wildflower pillow

was so pleased today ~ getting this email from Lisa Marie,
the first official owner of a piece of Leonie life merchandise
I was so delighted to hear what she said ~
I got the wildflower pillow today!! it’s great! your handwriting, oh it’s wonderful!!! so fluffy!! i’m sleeping with it! i’m never leaving it behind. i’m bringing it to school like my binky. 🙂
hee hee hee ~ made me feel like proud mamma bear
with one of my little ones out in the world, giving huggles to Lisa Marie.


the content team girls had the equivalent of a primary school dance with the designer team boys today with a chit chat in their cubicle
they showed us this funky website… put your headphones on…
you will find it strangely hypnotic, strangely inspiring, and wondrously useless.


the travels of moleskin journals here.