Succulent Sonja, photo by the gorgeous CaliPoppy
So many sweet things sent to me in the past few days ~
1. The above picture of the sweet Sonja in Sydney with a Leonielife bag! it always gives me the biggest smile to see Leonielife babies out dancing in the world… (More designs for bags & shirts at the Leonielife Shop.)
2. Connecting over beautiful long emails on life, love, libraries and the equinox with helena.
3. Jayne sent me a picture of an “old friend” of ours ~ a painting I did for her when we were still in high school. It’s been years since I’ve seen it and it was a lovely suprise to see it again. It was like seeing a part of universe that I captured on paper ~ still there, loving jayne.

4. Ben showing off his amazing FIRST ever painting. That’s right people. His FIRST ever painting. It is incredible. He swears its all in using tiny paintbrushes and being obsessive. Me thinks there’s some serious genius going on there too. Go see it! It’s his panorama of Sydney.
(See if you can spot a self portrait in one of the figures!)
5. Talking to my rocking friend Adam in Japan on the weekend! He is coming back to visit! Hurrah! We’ve been penpals since we were 13, and its such a delight to now know him. Come back soon you tall Robert Frost~loving bugger! Come sit on our beanbag and watch our crazy aussie TV shows and tell me how good my cooking is! I’ll even put up with you trying to convince me that your way of speaking is the right way. 😉
6. Got the craziest groovy cool email from the amazing jen gray today. Oh my god, it made me want to hide under my doona and run down the streets naked all at once. hee hee hee…
7. The sweetest of all ~ the beautiful Popsicletoes took this photo of her hand. Inspired by my Surefire Plan of Cheering Oneself Up. Seeing her hand light my day.

So these are the little treasures in my day.
Tomorrow night’s a non~blogger as I am off to savour another treasure ~
my first concert. And what else to break my concert virginity than forth row tickets to the divine Miss S? Excuse me while I wet my pants with excitement…
tee hee hee….