& their book) over and over. It’s definitely influenced my parenting philosophy… they share such a beautiful philosophy of respecting, loving, enjoying and connecting with their children. It excites my cells!

This video clip of an Interpol song is precious. It touches my heart in so many ways. It reminds me of my incredible brother and his brilliant shining friends.

Loved Henry Rollin’s wisdom.

Karen Maizen Miller’s 5 zen secrets to productivity is funny and wise all at the same time. Bless her cotton socks!


Neil Krug‘s photos are stunning… they remind me of the 70’s… of mysticism… of light… of glow…

This collection of travel photographs is exquisite.

Loved this free ebook on Smart School Time Recipes – we’re using it just for us!

Bold Color, Small Space: The Black Apartment is a bit different from my usual tastes… but it really excites me. I get inspired seeing how other people live!

Why (and How) I decided to Self Publish is really, really interesting. It’s definitely getting me cogitating away about what new magic I want to create & share!!!!

Building a Super Man by Bliss Ripple (photo above) utterly touched me profoundly.

Right there, in that strong mama’s arms, a new world is being born…

Okay my precious goddess sisters… off to bundle up one little goddess and our gazillion picnic supplies, head back into the cottage and go finish that last page of ze workbook…

Have a beautiful beautiful weekend, stars of my heart!

I adore you!

big love,

P.S. I’ve been getting emails from goddesses asking if they can buy Goddess Circle memberships for Christmas presents… why yus, you can. All you need to do is email me & I’ll fix you up a beautiful voucher you can gift to them. And don’t forgetsies, they’ll get the 2011 Workbook/Planner/Calendar included in their membership {as well as the rest of my meditations, e-courses, kits + the online goddess circle!} BEST PRESENT EVER FOR GODDESSES! {me thinks}