
If you’ve been around for awhile you’ll know that I’ve only ever really worked 10 hours a week in my 7 figure business.

Here’s what I spend my time on:

💗 creating free content (social media, podcast, blog posts, freebies)
📚 creating paid content (my courses & Academy)
📞 group coaching calls for my Academy members
👁️ developing strategy & developing my own business education
💰 marketing & sales
📊 a small amount of admin
I also have two part time assistants who work a combined total of 25 hours a week.

To get a clearer picture of what’s possible in your biz, ask yourself the following Qs:

How many hours do you work in your biz?
How many hours do you WANT to work a week?
What would that look like?
Can you outsource tasks to anyone else?
If yes, which ones?
If no, what can you cull to free up time?
You’ve got this!
Love always,